《The CEO's Shy Girl (Editing)》#FlirtlyBaby


Michael's Pov

I hated Cindy, and after the stunt she pulled I felt a strong urge to knock her off the face of the earth and put her on Mars. But that method probably would have been an offense to the Martians.

How could she do this shit especially in front of Jeanette? And how could Jeanette just act unaffected? The moment Cindy said she was pregnant, I thought Jeanette would go ballistic and try to hurt me or Cindy. Or worse...I thought she would have left... and never came back.

But instead She was telling jokes. WHO THE FUCK TELLS JOKES AT SUCH A SERIOUS TIME? That fucked up my mind set. I didn't expect her to tell me to throw a party for a baby that wasn't ours.

The baby probably didn't even exist. Cindy was obviously lying. And even if the child was real, it could never be mine. Not by a long shot. We've never done anything that wasn't unprotected.

"Throw the baby shower" Jeanette said casually as she walked back into the kitchen.

"Why would I do such a terrible thing?" I hissed as she continued her search for her purse by opening up one draw after another.

Why isn't she fucking pissed? When a girl accused me of being the father of her baby, Cindy almost burned down my house and got arrested for punching a "pregnant" woman. But when we got the confirmation that it wasn't my baby Cindy finally stopped stalking the girl.

"Because if it is your baby you should be there for him or her" Jeanette said as she was still opening the drawers. I went behind her and then spin her around so she was facing me.

"Jeanette its not-" I started to say but she didn't let me finish.

"I said if Michael" she corrected and then pushed me away so there was some distance from where we stood. I was silent. She was avoiding my eyes by looking at the floor.

She cleared her throat and then began her search again.

"Besides baby showers are quite fun. Last time I was at one we played some games, ate little finger foods and heard sweet stories" she said. I was still silent.

Why did she want me to celebrate a child that wasn't even hers? Why was she so for the idea of having a baby shower for Cindy?

"Why would you want me to have a baby shower for a child that isn't even yours?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I like kids" She simply said.

"So you would be willing to have one?" I said with a little excitement in my voice.

"I said I like kids. It doesn't mean I want one of my own" she said sharply and that deflated my mood.

"But how can you like Cindy's kid. She hates you with a passion." I said.

"And I dislike her also" she said in a dull voice.

"Then why" I asked.

"The baby doesn't know me. Michael... Cindy is a slut but that baby didn't do anything. It's just renting an apartment for 9 months" she explained.

"Jeanette-" I tried to say but Jeanette covered my mouth with her hand to make me stop talking.

"Michael you don't know if that baby is yours or not. And if it is..." she started to say but then her voice started to trail off and soon there was silence. Fear crept up my spin and I got tense. I softly put her hand off my mouth and held it.


"If its mine... what would happen?" I whispered. I did and didn't want the answer. I knew that at some point she would leave me for something terrible I had done.

"I hope you accept the baby with open arms. Don't disown it because of Cindy" she said softly. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

Would things turn bad if it was mine? Would she have stayed but mistreat the baby like my mother did to Monica?

She dropped my hand and engulfed me in a hug. The hug was relaxing me and I wrapped my arms around her. It was a nice moment but it would end soon.

"Fine but I'm not calling her." I muttered into her hair.

"Don't worry. I will call the fucked up Barbie. You will just help me with the plans" she sighed as she broke the hug.

"I hate this" I grumbled.

"Whatever. Now can you please get my bag?I really need to leave." she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Fine" I said as I went on top of the kitchen fridge to get the purse.

"Idiot" she muttered as she tried to snatch the purse from me put I pulled it away.

"When will I see you again?" I asked.

"Well... I was thinking.... and I want to go back to work tomorrow" she said. I froze instantly.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said hesitantly.

"Why not?" she asked confused.

"Well if you do go back you would have to work with someone. She's my temporary assistant and I can't just fired her" I explained.

"I don't see a problem with that" she said.

"Well she is a little bit of a flirt" I said a little nervous.

"Oh..." she said as though she had an epiphany just now.

"So you guys are..." she started to say but I cut her off. I knew what she was implying.

"What? No. No." I said sharply. I would never do that. At least not at this moment. I felt something with Jeanette that I had never felt before and I don't think I wanted to ruin the state we were in.

"Okay... well... I would still like to go back to work even if she is a little unpleasant" she said confidently.

"Okay. See you tomorrow" I said as I gave her her purse. She waved and then walked out the door without looking back.

I woke up, got dressed in a hurry and sped to work. I was a little worried that Jeanette and Heather wouldn't have gotten along if I wasn't there and then chaos would disrupt the office. They would have probably killed each other without me interceding. I would have fired Heather the minute Jeanette wanted to come back to work but I needed someone if Jeanette decided to run away again. And besides although Heather basically keeps all the woman in the office away from me she's the only assistant that wouldn't openly try to kiss me in public.

I walked into the building and Jeanette was about to open the door to the stair case.

"JEANETTE" I called out and then she turned around to face me. She was wearing her hair up in a bun, a white dress shirt and some tight black pants.

I walked over to her in a hurry.

"Hey Michael" she said sweetly.

"Come with me in the elevator" I said cheerfully as I motioned to the elevator.

"I'm fine just going up the stairs" she said politely.


"Well then I'm going with you" I said as I held open the door for her. She was a bit surprised but went inside anyway.

"So why are you taking the stairs today?" she asked as we were going up.

"Why aren't you taking the elevator?" I replied.

"Because that is for the boss" she said in a kind of mocking tone.

"Well as the boss's wife you can take the elevator"

"I'm the temporary wife" she contradicted.

"Jeanette you are my wife" I said softly as I grabbed her arm to stop her from walking. We were only a few steps from the office.

"Michael, can we please just get to the office?" she sighed and tried to press forward but I wouldn't budge.

"Why can't you say it? Say your my wife? Is it that bad?" I questioned.

"Titles don't matter"

"Then say your mine"


"Because I have feelings for you Jeanette" I blurted out then she froze. She wasn't looking at me. Only the gray ground we were standing on. Silence for 5 minutes.

"Are you gonna say anything?" I asked nervously.

"No" she whispered.

"What do you mean no?"

"You can't. You can't have feelings for me" she said softly.

"Jeanette, I really feel something for you that I haven't felt in a long time and I think we should give this a try." I said as I took her hand in mine and squeezed it a little. She just remained silent.

"Please. Say some-" I started to say but Heather, my temporary assistant, busted the door open. Jeanette quickly ripped her hand away from mine and looked the other way.

"Hi Mr. Shaw how are you?" she purred from the door way.

"I'm fine Heather" I snapped. She ruined my moment.

"What are you doing with Mr. Shaw?" Heather hissed at Jeanette. Jeanette just shrugged off her question and walked by her like nothing happened.

"Heather can you please follow Jeanette and I to my office?" I said.

"Not to be rude Mr. Shaw but who is that woman?" Heather asked.

"My wife" I said curtly. When we all reached my office it was time to get to work. Although I was pretty distracted with what happened in the stair case Jeanette obviously didn't want to discuss it any further. I decided to press my point across later.

"You two will be sharing the assistant position. Jeanette, you will handling the next meeting and the presentation while Heather will be taking notes and reporting me on any new changes to the agreement. Understood"

"Yes" Heather purred.

"Yes sir" Jeanette said in a professional voice.

"So will Heather and I be sharing my old office?" Jeanette asked as she got up.

"Actually you and I will be sharing this office and Heather gets yours."

"But Mr. Shaw I have something I would like to discuss with you" Heather said in a sweet voice and glared at Jeanette.

"In private" She said through gritted teeth at Jeanette.

"Heather it doesn't matter just show me what you want to show me" I snapped.

"Okay" she said as she glared at Jeanette one last time and then went over to me. She dug around in her purse and then found a white piece of paper with some lipstick on it.

"I think you and I should go to this networking event together so we can get more writers" she said as she held out the flyer to me. Then she went behind me and started rubbing my shoulders. I should have fired her right on the spot for touching me but something stopped me. I looked up to Jeanette to see what she thought of this behavior and she wasn't even paying attention. She was just on her phone doing God knows what. That irked me that she didn't care. So I decided right then and there that if she hadn't done anything to show some kind of jealously that I wasn't firing Heather. Her not being jealous might be a sign that she didn't care about me and I needed a back up.

I put my eyes on the flyer that was in my hand. The event dinner was in 2 weeks.

"Great you and I will go. Can you please make me a copy of that?" I said casually.

"Just keep it boss" she said purred as she squeezed my shoulder one last time and then swayed out of the room.

"What do you think about the event Jeanette?" I asked as I handed the paper to her. Maybe the lipstick would have thrown her off.

"Whatever you think is best sir" she said politely as she glanced at the piece of paper and then back on her phone. I just nodded in agreement and then got out some files I had to review. I handed a document to her to start working on.

"Heather seems nice" she said casually.

"Really?" I questioned a little surprised.

"Yes. She looks like a great assistant" she said. I didn't know if she was being sarcastic or genuine. But that comment pissed me off.

Why wasn't she agitated? Cindy would have killed that bitch Heather for even looking at me. But Jeanette just shrugs it off.

What if she doesn't have any feelings for me? What if I'm the only one that has developed any emotion? My brain was hurting and I was starting to build with anger.

"So would you care if she tried to put the moves on me?" I questioned.

"I mean... if you want her you can have her" she said with a shrug.

"Okay... Okay" I said trying to hold my composer. My brain was sinking in the words she had said to me.

"What?...you wanna hit that?" she asked.

"Maybe... I don't know" I said uneasy. I was watching her the whole time and she didn't look at me once.

"Okay" she said and put her mouth into a straight line.

"So you wouldn't mind if me and her had a little alone time in my office"

"Do what you want Michael. I have to get to work. That's why I'm here after all" she snapped and then started shuffling through the papers.

I wanted to try something that would make her a little jealous. I grabbed the intercom and called Heather into the room.

"Heather can you come here?" I said as I motioned to Heather who was standing at the doorway.

"Yes Sir" she said in her squeaky voice.

"Can you get the pen I dropped?" I said as I pointed to the floor. Heather bent over to me showing her ass and shook it in front of my face. She stayed in the hunched over position for at least 10 minutes and I was glancing at Jeanette with each fleeting minute. Nothing.

"Heather forget the pen" I snapped and she took her time getting up until she was standing up straight.

"Can you come here and explain what exactly this is" I said and I motioned for her to come closer. She went behind me and pressed her chest area against my back. Her touching me repulsed me but I had to prove a point so I just endured it. Heather began to explain while Jeanette continued to write her heart out on a piece of paper. After 5 minutes I couldn't endure it anymore.

"Okay that's all Heather you can go" I snapped. She just gave me a peck on my head and then slithered out of the door.

"You have a meeting with the GCI soon. Do you need copies to give to everyone or will the power point be fine?" Jeanette asked as she began to stand up from her chair scan the papers in her hand. I wasn't in the mood. After all that shit Heather did and she was talking to me about the stupid meeting?

"Why are you asking me? You are my assistant. Can't you make the decision?!" I roared as I slammed my hand on the desk. That caused Jeanette to flinch and look at me like I was crazy.

"I was just-" she started to say in whisper but I interjected.

"You were just nothing. Just go make the damn copies and set up the meeting now!" I barked.

"Okay" Jeanette said in a low voice. Her mouth was in a line and her eyes were avoiding me. She rushed out of the office and closed the door softly. I slammed my hands on my face and groaned.

Was that the wrong response?

Then after 15 minutes she came back with a pile of papers that looked too heavy for her to carry.

"I made the copies and set up the room for the meeting" she said as she waddled to my desk. Trying not to spill and any of the papers.

"Good " I said as she placed the papers on my desk.

"I'll be organizing the files if you need me" she whispered.

"Wait... Why would you be doing that?" I asked. This meeting didn't require any files.

"It's gotten a little messy. But if you need anything, Heather is just in her office reading" she said and before I could say anything she left.

I guess she was avoiding me. I really fucked up things.

Another fifteen minutes went by and Heather came and told me the client had arrived. So I went to the archive room to get Jeanette.

"The meeting is starting" I said promptly.

"Okay Sir. I'll be there in a minute" she said as started to put back the papers that were in her hands. I just gave a little nod and waited for her. When she was done, we walked to the room together.

The people we were making the deal with hadn't been in the room and we're probably in the lobby so while we were waiting my eyes were on Jeanette. Then all of a sudden I saw her tense up. I looked in the direction where her eyes were and I was him as the door.

"YOU" I barked as I stood up from my chair.

"Well hello to you too Michael. What a pleasure to see you again." Gordon said with a smug smile as he glanced at both me and Jeanette.

"I'm so sorry for Mr. Shaw's outburst. Please sit down Mr. Clarence along with your lovely assistants. I think Mr. Shaw needs a little air before the meeting" Jeanette said calmly as she stood up from her chair.

"Of course" Gordon cheered as he and his colleges went to sit down. Then Jeanette motioned me to follow her out of the door.

"What are you doing?" she said as she dragged me to my office and then slammed the door shut.

"It was Gordon" I growled.

"What are you talking about?" she spat.

"He was the bastard who tired to fucking rape you wasn't he?" I barked. Then Jeanette angry expression turned into a surprised one.

I was going to kill Gordon Clarence.

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