《The CEO's Shy Girl (Editing)》#PartyCrashers


(The curvy words are thoughts.)

"Jeanette thank God you came as fast as you could." Cheri said as she opened the door and gestured me to come inside.

"What's wrong Cheri?" I said concerned and looked around the house to see what the damage was. I saw nothing. It was the same but with a new couch.

"Girl ,I need help. And as my maid of honor you haven't been there." she said overly dramatically and then fell on the couch.

"Wait, what?" I said confused. This woman made me risk getting a ticket for speeding to lecture me about her bullshit wedding that I am totally against.

"Yes Jeanette. How can you be so selfish? I mean, am I the only one that cares about my own wedding? I thought my best friend would be here for me" she said and then put her hand on her forehead.

"Cheri, I have things to do. I thought you were in real trouble." I growled.

"I am. I have no idea what flowers should be on the reception tables!" she shouted.

"Cheri, I do not approve this wedding. I can't help you" I said shortly.

"Wait. How can you do this to me? What have I ever done to you?" she cried and then sprang up from the couch.

"You kicked me out" I muttered.

"Oh you're always bringing the past up for no reason." she sighed.

"It just happened like 4 days ago" I spat.

"Exactly. That's like a century ago" she said.

"OMG Cheri. I'm leaving" I said and was about to turn around but she stopped me.

"Jeanette, please stop." she said as she grabbed my arm.

"What?" I said.

"You're my only friend that hasn't left me because of Josh. The only friend that I trust. The only friend I consider a sister. Please do this for me. Don't you love me enough to see me happy?" she said. I was always a sucker for guilt trips with her. Even though she was wrong most of the time

"Cheri. I'll do it Cheri. But I'm still not on board." I said.

"That's fine as long as you still love me enough to do this for me" she said.

"I will always love you Cheri. No matter how crazy your plans are.... Now what do we have to do?" I said.

"Well can you confirm all the orders I placed for the wedding on this list? It's about 2 carters, 3 florist, 4 bakers, and 6 photographers. I want you to get a feel for them and pick out one from each department. Then I want you to confirm with the guests. There are at least 400 people. Then I need you to pick out a menu for the food. Then I need you to get my wedding dress from the cleaners. They close at 10:00. I need you to do all of this before 9:00." she babbled.

"Wait, what will you be doing?" I said curious.

Sounds like I'm doing all the freaking work.

"The bride needs lunch. Bye Jeanette" she said and then she raced off to the door and slammed it shut.

I just stood there frozen. I was thinking of many things. How I could leave and not do shit. How I could just sit here and watch divorce court on YouTube. How I could mess up all the orders and laugh in her face. How I could kill Josh. And how I could be a good friend and do what she said. Obviously I went with option 2. Watch divorce court on YouTube. I cried and laughed before she came home.


"Did you call them all?" she asked. That was the first thing she said when she walked through the door. No hello. She didn't even have food in her hand for me.

"Of course not." I said bluntly as I shrugged my shoulders. Then I looked at her face and saw shock.

"WHAT! JEANETTE THE WEDDING IS TOMORROW! What are people gonna eat? Drink? Where are they going to sit?" she said outraged. She was turning red and fire was in her eyes. I was kinda scared but I played it off.

"Well there's McDonald's and they can sit on pillows" I said through some chuckles.

"JEANETTE, YOU BETTER FIX THIS!" she said and grabbed me shirt to level my eyes with her.

Damn this bitch was crazy.

"How about you not have the wedding?" I suggested and then she let go of my shirt and slapped me in the face.

"This wedding is happening!" she growled " and if you don't fix this, then you won't be invited and we will no longer be friends." I knew she was bluffing so I just played it off cool.

"See you later Cheri." I said and got up to leave. I've had enough of her crazy for one day. Now I have to go to the house and see my crazy fake husband.

"Jeanette you better not walk out that door." she sneered.

"Okay I'll run out the door. Bye" I said and left. I heard her screams all the way from outside. I chuckled as I walked away. I got in the car and drove away Shaw's house.

"Hello" I chirped as I came through the door. He was sitting down on the couch watching TV.

"Hello whore" he spat and turned off the T.V.

I ignored him and went to the kitchen to start my work for that abomination Cheri called a wedding. I made my first call to Hudson. He wasn't on the list but he was apart of my plan. I wasn't going to let this wedding happen with convincing Cheri one last time to not go through with it.

I met Hudson at the garage where Michael towed my car away. We became friends and I knew exactly who he was right for.

"Hey Hudson, how are you?" I said through the phone.

"Jeanette, you finally called" Hudson said happily through the phone.

" Of course." I giggled. And then Michael came into view watching me. I didn't want to see him so I turned around.

"So what's up?" he said.

"I know this is totally last minute but do you wanna go to a wedding with me tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.

"Um.... yes ,why not" he said casually.

"Okay I'll send you a text of the details." I asked.

"Great" he said.

"Can't wa-"I was about to say but was cut off. The phone was snatched from my hands roughly.

"Who the hell is Hudson? One of the men you're sleeping with?" Michael accused as he gripped my phone tightly.

"No! Give me the phone, I'm busy" I growled and tried to snatch the phone from him.

"No. I won't allow you to talk to men." he yelled.

"Ugh! Give me the damn phone" I growled. Then he threw the phone on the other side of the kitchen and it hit the wall. The phone landed on the ground in fucking pieces. I felt like picking up one of the pieces of glass and stabbing him but I stopped myself.... Barely.


"Now both of us can't have the damn phone." he spat and tried to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"What's wrong with you?" I said furiously.

"Shut up" he said disgusted and then tried to leave again. That was not the only thing that was going to be broken. I went after his back pocket and took out a phone.

"GIVE IT BACK!" he yelled and tried to push me down to get the phone but I ran. Then when he wasn't close, I threw the phone on the floor and did a little tap dance on it. I was very pleased when I looked down and saw the cracks and dents. Haha

"YOU BITCH" he yelled and then pushed me to the floor and picked up his precious phone.

"Tell me something I don't know" I said as I wiped my hair and left the house like a boss ass bitch.

As soon as I left, I went to AT&T to get a new phone. I couldn't be walking around without one.

Then I went to McDonald's and made arrangements for them to cater the wedding and through out the whole arrangement I couldn't keep a straight face. I also bumped into a special person and asked them to officiate the wedding.

After my mischievous acts I went to Tiffany's house.

"Hey girl" I exclaimed at the door and then hugged her.

"Hey, what's up?" she said hugging me back.

"Oh nothing much. I need you to come with me somewhere tomorrow." I said as I went to sit on the couch.

"Girl, you know Sunday is my day of rest." she said.

"What have you done this week that has been hard?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I had to do some technology things for companies and then work at the radio station" she explained.

"Woman that doesn't matter, you should have slept today if you were tired." I said.

"Why would you want to interrupt my day?" she said as she crossed her arms.

"Well you and I are gonna crash a wedding this Sunday" I said with an evil smirk. Then I saw a glint in her eyes and she got really excited.

"Cheri's wedding. I thought you'd never ask" she said enthusiastically.

"OMG girl yeasss you read my mind."I snickered.

"Lol girl she's making me do everything." I continued with a sigh.

"Really, What did she do?" Tiffany asked.

"Well she went out to eat while I was working on her wedding plans" I said and then explained the work I was suppose to endure.

"I would have slapped her for asking for all that shit" she said heated.

"Oh trust me. I made things a little more interesting." I said with an evil grin.

"Girl tell me what you did" she squealed inquisitively.

"You shall see soon" I giggled.

"Ugh, fine but it better be good" she said.

"Of course." I said.

" Well I'll be ready. I'll go with James." she said.

"I need you to keep an eye on a certain fellow." I said,

"Who girl?" she curiously.

"It's this guy named Hudson. He is the cutest little thing you've ever seen. And he is so genuinely nice" I gossiped.

"What are you planning?" she groaned.

"Just a little matching up might occur. Well I gotta go" I said.

"Bye" she said and I left.

I was going to go see Patton but she called me and told me that she was busy. I wasn't too keen on the idea but I had to get home. It was almost midnight.

"Where have you been?" Michael said cornering me at the door.

"Out" I said as I slipped past him and tried to go upstairs.

"Really I hadn't noticed" he said sarcastically as he snatched my arm and pulled me to him.

UGH again with the snatching.

"Well, be more observant" I said in the same tone as him.

"Jeannette, were you out with that guy Hudson?" he accused as he squeezed my arm tightly making me whimper.

"I don't have time for a jealous husband" I spat and tried to yank my arm away from him but that only made him more angry.

"Oh, so you were out with him!" he growled and his eyes grew cold and harsh.

"No. I was not with Hudson" I finally said slowly like he was a stupid.

"Then were where you?!" he yelled and then slammed me into a freaking wall. He left go of my arm but he was to close to my body for me to wiggle free and leave.

"Why do you care?" I said as I put my hands against his chest. I was trying to create a little distance.

"Because my wife-"he started to say but I interjected.

"Fake wife" I corrected.

"-has been absent from her house all day" he growled.

"I was with my friends." I sighed in defeated "By the way, do you want to come to a wedding with me tomorrow?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't want anyone to see me with you." he replied with disgust in his voice.

"Well okay. I'll just go with Wes" I said with a smirk.

"Go with him and there will be hell to pay" he retorted dismissively and then left me standing there. Then I heard a huge slam at the door.

I woke up the next day early. Like at 5 o'clock in the morning. I had my alarm disabled since I got married but I needed to get up so I could start preparing for the lovely wedding.

Michael spank out of bed alarmed and then analyzed the room to detect where the noise was coming from. Meanwhile I was still snuggled up with my fluffy pillow.

"What is that?" he said.

"My alarm clock stupid" I muttered.

"Turn it off now" he snapped and then grabbed me to get up.

"Fine" I said and turned over to where my phone was charging to turn it off.

"How did you get a new phone?" he asked.

"I bought it with this green paper, called money" I replied in a mocking tone.

"Your whoring around money?" he said grumpy.

"That's it. Call me a whore one more time and I'll punch you so hard that you'll fucking taste blood" I warned and then his face smirked.

"You. Fucking. Ugly Ass. Whore" he taunted. And as he said each word he would come closer to my face. When he ended his sentence I looked away from him and closed my eyes. Then I sprung out of bed abruptly and lunged at him. I straddled him and made him lie on his back. And then I did the most rational thing I could do at that point in time. I punched him hard in the nose. His hands automatically went up to hold his nose and then I saw some blood dripping. Then he uncovered it and his nose was running blood like ice cream melting on a hot summer day.

"YOU BITCH" He yelled and tried to grab me but I was quick. I punched him in the stomach and jumped off the bed. I ran into the bathroom. When I was ready to leave I tried to sneak out of the bathroom and leave the room but he was there.

"Why are you always wearing slutty cloths?" he said grabbing my shoulders. He had some white stuff in his nose and was breathing through his mouth.


"And why do you never shut the hell up?" I said pushing him away.

"Just for that and the little stunt you pulled. I'm burning everything you own" he said harshly.

"Burn them, and I will fucking cut off your crusty fingers." I spat.

"Your threats don't scared me" he growled.

"They aren't to scared you. Just to warn you of shit that will happen" I snapped. And then I left the room abruptly slamming the door. Quickly, I got in my car and drove to Cheri's home. I opened the door with the key that was under the mat and when I went inside, I saw Cheri on the couch.

"Hello Cheri, wake up. Why are you on the couch?" I said as I shook her shoulders.

"Oh, Josh wanted the room for himself last night" she said through a yawn. It looked like she had bags under her poor eyes.

"Oh okay. Well I'll just get things started" I snapped cheerfully trying to bury my anger until the time was right.

"What do you mean?" she said confused.

"Well, I need you to go and get dressed. Go in my old room so we can get started out here" I said.

"What?" she said still confused. And then I left her side to open the door to my crew.

"Guys, come in please." I said politely and gestured them inside.

"Jeanette, what are you doing?" She said as she got up and looked at the people filling the living room and then going out to the back yard. I decided to having the wedding back there because it had a lot more room than the tiny living room. 50 people were coming not the 400 like she wanted.

"Preparing for your wedding dummy" I giggled as I instructed the people how to set things up.

"Now not another word. Go in my old room and get changed" I said as I gestured for her to leave.

I finished everything at the last minute. The officiator came right on time and I had butterfly's in my stomach. This plan could make or break my relationship with Cheri.

"Hello Matthew" I said with a huge grin and shook his hand firmly.

He said hello as well and I lead him to were he would be directing the wedding. Then I went to my room to check in on Cheri.

"You ready?" I said as I popped my head in the room.

"Yes. Oh and Josh says he wants to be the one walking down the aisle" she said. I didn't say anything. I just nodded my head and lead her outside to stand next to the minister. As I was making my way upstairs, I saw Hudson walk through the door. He looked handsome.

"Hey Hudson, you look great" I said and gave him a bear hug.

"Thank you and so do you" he said and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks. So I have some people to introduce to you" I said and then dragged him over to were Tiffany and James sat. In the front. After I got everyone introduced, I had to leave and get the lovely groom.

"Hello asshole" I said as I walked into the room. I saw a man sleeping in the bed but I didn't say anything. I just kept my smile.

"Hello bitch. Can you be useful and tie my tie?" he said with a smug smile. I went over to him grabbed the ends of the tie and yanked him over to me. Then I started to tie it.

"So, I see you're having fun living here." I said.

"What do you mean?" he said with smile.

"Tif saw you with another dude in here. Probably the same guy from behind McDonald's, right?" I said.

"Cheri doesn't care. And even if she did, she's to desperate to fight back. That little piece of shit will let me live here as long as I want." he said smugly.

"If you break her heart anymore then you already have, I will end you" I warned almost strangling him with the tie but then he started to turn blue so I had to let go.

"Breaking her heart is the least of my worries. My boyfriend already wants me to leave her and I love him. But I need her to keep paying my bills." he said through coughs as he tried to return his breath.

"You son of a hair less bitch" I whisper shouted. I wanted to kill him. I wanted him to suffer for doing this. But I couldn't... not yet.

"What do you want me to say? That I like Cheri? That I want to be with her for the rest of my life? The second she stops paying everything I'm done. The second she stops listening to me and trying to please me I'm done. She's nothing to me." he spat.

"Well she's something to me and you don't deserve anyone as great as her" I hissed.

"If you were worried about her, you would have figured out how to break us up, but you're too stupid for that aren't you?" he smirked.

"Fuck you. Let's go" I snapped through gritted teeth.

"You're walking down the aisle?" he questioned.

"Damn right" I grumbled and with that we headed off to the front of the back yard door and then two men opened it up for us.

"What is this?" he said as he stared at the minister.

"What is what?" I said innocently.

"That guy, he's-" he was about to say but I butted him.

"Your boyfriend? Yes." I replied.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"For my best friend" I said sincerely.

"Your best friend is going to be the next cat lady if you do this." he spat.

"Might as well be alone, then be with someone who doesn't want you" I said with a shrug. And then we reached the end of the line.

"Hi Matt" Josh said.

"Honey, how do you know our ministers name?" Cheri said confused.

"Oh umm...." Josh said as he was trying to think but Matt interrupted him.

"We meet at a bar" Matt quickly said.

"Oh okay" Cheri said convinced.

"Hello everyone. I just want to start off this wedding with a thank you" I said speaking through the microphone.

"Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy the McDonald's and I hope you enjoy this little recording I took earlier of Josh and I's little conversation" I said. Then I took out the recorder from my hand bag and put the recorder close to the microphone so they could hear everything. There were some gasps and glares thrown in Josh's direction. I was very satisfied. Until I saw the tears streaming down Cheri's face. It ruined her make up. My heart was breaking for her but I had to. I had to try one last time. And you know what they say the bigger the better.

"YOU BITCH!" Josh yelled behind me which made me jump a little.

"That's my nickname, don't wear it out" I said casually as I shrugged my shoulders. Then Josh reached out for Cheri but she back the hell away from him.


"Don't touch me." she whimpered.

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