《The CEO's Shy Girl (Editing)》#MyThirdJob


"Girl, what you got in the bag?" Tiffany said trying to snatch the bag from my hand but I jerked it backwards so she couldn't reach it.

That was the first thing she asked me when I went walked into the station. No "hello", no "wow I like your new mascara". Just plain and simple: What's in my bag. Oh by the way Tiffany is like a behind the scenes person at the radio station. She helps with the technology. We hit it off the first day I started working here like two years ago.

"Come on, let me see what's inside" she whined and tried to snatch it again.

"No, cuz if I do, you're gonna ask for some and I ain't sharing today" I said as I slapped her hand.

"Bitch give me the bag!" she yelled as she jumped on me roughly and tackled me to the ground. She grabbed the bag that I was holding onto for dear life and looked inside.

"Really girl? You get French fries and a bacon cheese burger and you didn't think to give me anything? The least you could do was get me a chocolate shake." She said dramatically.

"Do you have chocolate shake money?" I said playfully and snatched my food from her.

"I would've payed you back...in a couple of years" she muttered the last part.

"And that's why I didn't get you anything. Besides you got a man to cook for you at your house. He is a gourmet chef for Christ sake!" I exclaimed.

"Yea but he never wanna cook nothing simple. Every five minutes it's some douchey shit that I don't even know how to pronounce." She said exasperated.

"Girl, you crazy. You don't need to know how to pronounce things. You just have to make sure it taste's good" I said as playfully slapped her on the arm.

"Tru. So how was today at that hell hole?" she said with a smirk.

"Eh the same I guess. He yells in my face. I almost spilled coffee on him and then he got so mad he threw it on me." I said causally.

"Why don't you ever throw the coffee on him? You always have burns because he orders it so damn hot" she said aggravated. Tiffany doesn't like Mr. Shaw as you can tell. She doesn't like that I put up for all his crap, but as I keep telling her it will pay off in the long run.

"You know very well that I can't do that. He would hate me even more than he already does." I said.

"Well just make me this promise. Make sure at the end of this year when you stop working for him, that you throw some hot ass coffee right in his face and kick him where the sun don't shine" she said.


"I wouldn't have done it any other way girl. Hey, when does the segment start?" I said giggling.

"Oh in like 5 minutes," she said shrugging her arms.

"Lady! You made me talk to you while I could have been eating my dinner. I didn't even have lunch. I don't need my stomach talking while I'm broadcasting" I said dramatically.

"It's your fault. You're the one who didn't show me what was inside your damn McDonald's bag" she said with a smirk.

"Well I'm pretty sure you could have made an educated guess that I had McDonalds in it" I said snorting a little bit.

"I needed the details girl. I ain't no general Bitch. I need content, and descriptions. That's why my man loves it when I whisper in his ear after a long day of work." She said the last part a little seductively.

"Omg woman! TMI" I said as I put my hands lightly on my ears so I didn't have to listen anymore.

"Jeanette! Hurry up and get in your seat. We're going live in less then 2 minutes" West shouted across the room. West was my Co-host on the show. We are great friends but Tiffany keeps telling me he has a little crush on me. I shrug her crazy assumptions off because I know it's not true. He has a girlfriend for Pete's sake.

"You see what you did?" I said to Tiffany.

"Of course I see girl. I ain't stupid. Now I get to eat your food cuz I'm pretty sure you're not gonna eat those fries after an hour has passed. They get kinda stale" she said with a smirk.

"Ugh here," I surrendered as I had the bag to and started walking to my chair. I turned around and hollered "You owe me."

"I owe a lot of people" she hollered back.

I rushed to my seat, put on my headphones and checked if my mic was working. When West say that I was ready he put us on.

"Hey everyone its West and Jeanie here back at it again to talk to you folks" he said in a whether Mans voice.

"Sorry he sounds cheesy everyone, but don't worry I'm still trying my best to change him for the better." I teased.

"Whatever Jeanie," he said playfully glaring at me.

"So everyone before we get started let us notify you on up coming events," he continued.

"Well we have a guest coming on the show in a few days. I'm not allowed to say who but I'm pretty sure that guys will love him on here. He has made a big impact on publishing, so we're gonna interview him live. He'll tell you about how he reached his dream." I said with enthusiasm.

"Yup and that's pretty much all we have for today now back to our regularly scheduled nonsense. Our first subject is about dreams," He said still in his weather man voice.


"And no not the wet dreams you have about banging your neighbor across the street" I added.

"But if you have, please call in because I wanna hear those juicy details." He said.

"Just don't be too graphic because I've seen enough hard on's for today and I'm pretty sure I don't wanna see my Co-host sporting one." I said.

"Oh really how many did you seen?" he said

"None and I intend to keep it that way West" I said with a playful glare and we both laughed.

"Okay so back to the subject. When you guys were probably really young" he stated.

"Yea. Did anyone as a little kid have dreams to be something like an doctor or an astronaut?" he continued curiously into the microphone.

"Please call in if you have" I said a looked at the dash board for incoming calls.

*Ring Ring* the board rang and flipped up the switch to take the call.

"Hi I'm Shelly" said a woman on the other end. She sounded like a southern person.

"Hi Shelly" me and West said at the same time. I felt him glance towards me but my eyes were trained on the control board.

"Yes um... I dreamed of being a singer" she said with an excited voice.

"Did you have a motivation?" I questioned.

"Oh yes. I loved expressing myself through song and wanted to just share that with the world" she said all so sweetly.

"And did you do anything to help yourself reach that goal?" Wes said.

"Yes, I took singing lessons as a kid and write a lot of songs" she said.

"You write a lot of song. So that means your still in the music business?" I said.

"Yes I am and I sing some anonymous tracks" she said proudly.

"Wow, you did really well for yourself Shelly. Good job!" I said.

"Thanks. Bye" she said

"Bye" me and West said at the same time.

There was another so I answered it "caller number two you're on the line."

"Hey my name is Frank" the man said with an English accent.

"Hi Frank" me and West said at the same time. The accent was making me fall in love right then and there.

"So what did you want to be Frank?" I said curiously.

"I wanted to be an American basketball player and go head to head in the NBA" he said confidently.

"Wow! You had some goals. So... did you have any motivation?" I said.

"Yes. I wanted to have enough money to help my family and make their lives easier in England" he said.

"Aww Frank. That's so sweet" I said putting my hand on my heart. I was melting. That resulted in me receiving a glare from West.

"And did you do anything to reach that goal?" he interjected a little harsh.

"Oh yea. I drank a lot of Gatorade an played half court with my boys everyday" he said keeping it light.

"So do you still play basketball or..." I questioned.

"No actually I ....work at McDonald's" he said kinda embarrassed.

"Well, hold on Frank you could make it! Just don't eat everything they have on the menu and keep at your goal." I said encouragingly.

"I will. Bye" he laughed.

"Bye" I said sadly and West just stopped talking entirely.

It went on like that for three or four hours and then our segment on the show ended.

"Until next time this is Jeanie and West signing out. So now its back to the music you guys love for the rest of the night" I said with a cheery voice.

When I shut off my mic, I put on the music on and I walked out of the booth. I went to Tiffany who was in another room playing with the sound board for the music.

"So, how did I do?" I asked a little nervous.

"Great as always. Oh and girl you were today hitting it of with that guy worked at McDonald's." she said amused.

"It was just an act girl. I need to engage with the viewers" I said casually

"Sure you did" she said not believing me.

"Oh shut up. So how's you and that husband of yours" I said.

"Me and him we got into a fight because of him being out cooking for rich people when he should be spending time with ME. But he's gonna make it up to me. He got invited to a lite club opening up tomorrow night." she squeal.

"Wait, what's the name of the club?" I said

"um... C-ME" she said slowly because she was think.

"OMG girl! That's my brothers club opening up" I said.

"Girl, you didn't tell me you have money?" she gasped.

"I don't but he does. Its like his 4th club he's opened up. He also does other things like programming but he mostly focuses on his clubs" I explained.

"Well its announced to be the hottest one in town. Only VIP's are allowed and even if you still wanna go you have to waiting this big ass line" she said

"Hey, do you guys wanna join me for his grand opening?" I said.

"Girl why you even asking me? You know the answers gonna be HELL YES" she said

"My apologies." I said amused

"So you want me to drive you home or...." I continued.

"Girl, why you asking me stupid questions? You know damn well I don't own a car" she said with a glare.

"I know I'm just playing" I said walking to the door with her behind me.

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