《Water and Ice | Shoto Todoroki》Chapter 14-Search and Rescue


My mind started to go on overdrive.

"A week?" I asked.

She nodded.

Were people even looking for me? Did anyone notice I was gone? If they were looking, how had they not found me yet?

"Your friends at UA started to worry when you didn't show up. The teachers tried to organize a search party. They think you might already be dead." She told me.

I tried to take a deep breath.

"Oh well. If you don't want to eat, then I'll go." She said.

She took the tray and went out the door. Forget the screw, this girl had the whole toolbox missing. I heard a lock click into place as she left me alone again. I felt overwhelmed at the thought of having been missing for a whole week and still not being found.

"Please. Please don't give up."


I was woken up by the sound of a door opening and closing. I looked around and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. The heat was still as hot as ever, and I continued to sweat. I looked over to see who had entered. It was 'Shiggy'.

"So is your name really Shiggy?" I asked him.

"What? No. Who told you that?" He asked.

"Oh. Toga called you that." I told him.

He sighed and scratched his neck.

"No. My name is Tomura Shigaraki." He said.

I nodded.

"Will you join the League of Villains?" He asked.

"No." I said almost immediately.

There was no way I would join these criminals. He started scratching his neck harder.

"You're really getting on my nerves. If you won't join, then you can just stay here and rot until you decide otherwise." He said.

"Ok." I responded.

He narrowed his eyes at me. I narrowed mine back. He stopped scratching his neck and left.



I went in and out of consciousness. At one point I thought I saw Todoroki standing before me, but he disintegrated like sand in the wind. I saw Ura reaching out for me and I tried to take her hand, but she vanished. I saw blue flames, blood, and all my friends turning to dust. I knew it was only a dream, but it felt too real.


I woke up again and tried to calm myself down. It was only a dream, I told myself. Just a dream.

Suddenly the door opened. Toga came in with another tray of food.

"You're up!" She said happily.

I glared at her. She set down the tray of food.

"Are you ready to eat yet?" She asked.

"You people are just trying to brainwash me. There's no way I'll ever join your stupid League!" I said.

She frowned.

"Our League isn't stupid, it's for a cause. Everyone here wants the same thing, to take down heroes. You might not see it yet, but soon you'll get why we do this. Then you'll want to join our cause, at least that's what Shiggy said." She told me.

"I'll never join you scumbags!" I exclaimed.

Suddenly there was an explosion. The room shook and a small crack appeared in the wall.

"That's not good!" Toga jumped up and ran over to hit the alarm.

Suddenly the wall exploded inward. I saw Bakugo standing there with his hand still stretched out. An ice barrier suddenly separated me from Toga and the door. I saw some of my classmates run over on the other side, probably to take care of Toga. Cool air rushed into the room and I suddenly felt extremely weak. All the time I had spent here had gotten my body accustomed to the high temperatures. Now I shivered as a soft breeze brushed past me. Todoroki ran over to me.


"Y/n? Oh god, please say you're ok." He said while looking me over.

"I-I'm fine." I said weakly.

He quickly started untying my hands and legs.

"It's ok, we'll get you out of here."

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