《Water and Ice | Shoto Todoroki》Chapter 12-New Discoveries


"That's better, now try and direct the blast." Todoroki encouraged.

I tried focusing on the direction of my ice. I let out another blast and it formed a loose ice wall over the lake.

"That's better, I think you're getting the hang of this." He said.

I nodded and he let out a fire blast to melt the ice.

"I don't think I've ever seen you use your fire before." I said to him.

"I don't usually use it." He stated.

I watched as the ice slowly melted away to nothing.

"It's about time head back. We shouldn't stay out too late." He said.

I nodded and followed him away.

"Can we train on Monday?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He said as he lead me out.

He brought me back to my house.

"I'll see you on Monday then." I said.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting." He gave me a small smile before starting to walk away.

I brushed off his response and headed inside.

"So where did you guys go?" My mother immediately asked.

"We just went to train." I told her.

"Oh really? What's his name?" She asked.

"It's Shoto Todoroki." I had learned his first name during training.

"Hey, isn't that Endeavor's son?" She asked.

"Oh, is it? I didn't realize." That would explain the fire part of his quirk.

"Dinner will be ready soon." She said before heading back into the kitchen.

I headed upstairs and sat down on my bed again. I started to think again, about everything that had happened and was happening. I thought about how I had gotten into UA, and then excelled in class. I thought about the first day when Todoroki had shown me the little pond in the park, and the time we had spent there together. I thought about the sleepover at Momo's, the kiss, the movie, and the night. And then I thought about today, when Todoroki had started to teach me. He had helped me with a lot of improvement, and I knew if I kept training with his help I'd be able to fully master my ice.


"Y/n! It's time for dinner!" My mom jolted me out of my thoughts.

I went downstairs to eat. I ate my food and took care of my dishes before saying I would go on a walk. I grabbed a light jacket before heading outside. I walked along the sidewalk and crossed the street. I suddenly saw Ura across the street. She waved and crossed over.

"Hey! I was just coming back from a walk, how about you?" She asked.

"Oh, I was just heading out for one." I told her.

"Oh! What a coincidence!" She smiled.

I smiled back.

"I was meaning to tell you, me and a few of the other girls wanted to go shopping at the mall tomorrow. Wanna come?" She asked me.

"Yeah, sure! Sounds fun!" I happily agreed.

"Awesome! We'll meet up at three." She said.

I said goodbye and continued on. I headed deeper into the city and found myself wandering through empty streets and alleys. I decided it was getting kind of late and I should start to go back. I turned around to walk back.

Suddenly a dark figure blocked my way. I stepped back but a hand suddenly wrapped around my mouth and kept me from screaming. A cloth covered with chloroform was lifted to my nose and I knew I shouldn't breathe it in. I tried to hold my breath and get enough control to use my quirk, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to take a breath and felt the chemical make me start to lose consciousness.

"This one should be a good addition."

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