《Water and Ice | Shoto Todoroki》Chapter 9-Sleepover(Part 3)


"Hey guys? How about we play seven minutes in heaven?" Mina suggested.

Ura stuck her head out from behind Mina.

"Yeah! Great idea Mina!" She laughed.

To my dread, murmurs of agreement swept through the rest of the class.

"I'm just gonna go get some fresh air..." I slowly backed away.

Mina looked disappointed but nodded. I headed out the front door and was immediately greeted by the cool night air. It was about ten-something and it looked like all the stars were out. I counted constellations as I leaned against one of the trees.

I didn't seem like I'd been out for awhile but suddenly Ura came out.

"Hey, you've been gone for awhile. We were starting to worry." She said.

"Oh, sorry. I was just looking at the stars." I told her.

"Ok! You can stay out here longer!" She suddenly said.

I brushed off her sudden decision as she went back inside. I looked back up at the stars but then heard a door open and close. It was Todoroki.

"Uraraka said I needed to get the mail, I'm not sure why though." He said as he stepped out and saw me.

I sighed. Yet another plan of hers.

"I don't think there's any mail." I said.

"What? Then why would she ask me to go and get it?" He asked cluelessly.

"Who knows." I replied before looking back up at the sky.

I felt him sit down next to me.

"My mother used to tell me that stars were the souls of the people we loved most. That once they passed away they make another, brighter star. Now I know that stars are just balls of gas in the sky, but back then I believed her." He said.

I smiled. It seemed like he was finally comfortable enough to start opening up to me.

"I think that would be a nice way to be remembered. When someone you loved looked up at the sky, they would see your star and know that you were happy there. That they would always be with you." I said.

He nodded. I yawned and looked at my watch. It was already pretty late.

"We should probably head back inside." I said.

He nodded again and started to get up. He lent me his hand to help me up. I took it and brushed myself off. We walked back to the door and went inside.

It looked like everyone was getting out sleeping bags and finding places on the floor. I looked around and saw Ura had already set up my sleeping bag for me, it was a little farther from the group and next to someone else's. Knowing Ura, I had a pretty good idea of who's it was.

"Oh! You're back!" Ura said while smiling.

I narrowed my eyes but didn't say anything.


"We decided to get some sleep since everyone everyone was already pretty tired." Mina explained.

I nodded and went over to my bag which Ura had placed next to my sleeping bag. Todoroki also went over to the bag near the other sleeping bag. I grabbed my pj's and went to find an empty room to change in. I found a small bathroom down the hall and put on my tank top and sweatpants. Once I was done, I headed back and saw that almost everyone was already ready.

"Y/n! Todoroki! Can you come over here for a sec?!" Mina and Ura whisper shouted to us from one of the hallways.

I walked over and Todoroki followed me.

"So we sort of overflowed one of the bathrooms, can you guys help us clean it up? There's lot of towels in that closet over there." Mina explained.

I sighed. Of course they would do something stupid like this. I walked with Todoroki to the closet they'd pointed out with Ura and Mina following close behind.

I opened the door but didn't see any towels inside, it was just mostly empty.

"Hey there's no-" I started to say.

Suddenly I felt myself being pushed forward. I stumbled forward and caught myself with my hands right before I smashed into the wall. I immediately turned around, only to have the closet doors slam in my face. I tried the door knob, but of course it was locked. I looked next to me to see Todoroki standing there, as stunned as I was.

"Ura! Mina! This isn't funny!" I called.

I only heard their muffled laughter from the other side. I groaned and sank down against the wall. Of course, they just HAD to do it didn't they. I'm considering moving them from the friends list to the target list.

I looked up and saw Todoroki leaning against the wall across from me. He wasn't looking directly at me, more at the floor in front of me(not that there was much floor between us anyway).

"How're we gonna get out?" I asked.

"I don't know." He responded.

He didn't know? Todoroki always seemed to have the answer during class and training, why was he blanking now? I guess it didn't matter anyway. Ura and Mina had to let us out at some point, right?


"And...there!" I twisted the knob and it finally opened.

I stepped out of the closet, taking a deep breath. It felt a lot cooler out here, probably because I'd gotten used to the hot temperature inside the closet.

Todoroki stepped out right after me, also relieved to be out.

"I can't believe they were actually gonna leave us in there all night..." I grumbled.

It took a while to pick that lock, longer than I would've liked to be stuck in there. I'm not sure what Ura and Mina thought would happen, but it definitely didn't bring us any closer or something like that.


I started walking back to the living room where I was guessing the others were gathered. I walked in, only to see them all already sleeping peacefully. I narrowed my eyes at Ura, she was sleeping too. Would they have noticed if we just suffocated in there?

I grabbed one of the pillows off the couch and made my way through the rest of the class over to her. I lifted the pillow and then brought it down, giving her a good smack on the head. She mumbled something and just instinctively picked up the pillow, weakly throwing it back at me. She was still half asleep though, and her aim was terrible. Instead of hitting me, the pillow flew past and hit Kaminari who was sleeping a little farther away. He seemed extremely disoriented, but he sat up and threw the pillow back. Again, they were both half asleep, although I don't think Kaminari's aim was ever that good to begin with, and the pillow missed us completely. I watched it soar back across the room and instead hit Bakugo right in the face.

Uh oh.

"WHO THREW THE PILLOW?!" He shouted.

His reflexes were truly amazing, did he just instinctively get mad that fast? Bakugo's yelling caused the rest of our classmates to wake up, but pillows were already flying around everywhere.

And so our overly-aggressive pillow fight began.

I ducked down as a pillow flew towards my head, instead hitting someone behind me. Everyone was definitely up now, and almost everyone was participating in the fight. Feathers were everywhere, but I was definitely having fun. People were starting to build forts out of cushions, and there were four major ones that were being constructed. I slipped over to one, avoiding getting hit by other pillows on the way. It turns out Kaminari, Sero, Tsuyu, and Ojiro were hiding behind this one.

"Get in quickly! There's not much time before it turns into full on war." Kaminari moved one of the cushions aside to let me in.

This all seemed a bit dramatic, but I went inside their fort anyway. We started planning our offensive strategy as chaos ensued around us.


I stood in the midst of floating feathers and tired classmates. We were all exhausted from the intense pillow fight. Some people had collapsed, others were still left standing.

"Ok, I think it's time for be-" Mina started to say before she just collapsed and started snoring.


"Alright well let's just see if we can at least set up the sleeping bags." Ura sighed.

The ones that were awake mumbled agreement and shuffled around, getting their stuff ready.

"Looks like we're all set, lights off in ten minutes." Ura said after everyone was about finished.

We all nodded and I took out my phone. It looked like my friend Camie had texted me. We had been friends for a long time, but she decided to go to Shiketsu instead of UA. I hadn't really heard from her since the school year started, so I was happy she had texted. I decided to call her in the morning, after I got home. That way we could have a conversation without(sort of) twenty people listening in. I put my phone away and went over to my sleeping bag.

I had helped drag other people into their sleeping bags, so I didn't notice when Ura put me right next to Todoroki. She was still scheming despite the fact that we'd already been forced to kiss and spend much longer than necessary in a closet together. Regardless, I was extremely tired and didn't have any more fight left in me. I just laid down and sighed.

I heard Todoroki behind me, but I resisted the urge to turn around and make it more awkward. I tried to ignore him and thought about everything that had happened. Did he actually have feelings for me? I know Ura kept saying he did, but I still wasn't sure. Even if he did, I still wasn't sure if I felt the same. Whenever I was around him, I felt like I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone and I could just be myself. But then at the same time, I got this weird feeling, like my stomach was being twisted into a knot. Maybe I should see a doctor.

I didn't realize it had already been ten minutes until Ura spoke.

"Ok, night everybody!" She said as she flipped the switch to the lights.

I heard people rustling in their sleeping bags, and I heard Ura trip while trying to get to hers. I heard several people already snoring, and it wasn't very hard to tell who it was. I tried closing my eyes and getting some rest, but I had so many thoughts were swirling through my head. I shifted around in my sleeping bag restlessly. I kept trying to switch positions and make myself comfortable enough to rest. I ended up on my side, still facing away from Todoroki. I wasn't sure whether he was asleep or not, but I was probably making too much noise.

Time went by, and I lost track of how long it had been. I still couldn't get my eyes to stay closed, but when I looked around it seemed like everyone else was asleep. I started to shift again. I heard Todoroki murmuring something, probably in a dream.

I suddenly felt warm hands around me. I tried looking behind me, and it looked like Todoroki was asleep. He pulled me to his chest, and I didn't try and stop him. I sighed but then heard him mumble something.


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