《Tragedy (Tim Drake x Reader)》Chapter 5



You are going to pay for not obeying, I said to stay away from Tim but since you still don't wanna listen. You will get what's coming to you, Mark.My.Words Y/N this isn't over.


I woke up the next morning with a warm feeling around me, then I remembered that Tim was here so I looked up smiling at him. He moved around before he opened his eyes so I blushed "morning" I blushed harder looking away "morning". He gave my waist a squeeze which made me look at him "What's wrong" I sigh "I, I don't want to always bombard you with my problems Tim" he looked at me worried "did she email you again" I nodded. He sat up and grabbed my phone so I got up and leaned over his shoulder to see him disable my account, I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder "thank you". He chuckled laying back down pulling me with him so I laid against his chest "of corse Y/N" He started carefully running his hands through my hair which gave me a warm feeling.

"Tim" I heard him hum "are you gonna stay for breakfast" I felt his lips on my temple "sure why not" he wrapped his other arm around my waist so I blushed and looked up at him "Tim" he smiled "yeah". "I-" I was cut off by a knock on my door so I looked down getting off Tim "come in" my sister opened the door slowly "breakfast is ready". Once she closed the door I sighed looking down at my feet "what were you gonna tell me" I shook my head "nothing important". When we finally got downstairs and ate, which consisted of both S/N and Tim.

The breakfast was quiet but I could feel Tim's eyes on me, I made a note to ask him later. Luckily it was Saturday so we didn't have to worry about school. After breakfast was over I got ready then told my sister we were heading over to Tim's place for a while. We started walking to Wayne mansion, I walked with my head down and Tim was holding my hand.

"What's wrong Y/N" I sigh "why were you watching me through all of breakfast" he stopped walking making me stop with him. "I just wanted to make sure you eat" I smiled lightly before hugging his waist "thank you Tim". We Continued our walk to the manor hands intertwined.

Alfred greeted us both before we walked in, I saw the same three men from yesterday when Tim brought me here. They all stood up "so you brought your girlfriend back Tim" I blushed and buried my face in Tims chest. Tim wrapped his arm around my waist and walked us over to where they were sitting, I looked up at him nervous. He smiled at me then put his forehead on mine "it's ok, you can trust them" I sighed then buried my head back into his neck to which he chuckled at.


"I see Tim took care of you since your walking around" I shrugged then felt Tim squeeze my waist a little so felt a little calmer. He lead me over to a free space letting me sit down first so he could sit down next to me, but he still pulled me into his side which I smiled at while laying my head on his chest. "Are you two together" I blushed but stayed where I was " uhh next Question". The oldest of his brothers smirked at each other "uh huh well I suppose introductions are needed", I shrugged then who I recognized as Bruce Wayne came up "You already know Tim, but these are my other oldest sons Dick and Jason" I smiled a little and waved.

Tim let out a small chuckle "she really doesn't talk much" I moved away from him a little "it's not my fault you know I just don't see the point when people don't listen or hear you" he smile and pulled me back to him laying his forehead on mine. I let out a sigh of comfort "except you" he then wrapped an arm around my waist again so I was back to laying my head on his chest.

We turned back to the all three of them with smirks on their faces so I just kept my head down and went to pull my hood up but Tim caught my hands and pushed it back down so I blushed and buried my face into his neck "yup I give it two weeks and they'll be together" I heard Jason say. "More like two days, then next thing ya know she will be Mrs.Drake". They both laughed to themselves while I looked up at Tim to see him him staring at me with a small smile, He blushes but doesn't break eye contact which sends a small smile to my face.

He finally turned back to them "your making her nervous" I put on hand on his chest "it's ok". "So are you two together or not" I saw Tim blush and rub the back of his neck "no" then he turned away from everyone and whispered what I think wa sment for himself "not yet" I pretend like I didn't hear it. I also saw his brothers eyes widen, Mr.Wayne spoke up "well maybe you should go give her a tour Tim" then I heard chuckles "the last stop of the tour will be his room" I blushed deeper as Tim got up he gave out his hand so I took it.

We walked right past them and went down the first hallway were we ran into Alfred cleaning so I smiled "hi Alfred" he chuckled and turned around "hello Miss Dr- L/N" I saw Tim's eyes widen "well we have places to be, please tell Bruce i'm gonna skip the tour and we're gonna go to my room".


He pulled me away and back past his brothers and up the stairs to his room. As soon as we got there he shut the door "i'm sorry about all of them" I shrugged but then thought about what he said earlier "did you r-" then I stopped and thought ' would I really want to bring him my mess, my life, my past'.

"Did I really what"? I shook my head "nothing" I gave him a smile to make him believe me, he gave in and hugged me "when do you have to be back" his phone dinged so he took it out of his pocket and smiled when he saw it "so uh, I have to be home in a bit so I might wanna start walking and i'll leave you to uh who your texting" he put it down then frowned "i'm sorry, let me walk you back home". I smile and shrug "i'll be fine walking by myself don't worry TIm, i'll see ya later" I started walking for the door.

I got downstairs and out the door thinking about who he was texting thinking he had a girlfriend, I was crazy to think I had a chance with him. I felt a tear go down my check but I quickly wiped away, 'how could you be so stupid' I heard someone yell my name so I turned around to see Tum running to me.

"Listen to me Y/N i'm sorry, I was texting my friend who I haven't seen in a while when I should have been paying attention to you since I brought you over" I smiled at him "apology accepted?" I giggled "apology accepted". He walked me back in silence then I finally asked him "so, you never told me you had other friends is he or she from outside our school". He nodded "yeah she is" I bit my lip to keep from crying "what's her name" he smiled "Her name is Cassie, one of the strongest girl I know" he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of her and him together.

I put on and fake smile "I hope I get to meet her one day" He smiled at me "maybe one day" we arrived at my place so I walked up and waved bye before walking in and sliding down the door with tears in my eyes "Y/N" I saw my sister with a worried look on her face she came running up to mme and brought me over to the coach and sat me down "what's wrong" I buried my head in her neck "I thought that we- I we- why co" I broke down "what happened IN with you and Tim" I pulled up "he this girl she's-" her eyes widened as she pulled me back to her neck "btu she not his girlfriend is she" I shook my head "but you think he likes her" I nod my head yes.

She rubbed my back "it's ok Y/N, it's ok" I pulled away from her and wiped my tears away with a blank look on my face "i'm going to bed" she frowned at me "I'm so sorry Y/N but if he didn't say it in words that he liked her maybe there only friends... but if your right you might have to prepare for the fact that.. They could end up together".

I bit my lip and nodded I finished my journey to my room only to shut and lock the door and go to the back and lock that door behind me. I found my secret hidden knife I used to use against myself. I put the sharp black against my wrist but didn't press I threw the knife back into my bathroom cabinet 'i'm not gonna do this, i'm still his friend...even though I wanted to be more'

I had done this before but it was tough times. So I went through with it but I decided against it this time.

I sighed and brushed my teeth and got ready for bed going to sleep was hard but I thought about everything Tim has done for me 'I need to support him, even if he wants some other girl'. 'I shouldn't have gotten so attached to him, especially when I knew he could get any girl he wanted'.

I can't believe I fell for him.

But now...I live up to the fact that I like Tim Drake.

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