《Bonded | Kylo Ren x Reader |》~My Fault~
Kylo Ren rubs his temple in frustration. He was beginning to grow impatient with the scouts he had sent out earlier that day. They were set to return any minute and so far there was no news. He leans against the long table of the emptied conference room, staring out at the blinking stars in the inky galaxy. You were out there somewhere and he was so close to having you back in his grasp. If you were even out there. For all he knew, that vision or dream from last night could be a total hoax. The Force worked in mysterious ways, but it wasn't right every time.
He never wanted to be right more than he did at this moment. Getting you back and making sure you were alright was his first and only priority. The raging war wasn't even a part of his mind anymore. If people weren't reminding him all day and night, he would have surely forgotten about the galaxy's turmoil. The only turmoil he was acknowledging now was his own. The dangerous storm that was brewing inside of him was turning wild. Last night's little vision proved that to him.
Now he was itching to get to you. The lightsaber at his side felt heavy; he needed to use it again. The darkness that had clouded his mind was like a storm. No. Like a parasite. It fed off of his anger and his sadness to grow stronger and spread through his entire body. It was taking him over and using him like a puppet. A puppet with an affinity for murder. The parasite drove him absolutely wild and turned him cold. He was shutting everything out to defend himself. If he found you, what would you do? What would you say? Surely you would be ashamed or disgusted of what he had become.
Kylo's fists tense up. Would you be frightened of him? He needed to show you that he was to be trusted, even if it meant luring you in like a mouse to a trap. Still facing the wide windows, his eyes slowly sink shut. He takes a deep breath and extends his feelings out into the Force, reaching towards you as a final attempt to connect. Nothing. Kylo's eyes snap open and he whirls around, slamming his fist against the table in frustration.
He glares up at the source of the voice, causing the officer to flinch. Only it wasn't one of his officers or Stormtroopers. It was one of the pilots he had sent out earlier. The pilot shifts nervously, clutching onto the helmet he had tucked under his right arm.
"What do you want?" Kylo's eyes drill into him.
The pilot swallows. "Well... we traced several flights near the border of the Outer Rim Territories. We've located the girl."
Kylo's heart nearly stops beating. He forces himself to remain composed. "Well? Where is she?"
"Naboo, sir. We believe she's in the capital city of Theed."
He doesn't waste another second listening to the pilot's endless babbling. Kylo snatches his mask that was lying on the table and storms out of the conference room. His throat swells and his hands begin to shake from how tightly he was curling them. The leather from his gloves squeaks as the seams are yanked at. They felt as though they were going to burst from his hands. His heavy footfalls send officers scrambling out of his way. Clearly this was important.
Kylo bursts into the main hangar, barely glancing at the TIE Fighters and carriers lifting off all around him. He ignores the stares of confusion and curiosity coming from the troopers, pilots, and trainees lingering along the edges as he weaves through the crates ready to be loaded up and delivered. His eyes were glued on the TIE Silencer sitting just across the hangar. Its black, glistening wings appeared so deadly and intimidating compared to the shuttles surrounding it. As he approaches it, Kylo grips onto the ladder rungs and pulls himself up as quickly as possible.
With a grunt, he rips the hatch open and lowers himself inside feet first. Kylo lands on the leather seat and leans forward, his fingers flying across the control panel. The Silencer rumbles to life with a low roar. His grip around the controls tighten and his jaw locks with determination as it lifts into the air and shoots off into the vastness of space.
Perhaps it would have been wise to take the Knights of Ren along with him, but Kylo wasn't thinking about them or his people. The only thing on his mind right now was you. He wanted to see you walking around. It was silly but seeing you walking meant that he was seeing you alive. And that was all that truly mattered. He wanted you no matter what it took to get you back. If it meant forcibly taking you... then so be it. Kylo didn't know if he could actually go through with that idea when the time came, but right now he was maddened by the desperation. Blinded by it. So blinded, in fact, that he doesn't even notice the small ship tailing him as his Silencer bursts into Hyperspace.
His dark, brooding eyes were glued onto the swirling mass before him. He stares through the red-pane windows of the cockpit, egging the shuttle forward and causing the engines to whine in protest. Questions begin to flood his mind with every passing minute. How much had you truly changed after so long? Were you even willing to see him? Something told him yes. You weren't furious with him when you had left; only hurt. There was so much pain in your eyes that day and it hurt Kylo even more knowing that he was the cause of your pain. Perhaps that had played a larger role in snapping him than the actual act of you leaving.
Other than his own lightsaber, Kylo was also carrying yours on his other hip. Yours was so light compared to his and so small in his massive hands. It suited you perfectly and seeing you using it drove him wild every time. It was a shame that you hadn't used it very often, although Kylo was hoping to change that after today. Seven months was a long time to be gone. For all he knew, you could be a completely different person. Furthermore, just because you were on Naboo didn't mean you were unharmed. Anything could have happened to you. Kylo tries to push those horrible thoughts aside, but they return to his mind every time.
The minutes drag by and fade into a few hours, before Kylo's ship finally breaks free from the endless tunnels of Hyperspace. It spits him out right above Naboo's atmosphere, giving him a view of the beautiful planet. Although he had never visited it before, he was familiar with it. His uncle had told him stories about his grandparents, but he never really went into great detail. Apparently Kylo's grandparents had been quite secretive about their little romance. Normally he would be itching to find out more on a visit like this, but now was not the time.
His TIE Silencer shudders as it breaks through the thin clouds and into the crystal blue skies. Naboo certainly was impressive. It wasn't quite as majestic as Sarka was, but it definitely came in close second. Emerald trees cover the rolling hills and shield the forest floor from onlookers. Trees fade into fields covered with flowers and crops. Glittering lakes reflect the thin white clouds in the beautiful sky, giving the planet an ethereal feeling to it. Small towns and cities were scattered here and there, but none were as beautiful as the capital city of Theed.
Theed was home to beautiful luxuries and exquisite (but strange) fashion. A marvelous palace sat on the ledge of a rocky cliff between several waterfalls. It overlooked streams and the sprawling forests around it. The palace, unlike Syala's, was built with more towers and domes. Although it wasn't very tall, it had a great width and was rather intimidating despite its beauty.
Kylo guides his ship toward one of the open space ports. Landing a First Order ship didn't exactly allow him to go unnoticed. He pulls on his mask to avoid the eyes of gazing strangers that were gawking at him on the sides of the port. Despite him technically being a customer, none of the workers walk up to him and demand credits. They were wise enough not to. His cloak billows and snaps at his ankles as he walks through the city with determination. He didn't know where he was going nor did he know where to start, but something pushed him in a certain direction.
Although Kylo was trying his best to keep his focus on his search, it was extremely difficult not to get swept up in the allure of Theed. The stone tiles and cobblestone streets of the city were swept up and kept in perfect condition. They were lined with plant-life, low stone walls, and store fronts that showed off various luxuries. The main streets branched off into smaller districts and neighborhoods that twisted and turned, but never seemed to grow boring. Buildings were made of well-kept stone and plaster that was crawling with ivy and flowers. Locals walked by and stared at him, but they never approached or whispered. They were all dressed in fabrics so fine, that royalty must have looked even more incredible. This place truly made Kylo feel as though he were in another world.
He comes to a screeching halt all of a sudden. Kylo stares at one of the lampposts beside an alleyway. This was familiar... too familiar. His heart begins to quicken as he starts down the alley, taking notice that he was getting further away from the noisy crowds and walking deeper into the suburbs. Realization struck him quicker than lightning. He had seen this place in that horrible vision. Kylo immediately picks up pace upon remembering what happened shortly after. The Force begins to stir deep within him. It bubbles as it awakens once more, leading him down different turns and corners.
It all became one big blur in front of him. His breathing was growing heavier inside of his mask and nothing seemed to make sense. Kylo stops just as suddenly as he had before upon finding himself in front of a wall. A dead end. Great. With a low growl of frustration, he turns around and takes a moment to compose himself. Although he desperately wanted to rip his lightsaber free and start shredding everything in sight, this was not the time nor the place to do it. What if this entire mission was just one big joke? Kylo starts back down the streets. What if this was a huge waste of time? What if you really were dead? What if-
Kylo freezes. He nearly falls to his knees all over again. Seven months ago you had turned your back and walked away from him. Seven months ago you were heart broken and damaged and scared. Now you were standing with your back to him, bent over a small bush of flowers. His mouth goes dry. He didn't know what to say or do. Kill her. There was that voice again. As though you had heard him, you suddenly straighten up and slowly turn around, your face falling at the sight of him.
"Butterfly." His modified voice made your eyes sadden. Had he disappointed you again? Kylo takes a step towards you, noticing how you retracted.
You stare at him breathlessly. "K-Kylo."
He takes a step. "I've been looking for you. We need to talk."
"Not here." You say softly, although Kylo could tell you were struggling to hold back your tears. "Come."
He doesn't hesitate to follow you. You guide him past an iron-wrought gate and through an archway that led into a small courtyard. As far as he could tell, there was only one house in it. Yours. It was small, quaint, and suited you rather well. Potted plants sat on the brick window sills and everything was very neat. A small fountain bubbles in the center of the courtyard, but Kylo pays no mind to it. His eyes were glued on you like you would disappear. He traces out the shape of your body within the flowing layers of your pretty dress. In his eyes, you were just as beautiful as the day you had left him.
You silently step through the door as it slides open for you. It closes behind Kylo and he follows you through the front of the house. He watches you set your basket on the small kitchen table and turn around to face him. The pain had returned to your eyes.
You lift your hand, cutting him off. "Take that thing off."
Kylo hesitates for just a moment, before lifting his hands up and slipping the mask from his head. He sets it down on the table and swallows as your eyes scan his face. He looked so familiar yet so different. You fight back the urge to grab his face and observe it closer. His full, pink lips twitch.
"Don't just stand there." You close your eyes. "Please. Just... say something."
"Have you been here all this time?" Kylo's voice was low and cold, but he didn't sound angry with you.
"No. I searched for answers for a long time, Kylo. The Force led me here, I suppose, and I thought that this place would help. It did. It helped me escape." You tuck your hair behind your ear and give him a weak smile. "What... what have you been up to?"
"Searching. Every day since you left."
"Oh." That was all you could really say. You desperately search for words. The silence was unsettling, especially coming from him. "You've changed."
"You haven't." Kylo replies flatly. "You're still... you're still beautiful."
You inhale sharply. "How's Syala? Treating you well?"
He shifts. "I wouldn't know. I killed her."
"Why didn't you come back?" Kylo finally bursts. He couldn't stand this anymore. He needed answers and he needed them now.
You slowly sit down in one of the chairs at the table as you feared that you would fall over. Everything was rushing back to you. It made your throat tighten and caused your eyes to sting. "I-I couldn't. I did this for both of us, you know, not just me."
A scoff escapes his lips. "Do you know how hard the past seven months have been? Every day was wasted searching for you. I destroyed cities and towns looking for you. I had to fall asleep every night with the fear that you were gone. Really gone. You say you did this for both of us but you caused me more pain than you could ever imagine."
"Pain..." your eyes fill with anger and sadness. "I was the one that walked away, Kylo, because you brought me so much pain. It started all those years ago at the Temple and it continued when you ripped me away from my home again. I understand that these few months have been hard on you but don't you dare compare your pain to mine. I'm not here to compare battle scars."
"You wouldn't know the meaning of pain."
"That's not fair. Don't play the victim here." You snap.
Kylo's fists tense. "You left me."
You stare at him in disbelief. "I didn't have a choice! I was so sick of wasting tears over you. What we had was unhealthy. It-It wasn't something I could live with. I thought you would be able to understand that. If you truly wanted me to be happy, then you would have stayed on the Supremacy."
"Fine by me. I'll just fly back and move on with the rest of my life. You seem to have adjusted perfectly fine without me. I should have known you didn't care." He spits.
"Are you kidding? You were the one that never managed to tell me how you felt." You were tightly gripping onto the fabric of your skirts, crumpling it beneath your hands. "Lying to me wasn't any better than silence."
"I know it's easier to run. Especially after everything I've done, but that only proves you were a coward." Kylo shoots back venomously.
You fly to your feet, sending the chair sliding across the floor with a loud screech. The tears welling in your eyes finally spill over. "Do you think I wanted this? I wanted you more than anything! I hated myself for loving you. I never wanted to be alone. I did this so we could both move on to better things."
"Don't you understand?" He yells. "I can't do this without you! That's why I'm here. That's why I spent seven fucking months flying around the galaxy in search of you. You could have come back! We could have started over and moved on from this mess! All you managed to do was cause me more pain. But I can tell you're perfectly pleased with yourself-" he scoops up his mask "-so excuse me for interrupting your happy little life. I'll be out of your hair in no time."
"Do you really think I'm happy here? You're so self-absorbed and twisted with your own selfishness! Did you even stop to think about how I felt? Just because I left doesn't mean things got any easier for me. I still cry myself to sleep at night because for some twisted reason I miss you!"
Kylo runs a hand through his hair. "You'll never be happy. I gave you everything I had. When will you understand that I didn't know how to give you anything else? I can't give you anything else."
"You can but you're afraid!" You retort accusingly. "I didn't care about the titles or those fucking dresses. I just wanted to hear you tell me how you felt. I wanted to hear three words and you couldn't even manage to say them! You've shut yourself out and now you can't get out of the hole you dug. Instead of finding a way out, you expected me to be the one to claw my way back up for the both of us."
"Why weren't you happy with what I gave you?" He demands.
Your words nearly come out in a pained scream. "Because all we did was fuck each other! We had little moments but they were all ruined because you couldn't own up to your emotions. Just admit it. You didn't love me as much as I loved you. You used me to get your anger out! You used me because you wanted to prove to yourself that you weren't a monster. So you fucked me and made me believe that we had a chance because you thought that you were actually presenting yourself as a decent person! That wasn't even love! Those were just basic human qualities that you wore as a mask!"
"I'm not a monster!" Kylo snaps. "But what you're expecting isn't me."
"I didn't want you to be like Xian or even how Kess was pretending to be. I wanted you! I wanted Kylo fucking Ren and that's who I got. But I also got Ben Solo. You want to open up and you want to say these things, but you can't. That's why I'm here. If you can't give me your love then you can give it to someone who you actually care about."
"I care about you!" He roars. "You don't even see it! I could have anyone I wanted and I chose you because I saw you as more than someone I could use." Kylo slams his fist against the table and its contents jump. "Everything I did was for you. I destroyed what I could have had for you!"
"I never asked you to give everything up! You made those sacrifices on your own but you forced me to! You lied and cheated and now you're gas-lighting me for trying to escape what we had. We're not the same person, Kylo! I can't handle the First Order like you do. I joined for you because I believed that deep down you were the boy I fell in love with."
"Don't compare me to Ben Solo. That's in the past. You chose this life and now you've realized that it was too much. So you fled." Kylo scoffs.
"You're so blind! You're just a child with a lightsaber."
"And you're just being selfish!"
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