《Bonded | Kylo Ren x Reader |》~The Race~


You felt terribly bad for what had happened the night before. Xian had been waiting patiently for you to leave the bathroom, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so. You had been in there for nearly fifteen minutes before he began to grow concerned. After his voice had called out for the fifth time, you leave the bathroom with a pale face and trembling hands. He had asked you what was wrong, but you couldn't find the words to explain. Besides, he wouldn't understand it. You weren't sure if you understood it either. He stood up from the bed in confusion as you had left his room without another word.

This morning, you were sure that he was going to be angry with you. As you put on your uniform and pull your hair back out of your face, you look into the mirror one last time. The Force had kept you up all night and it had gone silent very early in the morning, giving you a few hours of rest. You couldn't think about that now; it was time for work. When you weren't gambling your money and building your reputation on the casino floor, you worked there. No one was allowed inside before the afternoon, which meant it all had to be rearranged, wiped down, and cleaned up. That's where you came in. It wasn't an ideal job, but it paid for your room expenses and gave you the credits to gamble with. As the elevator slides open, you slip through the hallway and try to sneak past the bar that Xian worked at. You were unsuccessful.

The sound of your name being called out reverberates through the room. "Wait! Please... we need to talk."

You turn around slowly, wincing slightly at his pained expression. "I-I don't have much to say to you about last night."

"I just want to understand." Xian wipes his hands on a rag and gestures to a bar stool. As you slowly sit down, he walks around the bar and sits beside you, reaching out and gripping your hand tightly. "If there's something bothering you, you can tell me. I don't want there to be any secrets between us and you need to be comfortable speaking to me."

You shift slightly. "I know. It's just this little... problem... isn't something I want to talk about. It's not something you would understand either."

"Try me," he crosses his arms.

"No, Xian. I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want to tell you anything until I know more about it. I can't. Not until then anyways." You say apologetically.


Xian sighs and closes his eyes momentarily. "All we do is sleep together and you know it. I want a real relationship with someone I love. And that's you. How about you and me go to the Fathier races this afternoon?"

You frown. "You know I hate those races. The way they treat those animals is so cruel."

"It's just something I thought we could do together. There isn't much else to do in this city." Xian stands up and reaches for the rag. "Just forget it then."

"No, no," you say quickly, not wanting to upset him. "I'll go with you."

He smiles brilliantly, satisfied with your compliance. "Perfect! I'll meet you here at noon."


By the time noon rolls around, you were strangely nervous. It was a very odd feeling, considering how close you and Xian were. He had been your friend ever since you arrived on Canto Bight and it's not like this was a date or anything... right? No, if this was a date you were sure Xian would pick something more romantic. He was a softie in that way. Ever since the beginning, he only wanted what was best for you. Perhaps that was what drew you to him. He was so kind and caring, but he still joked around and had a cruel sense of humor sometimes. He was just so magnetic. Just like someone else you had known a while ago...

You shake the thought of Ben Solo from your mind. You hated thinking about him. It always brought tears to your eyes to think about his death on the island. It was a miracle you had survived and sometimes you wished he did instead. You had considered informing his mother, but instead you fled like a coward. You still blamed yourself for doing so to this day. It must have been terrible for Leia Organa to hear of her son's demise from her own brother.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" A voice snaps you out of your train of thought.

"Sorry," you shake your head, blinking hard. "I'm ready to go if you are."

Xian nods and offers you his hand. There is a surprising moment of hesitation from you that has him visibly baffled, but you finally take it and the look fades. His hand felt so comforting around yours. It was like Ben all over again. No, you think angrily, no, don't you dare think about him right now. This is about Xian and nobody else. Ben Solo is in the past. He's not coming back.


You look up when you hear the roaring of a crowd in the distance. You grimace at the thought of those innocent animals getting forced to race with electric whips and stun-staffs. It was cruel and inhumane. As you approach the grand arena, your heart squeezes and begins to beat nervously. It wasn't exactly a place you preferred to go. The massive crowd of people and creatures of all different species, shapes, sizes, and colors were cheering as the first round of Fathiers are set free from their pens. Their hooves thunder against the sand as they run around the sand track with little riders on their backs.

Xian squeezes your hand comfortingly as he leads you through the loud, motley crowd to find your seats. You give him a small, fake smile when he looks at you gleefully. Xian claps and whoops as the animals are put back into their pens for another round. The crowd chants along with the count-down and the gates fly open, releasing them back onto the track. Suddenly, your head starts to spin and your palms become sweaty. The familiar sensation of the Force fills up your entire body, but it felt... different this time. It was as though someone was calling to you.

"I have to go to the bathroom," you shout to Xian over the noise.

"Alright!" He yells. "But don't disappear on me again!"

You nod and push your way back through the crowds. Quickly, you scurry off and exit the arena, feeling slightly guilty for lying to Xian. You make your way through the small gardens nearby, before finding a bench to plop down on. You try to close your eyes and concentrate on keeping the Force in balance within your system, but none of the tricks you had learned seemed to be working. Your brow furrows as a sense of darkness and cold grip you all at once. It felt as though there was another presence watching you. Your eyes fly open and you gasp as you quickly stand up and stumble back in horror.

Indeed, there was a man standing before you. He was shrouded in a dark cloak and even darker robes. The man was absolutely massive; with a staggering height, broad shoulders, and a muscular body shifting beneath his robes. You couldn't see his face. It was covered in a black metal mask with thick silver lines around the eyes that seemed to swirl into an abyss. Saying it was intimidating was an understatement. It was terrifying. He was terrifying. He was just standing there and blankly staring. You could feel his eyes on you from beneath his mask, even though you couldn't see them through the blackened slits. It was as though he was there but... not really. His surroundings were entirely different from yours. The man was standing in a village. You could only see one house behind him and it was burned to the ground. Your eyes flicker to his side and your blood runs cold. A lightsaber.

"Who are you?" You demand rather nervously, taking an involuntary step back.

"I could ask you the same question," he snarls, tilting his head in a way that has the light of the fire around him glimmering off his menacing mask.

Chills run down your spine at the sound of his voice. There was obviously some kind of voice-modulator built into the mask. It made him sound breathy, robotic, and slightly muffled. It certainly was a strange sound to hear.

"What-what is this?" You gesture towards him, quickly withdrawing your hand as if you are frightened he'll reach out and snatch you up. "Why can I see you?"

"The Force is connecting us... you and I. Surely you know who I am." He says coldly.

Somehow, you manage to nod stiffly. Your throat bobs as you swallow dryly. "Y-You're with the First Order. Kylo Ren... the Jedi-Killer."

"You're a Force-User." He says flatly as if he were reading you like a book. "Or rather... you used to be. It seems your strength has been diminishing over the years. Where are you?"

"I don't understand. Why should I tell you?" You say rather boldly.

He takes a step closer, fists clenching with determination. "Where are you?"

"Why do you need me so badly?"

He fails to answer. "I'll find you one day. You cannot hide from the might of the First Order. And when I do... you'll be dead before you can scream." Just as quickly as he had arrived, the man disappears as though he was never there.

You fall back onto the bench, your legs giving out beneath you, your face drained and ghostly. What was going on?

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