《Saviour》✵Christmas Special✵


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Little flecks of white danced through the air, their destination unknown until inevitably meeting with their companions already blanketing anything and everything in a layer of white.

"You seem so focused on outside I could almost assume you've never seen snow before."

Turning your head faintly to the side and eyeing the blond haired male beside you, a soft hum vibrated through your form, your eyes right after moving from his teal coloured hues back out the window.

"I've seen it before, but I just like watching it fall." Murmuring that out softly and crossing your arms along the window sill a deep sigh left through your nose, "Say Giorno, you've celebrated Christmas haven't you?"

Your question piqued his interest, he assumed most people celebrated the holiday but considering you were asking led him to assume your family wasn't the type to. "A few times. Why?" Moving to lean on the window sill beside you his eyes scanned the side of your face, a look of longing shone through your gaze giving him enough of an answer.

"Well I was just thinking, maybe we could celebrate? You know do uh things people do during Christmas and winter." Raising a hand and moving it with each word it fell flat after realizing that your words sounded silly. "I never really celebrated it before so I was just-" A pressure was quickly placed on the top of your head garnering your attention towards the blond who's hand nestled itself in your hair softly.

"We'll celebrate it. Just let me handle it." He wasn't sure what exactly possessed him to say nor act on anything, but he felt that this could be something the team needed.

It wasn't until the next morning that the ball began rolling, each team member sharing their surprise hat you hadn't celebrated such a well renowned holiday.

"Wait wait wait! So you mean to tell me you've never decorated a Christmas tree before?!" Leaning over the counter and staring at you wide eyed Mista's brows were raised in shock. Narancia was right by his side, the two of them practically interrogating you on what you haven't done.

"Nope. Never decorated a tree. Never put up a tree and now that I think about it I've never done a lot of stuff relating to snow and Christmas." Turning away from the sink to face the two you could tell they were processing your words.

"That just means we'll have to-" "That's so sad!" Both the gunslinger and raven haired teen cut Fugo off simultaneously, a flurry of other words were uttered afterwards all too quickly for you to understand what they were saying.

"Well!-" Clearing his throat and shutting the two up quickly Fugo's attention moved towards where you were offering a piece of bacon before continuing with what he was saying previously. "As I was saying, this just means we'll have to show you what the season has to offer. We have 12 days after all till Christmas day."

Nibbling on part of the bacon you bobbed your head in agreement, everyone was already quickly on the bandwagon and as the dynamic duo; Mista and Narancia called it.

Operation twelve days of Christmas has begun.

"If you guys seriously ditched me in the middle of nowhere I will cry. I swear to god I wi-" Your words were quickly cut off as something semi-solid smacked into the back of your head. Reaching back with a gloved hand you felt the back of your head pulling away to see bits of snow stuck to your hair.


A set of giggles sounded from behind and upon turning you could catch a glimpse of a blue hat and orange scarf.

So that's how this is.

Leaning down and scooping up some snow into your gloves you formed it into a ball slowly nearing the tree. Taking a chance you fell back beside it throwing the ball at whoever was seated behind; which in this case was now a snow covered Mista.

"Wha?! How were you so quiet?! I know for a fact snow crunches under boots." Letting out a whine at having been hit square in the face he peered around the tree finding the snow where you came from lacking any footprints.

"You're just salty I got you. But now if you are all hiding with snowballs-" Sitting up you spared him a playful grin. "That means I'm going to claim you as my team mate. Now chop chop we gotta find the others." Your enthusiasm to continue this little manhunt was contagious and he found himself smiling along with your antics.

The two of you quickly weeded out Narancia who'd very poorly hidden inside an almost dead bush.

"Seriously? You can see through the bush." Muttering that out to your companion and moving to scoop up a bunch of snow you neared the plant dropping it on top of the unsuspecting teen. "Nice hiding spot."

A puff of air left the teen as he crawled out from the bush acting like a kicked puppy. "Man, I thought that was a good spot." Crossing his arms and huffing once more he moved to create a snowball. "But now that means I can get other people too." The item was tossed upwards right away into the tree's branches.

"Why you little rat!" Turning your attention upwards your eyes met with purple hues, that of which threw tiny daggers at the raven haired male.

"Fugo!" Cheering out the strawberry blonde name his eyes right away shifted towards you softening almost instantly upon seeing the smile spread out across your face. "Now we just have four left." Pursing your lips in through your eyes scanned the surrounding area. "You'd think Trish would be easier to find because of her pink jacket but guess that's out of the question."

Tapping your foot on the ground and pondering over a plan you nodded snapping your gloved fingers, "Alright we split up, Fugo you go south, Narancia north, Mista go east and I'll take west. Each of you should be able to get someone." Pointing to each person than to yourself you gave an excited grin.

"Last one back is a smelly fish!" Turning on your heel and darting off after eating that your eyes surveyed the area, you didn't take the team for one who'd right away jump into a snowball fight. But ironically enough when bringing up a few ideas with Bruno he seemed more than happy to assist in whatever way he could, Abbacchio as well much to your surprise.

Trish and Giorno were both more of the '12 day' planners getting additional input from the others on activities to do.

It was very sweet what they were doing.

Although your moment of thought was cut short and a surprised squeak left your lips as a heavy weight fell from the tree above, knocking you down onto the snowy ground. A heap of white powder coated your form and a puff of air left your lips creating a breathing hole in the pile. "Damn, even after catching Fugo it slipped my mind that you guys could climb trees." Shaking your head to rid it of some snow your eyes could make out the nearing form of a pink blob.


That of which you knew for sure was Trish.

"I didn't think you'd fall for that honestly." A short laugh left from her lips while she stepped beside the pile you currently reside under. Bright jade hues danced with a sort of childish glee while one of her delicately gloved hands extended out to you.

"Yeah you got me real good." Letting out a snort you reached out taking her extended hand, a quick idea formed in the back of your mind and without much thought you yanked her hand forward shifting under the snowy pile so that she was now it's victim with you leaning overtop. "But I got you back."

Processing what happened she let out a laugh, she didn't expect for you to react so quickly but you did resulting in her now being the one covered in snow. "You're sneaky."

Grinning widely at the rush of adrenaline everything had given you another airy laugh left you, your position never even registered till dainty fingers softly pinched your nose.

"Your nose is red, you might get frostbite."

"If I do, will you kiss it all better?" Though your remark was meant to be taken as a joke she leaned up briefly planting her lips along the tip of it. The silence it received brought out a soft smile from the girl.

"Of course."

"I-" "(Y/N) we got everyone else! Better come back before you're a smelly fish!" Narancia's voice bellowed out from a distance cutting off what you were going to say and a confused yet humorous huff left the pink haired girl wondering what that was about.

"Alright well best be off eh? Don't want to be a smelly fish do we?" Pushing yourself off the ground and onto your feet you offered Trish a hand, her earlier actions had drawn out a faint pink hue across your face but that could easily be passed off as the cold.

"Also yank me down and I will stuff snow down the back of your jacket."

Staring at the scene before you a closed lipped smile made its way onto your expression. Your eyes moved between the pairs each rolling up sections of snow into giant balls struggling to stack them on top of one another.

Standing by your own pair of stacked balls, you went to work rolling up another pair now having a set of two double stacked balls. The last two you needed to lift on top remained on the ground by your feet, a huff in exasperation left your lips realizing that you couldn't lift either of them.

"Abbacchio, can you help me?" Turning your head back to face the white haired man who'd been standing idly to the side, ombre hues met your gaze before moving towards the two blobs of snow by your feet.

"You have arms don't you?" His response enticed a whine from you followed by a pout.

Taking in a deep breath and releasing it he uncrossed his arms stepping over, his eyes barely caught onto the brightened expression you gave seeing him move over. Stopping just by your side he leaned down picking up one of the balls, a grunt left his lips at the weight seeing as they were definitely a lot heavier than he'd expected- but he wasn't about to say anything.

Repeating the process with the second one he stepped back watching you quickly go back to decorating the two. Both of them were drastically different from one another, the one on the left being a lot taller and larger than the one on the right which you were currently wrapping your scarf around.

"Abbacchio can you come here for a sec?" Once again beckoning the tall man over he let out another sigh stepping towards where you were in front of the taller snowman.

Waiting for him to be right in front of you, you looked from side to side before motioning him down as though you had a secret to tell. Once at eye level you flashed him a wide smile quickly moving to snatch his signature purple headpiece. Turning in place and setting it on top of the taller snowman a hum left you. A satisfied nod was given as well, happy that the two fit together.

"Looks good." Stepping towards the mans side and taking his gloved hand in your own you tugged him back to fully show what you'd created.

Ignoring the feeling of your smaller hand in his own he observed the two snowmen finding that their expressions matched the ones the two of you currently held as well as the special touches you'd added to give personality to them.

Though one thing that really caught his attention was the sticks used as arms. The two on the outsides of the snowmen were aimed up like how children did them, while the two on the inside were angled down.

Both overlapping one another.

"They look cute."

"Giorno, please take a moment to write my will in case I die." Breathing that out and staring down the steep hill your gaze lingered on the 'extra fun' ramp fashioned at the bottom along with the second downhill section.

You appreciated the team going to these lengths to have you enjoy the season but- you were a bit too young to die in your opinion.

"Gah don't be over dramatic, if we go down we go together." Running a hand over the wooden sleds ropes Mista waved off your comment sparing a glance towards Giorno from over his shoulder. "But in a worst case scenario maybe we should've placed you at the bottom of the hills."

Agreeing with that point right away the blond eyes moved down toward the pair at the bottom of hill one, both Narancia and Abbacchio stood beside the 'ramp', while he knew Trish and Bruno were at the very bottom. "You both should be fine, there's enough snow on this hill to cushion anything and if need be (Y/N) can use you as a meat shield."

"Yea-Wait meat shield?" Nodding your head to confirm that Mista had heard Giorno properly, the gunslinger let out a nasally sigh, the air right away forming a cloud. "Fine. But if I die (Y/N) get's my stuff."

Snorting in response you rolled your eyes. "How generous."

Ignoring the tone of voice you'd used Mista sat himself down on the sled behind you, practically pressing himself into your back to grab hold of the sleds rope. His arms rest just above your hips leaving enough room for you to hold onto the rope yourself even if it wouldn't do much.

"If I die. I'm haunting you." Adding one last remark your face grew tinted with colour as the gunslinger rested his chin over your shoulder, a playful glint shined from within his cocoa hues.

"Fine by me, cute ghost all to myself." Without giving you time to fire back he spared a glance towards the blond. "Send us on our way Giorno."

A nod was given in response and the blonde's foot was removed from holding the sled in place allowing it to begin creeping forward.

The steep edge continued to grow closer and closer till eventually the sled began flying down it, the speed of which you'd compare to that of a car moving around 60Km/h.

"Did we have to build a ramp at the bottom." The words left your lips in an almost yell, your hands tightening around the rope even if what was keeping you in place was the gunslinger nestled behind you.

"Gotta add some extra pezaz, get that adrenaline pumping." A laugh left him before he shifted impossibly closer as the impending doom that was the ramp neared.

Narancia waved his arms from beside, calling out some things you were too busy panicking to hear. This was your first and last time sledding that's for sure.

The wooden sled flew off the edge of the ramp like a paper plane being launched into the air colliding with the next hill speeding even faster down it.

"How are we going to stop?!?!" Calling that out and sparing a quick glance back you could see that what you'd asked about was forgotten, an uncertain expression crossed over his face.

"That's a very good question." Staring past your shoulder at the remaining distance he made a popping noise with his mouth, an idea forming in the back of his mind. "Ok so I have an idea, it might not be a good idea but we won't crash into any trees."

"Ok well an ideas is an idea but speak fast we're going to be competing as a nascar soon." Quickly sputtering that out and awaiting the idea he gave an assertive nod letting go of the section of rope he'd been holding onto instead wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Ok now let go."

Blinking at what he's said you spoke quickly, "Let go? Hell n-" "Just let go I promise we'll be fine."

Reluctantly releasing your steel grip on the rope it fell limp onto your lap, Mista's shoes moved just underneath the sled's curled section pushing back ; the movement of which pulled the both of you from the sled now sliding down the snowy hill at a much slower pace.

Eventually coming to a complete stop three quarters down the hill a huff left your lips, the landing wasn't the best but on the bright side Mista had indeed become some form of meat shield.

"There's so much snow up the back of my jacket it's not even funny at this point." Letting out a groan at the cold wet snow now caressing his back from within the confines of his jacket he pursed his lips before huffing much like you did. "But hey we're fine are we not?" Pointing that out he left his arms around your waist though much looser than before.

Realizing that he was right you breathed out a sigh through your nose, the air right away forming a cloud. "Yeah I guess you did pretty well gun boy."

"Sucks that I won't get a cute ghost though."

"And I retract my statement."

"This looks like an accident waiting to happen." Mumbling that out from your seat on a bench a contemplating sigh left you, your fingers fiddled with the tight bows keeping your shoes on while the white haired man beside you just rolled his eyes in response.

"It is, which is why I'm sitting this one out." Crossing his arms and leaning back onto the bench Abbacchio's ombre hues drifted over the large flat area currently occupied by varying different people.

"Maybe I could sit this one out too, the sledding from yesterday had made me....cautious." Pursing your lips and recalling the events of yesterday you could see him let out a short breath almost like a mock laugh.

"It's your choice."

Returning your gaze ahead they met with blue, blue hues of someone drawing closer till eventually stepping onto the snow bank.

"You're not going to skate?" The ebony haired man's tone of voice was soft, curious as to why you were the last one to take a step onto the glass like flooring.

"I don't know how to skate, I'll fall." Responding back with that you could right away tell that your words did nothing to deter the man's initial train of thought.

"Well you won't know if you don't try." Pointing that out and offering you a hand he hummed lightly, "Come on. I won't let you fall." Knowing that he would keep to his word you took his outstretched hand sparing a quick glance towards Abbacchio before being tugged towards the ice.

Bruno effortlessly stepped onto the ice without issue turning in place, his eyes were focused on you as you stepped onto it as well. The metal blades made a soft clink noise before beginning to slide apart.

Right away moving to help you into a more stable stance Bruno lined his skates up with your own, "Try angling your skates like this, almost in a V. Then when you want to move forward push off with one foot- glide with the other." Explaining that then following it up with the motion he watched you bob your head understanding the instructions.

"That doesn't seem so bad." Easily wanting to retract that statement, your arms flung up to steady yourself as you'd lost your footing, almost resulting in you falling.

Right away taking your hand once more and helping you steady yourself Bruno moved to stand before you taking your other hand in his free one. "You need to keep your weight in the middle, focus on me and try taking a step forward." gliding back a bit on the ice while still holding your hands he watched you take a few steps, fumbling a bit- yet being able to catch yourself.

It made you warm to think that Bruno was teaching you how to ice skate and that he was patient about it.

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