《Saviour》Chapter 2


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Your foot tapped quickly and anxiously against the dark wooden flooring, the noise of said action being a quite thud only really noticeable to those passing by. As noticeable as your two cases also seated among the floor just by your feet alerting those around you that you were there for business.

Which was quite normal for a place like that.

Upon waking up that morning and readying for the day, you hadn't really taken into consideration that the anticipated meet up place would be the address of a simple café, one situated right at the corner of a busy intersection allowing a strong and steady flow of customers to come and go as they pleased.

Which had led you to your new dilemma, trying to figure out who exactly you were there to meet.

There was nothing else on the directions handed to you apart from the café and a specific table to sit at, one far enough away from the main entrance but also a seat where you could still make out the heavily crowded streets.

Dragging your gaze away from the flowing customers a hum vibrated through your lips, both hands wrapped around the to-go cup seated before you. A nice hot drink to take your nerves away sounded rather pleasant upon entering and you just couldn't help yourself, it was a café after all.

Flicking your wrist quickly to slide the sleeve of your jacket down, the silver wrist watch you wore quickly came into view stating that you'd only been there for about five minutes. A tired breath left you at that revelation and your gaze migrated towards the window to your right, the early morning rays were as strong as ever and if not for the placement of the cafe's awning you'd surely be blinded by it.

Your foot continued tapping rapidly against the floor, the realization of which was that you hadn't even noticed it stop before it started up once more. Still clutching the cup in hand you could feel the heat emanating from it, yet ignored it choosing to take a quick swig instantly regretting it the moment the scolding liquid made contact with your tongue.

Very smart.

Slamming the cup back down onto the table and lolling your head over to lightly thunk against the window a quiet groan drifted out through your lips, a complaint about your own stupid mistake were mere seconds away from being uttered before someone else's voice cut through your train of thought.


"Mi scusi signorina, but are you perhaps (Y/N) (L/N)?" Snapping your head towards whoever had spoken your gaze landed on a slim yet built man, slightly leaning along the chair just across from you. His chin length black hair seemed to fit his sharp features quite nicely while a pair of golden clips rested on both sides of his straight cut bangs. A pair of luminescent azure hues rested just below the bangs focusing on your face awaiting whatever reaction the question got.

"Depends on who's asking." Simply stating that and resting a hand under your chin you continued your assessment of the man, his attire was rather unique from what you could tell. As all white suit covered with a small black spoon like patterns as well as an array of zippers and an open chest was the general appearance. Where the chest opening was there appeared to be some lace-like top though upon noticing it you felt that it would be wrong to stare any longer.

"Ah apologies. Bruno Bucciarati, pleased to make your acquaintance." Extending a hand out towards you he took the time to observe you, much like how you were observing him. The expression set out among your face was plain yet from the way you were leaning against the window and how your foot tapped against the floor he could easily figure out you were anxious.

Something he didn't really account for, but had anticipated upon spotting you.

"No worries. Pleased to meet you as well Bucciarati. I can assume you're the person I'm here to meet?" Though it was sort of a redundant question you wanted to double check. Extending out your own hand and taking his you have it a quick shake before pulling back still eyeing the man, his expression was calm and composed.

"Indeed. I came to pick you up so you can meet my team." You appreciated how he had no problem giving you more than just a simple yes or no answer and in addition to that his tone was smooth and concise. Right away with your observations you came to the conclusion that this man was the leader of the group, seeing as he was the one sent to the meeting spot.

That and not to mention how he carried himself.

"Now shall we get going? Or would you like to finish your drink first? I don't mind either way." Inquiring that he watched how your gaze trailed towards the drink in question still sitting along the table, a sort of annoyance made itself present on your expression quickly leading him to assume something must've happened with it to cause minor displeasure.


"It's fine. We can get going, drink's too hot anyways." Hearing you state that he gave a simple nod, the explanation of the beverage being too hot led him to believe you'd burnt yourself prior to his arrival. Making his way around the table and leaning down a bit one of his hands gripped the handle of one of the cases.

"Oh! You don't have to grab it for me, I can carry them." Waving your hands around to emphasize your point, you slipped out of your chair grabbing the other one before reaching to take the one he currently held.

"Nonsense, I'll carry one and you'll carry the other. No problem there, right?" Giving a subtle smile in reassurance he watched you purse your lips in thought, an objection to what he'd suggested was right on the tip of your tongue yet went unspoken. "Besides how else are you supposed to bring your drink with you?"

He did have a point.

"No problem there then. Lead the way Bucciarati." Concerning that and finishing off with a hum you watched him turn, eyes right away catching something fluttering through the air before him. A butterfly perhaps, one that'd flown into the establishment via the open doorway. Choosing to pay it little mind he continued walking, turning occasionally to peer back and make sure he hadn't lost you in the crowd.

Trailing behind the man and eyeing the fluttering creature as well a sigh left your lips. You figured it would've showed up at some point, though considering how he merely glanced at it you could assume he thought nothing of it.

Stopping before a simple black car you watched the lean man trail toward the back swinging open the back door and light placing the white case inside. Turning to face you he extended a hand towards the remaining case taking it from your hand and putting it along with the other one.

Slipping into the passenger side of the car there was a stiff silence. You weren't exactly sure what to bring up to break it but perhaps you were the only one who thought it was stiff. Shifting your to-go cup in hand, your eyes trailed downwards resting on the winged insect sitting along the lids surface, it's wings moving ever so slightly.

"So...uh how many people are on your team?" Hearing you break the silence and speak Bucciarati's gaze briefly flickered towards you, once again catching sight of the butterfly absentmindedly sitting on top of your cup.

Perhaps it wasn't just a normal insect.

Redirecting his attention back to the road he let out a hum before replying, "Just four of them, five including myself and then six including you." Pausing he briefly shook his head, dark hairs swaying as he did so. "They're quite a unique bunch so it might be a bit...much to take in."

Nodding to what he was saying you let out a quiet noise in acknowledgment, your eyes moved on towards the passing scenery. More specifically a restaurant of which the car had pulled up next to, a curious look was then shot towards the ebony haired man.

"I'll introduce you to my team and let you all get to know each other." Starting off with that he could right away see a question forming in your mind and without even asking about it he answered, "I'll be going to drop off your things if that was what you were wondering."

Clicking your tongue lightly at the fact he'd practically read you like an open book you gave a nod in understanding. Although being left with a group of unfamiliar people did once again begin making you anxious.

Stepping out of the car he made a gesture for you to follow heading towards the restaurant's entrance. Right away subtle chatter filtered through your ears and the smell of delicately made food became prominent as well as a moment you would've savored save for the sound of arguing.

Catching the sound of arguing as well, Bucciarati let out a deep sigh, a hand raised up pinching the bridge of his nose before returning back to his side. Turning towards where you stood he flashed an apologetics smile, "Apologize, but if you could wait here for a moment it would be very much apprezzato."

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