《Love poems》Poem 23


Delicate in its beauty,

But powerful in its grace,

The dream that I once held,

Now lies in an unreachable place.

No words can close the heart-wounds,

No medicines can fully heal,

The brokenness, I now have,

And the love that I still feel.

Crying endless tears,

Remembering before,

I sit here in this dark prison,

Staring at the floor.

Spying every glint,

Off of the once, together dream,

I crumple up, in a helpless state,

Acknowledging nothing is as it seems.

Picking up the pieces,

Of a once, perfect dream,

Crying tears of sadness,

As the sharp images gleam.

Through fogged vision, I try to place,

The pieces back together,

But every time, I try to fix it,

I know I will never have her.

There once was a time,

Where we lived in a dream,

A life, sublime,

Along the silver seam.

But time ran out, and the seam frayed,

The perfect dream I held onto,

Suddenly became nothing more,

Than a foolish aspiration.

Picking up the pieces,

Of a once, perfect dream,

Crying tears of sadness,

As the sharp images gleam.

Through fogged vision, I try to place,

The pieces back together,

But every time, I try to fix it,

I know I will never have her.

So still the pieces lay there,

In dramatic presentation,

Reflecting parts of a non-existent love,

And a hopeless adoration.

But even in their brokenness,

And even in their disunity,

The beauty each piece has,

Is still valuable to me.

I'll never let it go,

This shattered anticipation,

I will always love you,

Until the end of all Creation.

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