《Professor Kim - KTH》Chapter 11


The day was same as always and it was currently break time in school. Today I have Mr. Kim's class at the last period and , as I always go last it's a plus point for me to be with him.

I couldn't see him from morning and I was getting eager to meet him. I surely know that I have a crush on Mr. Kim.

After break time I attended the rest of the classes and it was now Mr. Kim's class.

My heart began beating fast as I kept on looking at the class door for him to come. Soon he came and my eyes became bright seeing him.

"Good afternoon students" He said and we all wished him and sat down on our seats.

"Today I will be giving an assignment of the chapter we completed. You can say it's a surprise revision test."

He then said and the students let out some irritation sounds. Whispering like 'why surpise revision' Or 'no way' which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Matt and Stephan I can hear you." He said and and they both apologized and took out their pens.

"Y/n please come here and help me distribute the sheets." He said and I

'Okay' him and went to him.

As I was walking I noticed his eyes linger on my legs. Not that I wore short skirt but he just looked at them.

"Yes Mr. Kim" I said and he handed me the bundle of the assignment sheets and then I distributed it to all students.

When I looked at my sheet it was quite easy , I had revised properly this time and I gave my best.

"Mr. Kim done" I said and all of the students looked at me as I was the first one.

I am not a nerd nor a smart student but yes , after Mr. Kim I gave a lot of time to my studies.

"Okay you may keep it on my table." He said and I stood up and kept my sheet on his table. As I was about to go he asked me something.


"Y/n actually I wanted to tell you something."

"Yes Mr. Kim." I said.

"Actually I saw how those bullies were blaming you. When I was asking them about the video. They knew it was you , one of them told me that he had seen you tripping over a can."

"Ohh" I said and nodded my head.

"Well don't worry , they will not blame you anymore. And if they did , I am here." He said with a smile and nodded.

"Ok...thanks Mr. Kim." I say.

"Welcome and you may sit." He says and I 'okay' him and turn around to go and sit at my seat.

As I sit , my eyes were looking at him , his face , his body , everything. He is such a fine man. He doesn't know I am looking at him as he busy writing something.

My eyes fall on his fingers which held the pen delicately yet sexily. He began rotating the pen in his fingers making him look so hot.

He then began rubbing the cap attached to the pen in circles and then pushed and circled and pushed and so on making me close my eyes and clench my legs together.

Suddenly I heard the cough sound and I looked up to see Mr. Kim smirking at me and licking his lips.

"Didn't you hear me earlier?" He asked me as I looked around to see nobody was there.

"Um where ar-are all?" I asked still wondering where all the rest are gone suddenly.

"You were then perhaps zoned out....the bell already rang and students are going home now." He said and I blinked my eyes and my mouth opened a bit in surprise.

I quickly get up and pack my bag , keeping my books hurriedly inside. "Do you like my pen?"

He asked me as he came near my desk and kept his both hands on my table.


"N-no it's..." I began saying while carrying my bag on my shoulder but he cut me off.

"Really....I don't think so , because the way you were looking at my pen moments ago looked like you liked my pen."

"Um Mr. Kim well" I began saying while thinking what excuse to make because I can't tell him the truth.

"Yes I liked your pen , it's colour." I lied just so he can believe me and that I could go.

He hummed and folded his arms and kept under his chest coming closer to my ear whispering.

"Or did you liked the way I touched the pen...you know circled and pushed and circled and so on." He said and pulled back looking at my face.

My throat went dry and I didn't know what to say. He knows I have sexual fantasies and I surely know he knows what I felt because of the way he touched the pen.

"N-no nothing like that" I said and began walking going out of the class and I could hear him chuckle.

My cheeks heated up as I ran and got out of the class and my heart began beating fast and I felt hot.

I was close to the main gate of our school and I saw that it was raining. I let out a breath and decided to leave everything aside and go home even if I get wet.

As I went down the stairs I heard a voice. "Hey what are you doing?" I turned around and saw Mr. Kim say.

"Umm just going back home." I said and then he came near me and held my arm.

"Come with me I'll drop you home." He then said pulling me a bit.

"No it's fine Mr. Kim." I said but he didn't listen to me and kept on saying the same thing and pulled me.

"Okay fine I'll come with you." I agreed and started following him. If Mr. Kim was not my brother's friend , I wouldn't have gone with him.

We both reached the parking lot and he opened his car door for me and I thanked him and sat inside.

Even the car smelled like him making me relax. He sat too and then started the car. I didn't talked to him especially after what happened in the class.

We reached my area and I thanked him and got out of his car going to the door to open it.

He came outside too when he noticed I hadn't gone inside. I then realised that my house's key was missing.

"What happened?"

"My keys are not here and what do I do now. My parents come late and my brother has gone to his girlfriend's house and will come after two days." I said panicking.

"Ok ok relax you can come with me." He said and I looked at him surprised.

"With you Mr. Kim?...."

"Correction Taehyung....remember we are not in school. And yes , with me."


"No but...see I am your brother's friend and if you worrying about your safety then you will be fine with me." He said and I let out a breath.

I thought for a while at his saying. He is right he is my brother's friend and none of them has ever done something wrong to me.

And it's moreover for some hours so I found it fine. "Ok I'll come with you." I said and he smiled.

Then we both sat is his car and drove off to his house. The weather was again getting dark looking like it's gonna rain hard.

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