《Professor Kim - KTH》Chapter 4


It was a new day and I got up , and then got ready and went in the drawing room for the breakfast.

I wished my family good morning , and ate my breakfast while talking about causal things.

"Mom I'll get going now." My brother said and went.

My brother has a job , so he leaves the home around the same time as me , and comes home around 7:00 PM.

"Mom I'll get going too....bye." I said , and wore my bag going outside.

I reached the school , and began walking towards my classroom. My first period was of Mr. Kim today , and it would be a lie if I said I am not excited , because I am so excited.

I don't know if I have a crush on Mr. Kim but , I do like him around me. And I feel happy that he helped me yesterday.

The bell rang and soon everybody began entering the class. Today , the monitor who accused me yesterday , wore even more short skirt and her top's button was also opened.

I cringed at her and began taking out my books and registers , just when Mr. Kim entered.

He looked really handsome even today. He wore beige coloured pants with a reddish maroon shirt tucked in. And a coat on top.

We all stood and wished him good morning , and sat down. "Ok so students please open your books , we will resume what we left yesterday."

And then he began teaching , and my eyes were stuck on him. The way his long smooth slender fingers pick books or anything , It looks so pretty.

'I wonder how his fingers will feel there' I thought and immediately shake my head , trying to remove the dirty thoughts.

Whenever I try to concentrate , his looks distract me , and I freeze on him not realising that I am too much focused on him , rather than on the book or topic.


Today also he looked at me , while explaining and we both made eye contact a few times , and that always churned my stomach upside down.

"So I'll explain this on the board so pay attention." He said while eyeing me , as I realised that I was looking at his thighs.

I immediately looked up to see him slightly smirk , but he quickly hide it as there were other students too , so he started explaining.

As he was explaining , my eyes on it's own drifted to his black mullet , attracting me to ruffle his hairs.

And then my eyes moved more down towards his lower back , and stopped at his ass.

I gulped a bit seeing it , because man he surely works on himself and I am damn sure he does squat.

He turned around , but I didn't realised it as it happened so quickly , that my eyes were now on his crotch and my cheeks tinted red , as it was my first time to actually look down on some man.

"Ahem" I heard and looked up to see Mr. Kim looking at me. I gulped hard and looked at my book.

"Miss y/n it's the next page already." He said while placing his palm on my table , and leaned a bit looking at my eyes.

"Oh I-I'm sorry Mr. Kim." I said and turned the next page. He hummed and then went back to continue his teaching.

I now payed attention to what he said , and wrote some notes too.

"Ok so students since I explained on the board , I want a student to come and explain to others too." Mr. Kim said and I froze on the spot , because I was the one who didn't payed attention earlier.

"Who will come?" He added looking at all of us , and I looked in the book avoiding to go there.


"Y/n come here please , and explain it on the board like I did." He said to me and I got afraid since I didn't wanted him to call me.

"Y-yes Mr. Kim." I said and stood up , slowly walking to him and stood beside the board , taking the chalk and raised my hand to write.

I got stuck now , because I didn't know what to write. I looked at Mr. Kim from my side eye and saw him waiting for me to write.

"Um Mr. Kim I don't know from the start but , I know the middle and later part ca-can I write that?" I ask.

He took a deep breath and said "okay you can." And I nodded and began writing what I knew.

After I was done , I stood a bit back and saw Mr. Kim standing beside me looking at the board carefully.

"Hmm it is correct....good." He said and smiled at me. "Thank you Mr. Kim." I then said.

"But it's not good that you didn't know the earlier part , but you did the rest part correct I will let this skip but not always." He further said and I nodded and then sat on my seat.

Soon the bell rang , and he went and the rest of the classes were good too.

When finally all the classes were over , I reached home and took shower and ate food.

Then I did some homework and watched TV , and cooked some food for dinner and then my brother came. We sat together and began eating food.

"Y/n , this Saturday my friends will be here as we have a small party planned. And mom and dad will also not be here , since they have to go for some business trip.

So it's fine for you right , and if you want you can come and enjoy with us in the party okay?"

"Yes sure" I said and continued eating dinner.

After dinner I went in my room , and read some books and then after getting tired from reading. I layed on the bed and drifted to sleep.

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