《Hope and Memory[Thorin Oakenshield Love Story]》[Chapter Seventeen]


Thorin had managed to get loose from the goblins hold and stepped forward to face the giant goblin who looked at him recognition. " Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror; King under the Mountain." The great goblin rang as he gave the dwarf an exaggerated bow. The minions had pulled the hobbit to her feet, with a knife pointed at her throat. Thorin looked at her quickly, grateful that the woman was still breathing and then he turned to look back at the ugly creature that stood before him.

" Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king, which makes you nobody, really. " The great goblin chuckled at this, as his minions joined in. The woman saw the young princes discouraged look as he heard this. " I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours." The goblin stated. Thorin looked up at him bewildered and the beast laughed at the dwarf's face.

" A Pale Orc, astride a White Warg." The prince locked up in surprise.

" Azog The Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago. " Thorin snapped at the goblin. The great goblin leaned closer to the dwarf and chuckled.

" So you think his defling days are done, do you?" The goblin let out an evil laugh as he turned to a tiny goblin sitting in a basket and holding a slate. " Send word to the Pale Orc; tell him I have found his prize." The giant goblin order. The tiny goblin writes down the message on his slate; crackling, he then pulls a lever causing the basket to start sliding down a system of ropes and pulleys into the darkness.

Freya heard the sounds of more goblins coming along the wooden bridge. The hobbit looked behind her and from what she could see it was goblins carring wooden torture weapons of all sorts. The hobbit struggled in the tight grip of the goblin minions, wanting to be free of their slimy touch on her skin, the one goblin moved the blade closer to her throat, and she felt the sting against her skin and she stopped; fearing the goblin would slice her throat.

The goblin King began dancing and singing as his minions brought the torture instruments closer.

"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung!

You'll be beaten and battered, from

racks you'll be hung. You will lie down here

and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin town."

The dwarves were struggling amongst the goblins as they got lined up to be tortured. One of the kings high trusted goblin and few others were examining the weapons they had acquired when they were captured in the wooden cage. A goblin picks up Thorin sword, Orcrist and slides it a few inches out of it's sheath.

The minion recognized the sword, he gasps in horror and throws down the sword. It lands in view of all the goblins. Everyone of the goblins recognize it, howling in fear and rage as they retreat from it. The goblin king runs rapidly to his throne, trampling many of his own on his way.


" I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" The goblin king cried out in fear. His minions began attacking the dwarves climbing all of them. Slashing them with ropes. " Slash them! Beat them! Kill Them! Kill them all! Prepare her for the bone breaker!" The king ordered his minions as he pointed to the woman. The two goblins that had the hobbit pulled her over towards the bone breaker as she struggled against them. " And cut off his head!" He shouted in anger.

The prince was pinned to the ground held down by a number of goblins. One of them pulls out his knife and prepares to behead the dwarf. Suddenly, there is a massive explosion of bright light; sending a ripple effect through the area, flinging goblins in the air and destroying the torturing machines. The dwarves and the woman were knocked down, including the great goblin. When the force of the explosion had passed, most of the lights in the area have been snuffed out.

Light slowly returns to the area. The dwarves groan and slowly look up, from the sudden shock. They look to see the wizard. " Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf yelled. The dwarves quickly get up and yell as they charge at the goblins to get to their weapons. Freya managed to push the goblin off of her and got up from the ground.

Some of the goblins start charging at the wizard, he kills them with his sword and staff. " He wields the Foe-hammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" The goblin king cried out to his minions as he was lying on the ground and points at the wizard. Some of the dwarves had managed to reach the pile of weapons and begin tossing the weapons to each other. Bombur tossed the hobbit her elven sword, which she managed to catch by the handle and stabbed the first goblin that came at her.

While fighting two goblins at once. One of the goblins kicks the woman in her stomach and she stumbles to the ground. The giant goblin see's her and starts to run towards her, swinging his mace. " Thorin!" Someone yelled who was witnessing about to happen. Thorin jumped forward and deflected the goblins blow, causing the great goblin to stumble backwards and fell off the edge of his platform, falling to the depths below. The prince held out his hand to the hobbit and pulled her up as the other continued to fight.

" Follow me. Quick!" Gandalf ordered them. The dwarves began to follow the wizard down one of the wooden bridge passages that leads away from the throne room. " Run!" Freya and the dwarves continue running, cutting down the goblins around them. The wizard, dwarves and the woman run through the suspended passageways of Goblin-Town, with hundreds of goblins, charging after them.

" Make way!" Gandalf shouted.

" Faster!" Dwalin yelled, seeing the goblin catching up to them quickly with more coming to join the chase. The company had split up into two groups. Freya was with the group that was running along a suspended bridge above the other group that was below them. The hobbit swings her blade like Dwalin had taught her to do. The dwarves and the wizard continue to fight the goblins that surrounded them, with their various weapons and fighting styles.


Several goblins snarl as they swing on ropes towards the dwarves. " Cut the ropes!" Thorin ordered as he, Freya and some of the dwarves cut the ropes holding a raised platform in place; the platform falls outward, entangling the goblins swinging on the ropes. The wizard, the dwarves and the woman are running once again. They round the corner and see the others below them. Freya sees their path has come to end and have to jump to the bridge below them.

The hobbit took in a deep breath as she jumped down. Dwalin managed to catch her by the arms to steady her and after the others had gotten across the ladder he knocked it over the side so the goblins couldn't get across. " Quickly!" The wizard insisted as they continued to run through the mazelike paths; they come to a section of the path suspended by ropes from above. They slice some ropes, and the pathway starts to swing towards the other side.

" Jump!" Thorin shouted. Freya was one of the few that managed to jump off the swinging path as the others had no time before the bridge swung back and the goblins leaped on. Thorin, the wizard and the other dwarves that hadn't managed to jump off the first time, fought off the goblins until it swings back towards the others and they jump off and cut the ropes, causing the swinging path and the goblins on it to fall.

They continued running through the tunnels, killing the goblins in their way. Gandalf strikes a rock above them with his staff, causing the rock to fall down and begin rolling in front of the company, squashing all the goblins in their way. Thorin had moved to the back of the company, so no one was left behind as he followed behind the woman.

The dwarves, the wizard and the hobbit come to a bridge between two walls of the cavern. As they attempt to cross it, the goblin king suddenly emerges from underneath the bridge and pulls himself up in front of the company, making them pause as hundreds of goblins approach them from all sides.

Thorin moved in front of the hobbit, gripping his sword, ready for this goblins to come up at them. " You thought you could escape me?" The goblin king chuckled a swings his staff at Gandalf, causing the wizard to stumble back and almost fall.

" What are you going to do now, wizard?"

The wizard leaps forward and strikes the goblin in the eye with his staff. The goblin drops his staff and clutches his face in pain.

" Ow, ow, ow!" The goblin cried out. Gandalf steps forward and slices the goblin in the stomach; he falls to his knees, cluthing his belly and looks at the wizard.

" That'll do it."

The wizard took one more step and sliced his neck, causing him to fall down dead. Suddenly, the section of the bridge their on starts to shake, causing it to break away from the rest of the pathway and starts sliding down the side of the cavern. They slide at a terrific speed down the wall, demolishing everything in it's way; the dwarves and the woman cling on anything they can, screaming in terror.

The bridge starts to slow down and lands at the base of the cavern, breaking apart, fling the hobbit and the dwarves to the ground burying them in the timber and wood. The wizard was the first to get up from the pile of wreckage and inspects the others, who are still stuck in the wreckage.

The woman let out a slight groan, when she felt warm air blown on the side of her face. She slowly opened her eyes to see Thorin's face inches from hers. She could smell the sweat that was dripping down his face, the dirt that was smeared on his forehead and that he had covered her from being buried in the debris.

Instead of removing himself from the awkward position he was in, Thorin found himself starred into the hobbits eyes for the longest time. If he hadn't heard what came next, he probably would have forgotten why he was there as the two of them continued to pant from the trip down the wall.

" Gandalf!" Kili shouted. The dwarves looked up and see thousands of goblins running at them.

" There's too many! We can't fight them." Dwalin pointed out. Thorin got off the woman, knocking the rubble off of him that he was covered in and pulled the hobbit to her feet.

" Only one thing will save us: daylight! Come on! Here, on your feet!" Gandalf shouted as he pulled Oin out of the rubble. Thorin pushed the woman in front of him as they run out of the tunnel into the daylight. They begin running down the mountain side, not stopping until they noticed they were no longer being followed. The wizard began counting off the dwarves as they ran passed him.

" Bifur, Bofur. That's ten. Fili, Kili, Freya! That's thirteen and Bombur that makes fourteen." Gandalf stated until he realized someone was missing. They were a hobbit short.

" Where's Bilbo?" Gandalf asked confused, thinking the hobbit had been with them this entire time. Freya looked around not seeing her cousin anywhere.

" Bilbo?" She said in a worried voice.

" Where is our hobbit!?" Gandalf asked again. The dwarves were searching amongst themselves, clearly just as confused as the wizard. The woman had feared the worse that something had happened to her cousin.

" Bilbo. Where are you!?" Freya cried out.

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