
The sunlight shone through the windows, and you shot up as soon as you awoke. Taking a look around your surroundings, you unfortunately saw that yesterday's incident was not a dream.

You got up from the bed in the guest bedroom and yawned. Maybe the owner of the cottage would finally be home.

Looking down, the sight of your pajamas came into sight. Grey sweatpants and a dark red t-shirt rested on your figure. It made you grimace, for you had been wearing this ever since you found yourself in the forest. Dirt and grass stains soiled the clothes.

It was rather hopeful thinking but perhaps the owner of the house had clothes that could fit you.

You opened the closet that was in the guest bedroom but it was completely empty. Making your way to the master bedroom, you saw Marlin strolling along in the hall.

You smiled and gave a small wave to the cat, despite him not understanding what you were doing. "Hey, Marlin. I'll give you some food in a minute."

You opened the door to the master bedroom and walked over to the closet. There wasn't many clothes, but there was a few that you could maybe manage to fit on you.

The options weren't very appealing, so you just took the first few things you saw.

You spent a minute or two putting on black, baggy pants and a light brown shirt that went all the way down to your mid thighs, so you put a dark brown belt around your waist to make it look like a skirt. You also put on black boots that you found on the floor of the closet.

You nearly laughed out loud at your reflection in the mirror. It looked as if you came straight from the medieval times. Clothes were the last thing to worry about, so you walked down the stairs and made your way to the kitchen.

Marlin was already sitting by his food bowl, meowing loudly. You chuckled and pulled the bag out of the cabinet and poured the cat food into the bowl. He immediately started munching on the tiny brown pebbles. You also put some cold water into the other bowl.

Today you made a plan to search around the cottage in hopes of finding other people.

You heard your stomach growl loudly. You hadn't eaten anything the day before and you didn't have breakfast today.

...Maybe it would be okay to just take a peak inside the refrigerator, right?

That's when you came to a sudden realization. This house didn't even have a refrigerator. "Uh.. that's weird. Maybe I'll just look in the cabinets then."

Searching through the cabinets, you finally came across a box of salted crackers. "Better than nothing, I guess."

You began munching on the crackers, only eating a few because you didn't know if you would have to save more for later.

Putting the box back into the cabinet where it came from, you turned around to pet Marlin's head. "I'll be back, okay? Stay put."

You then left the door, taking in the sunlight. It felt really nice and you just wanted to stay there and relax for a while but you had to figure out where you were.


You began walking, remembering the turns you were taking so you wouldn't forget where the cottage was.

Unexpectedly, you heard a loud thud and the sound of a person groaning. A person!

You began running towards the sound, hope filling your chest. Finally you would be able to get some answers and possibly get back home.

As you peered around a rather large tree, you gasped at the sight. A man was laying on the ground with cuts and bruises all over him, groaning in pain.

You ran from your place behind the tree and got on your knees next to him, bending over his figure. "Oh, gosh!! Are you okay?!"

The sunlight behind your head made him unable to see your face. He only grunted in response, sitting up. "I'm fine."

Now that he was sitting up, you could tell he was a lot taller than you. Maybe around 5'9. He was looking away from your face, embarrassed that he was caught in such a weak state.

"You're not fine! Just look at you.." You said, standing up and brushing your pants off. You then extended a hand to help him up. "Come with me, I'll help you get patched up."

He then decided to look up at you, and your (e/c) eyes met his green ones. His hair was dark red and he was fairly tan. "Tch, I don't need your help." He stood up on his own and walked over to a sword laying on the ground, sliding it into the sheath that was attached to his belt.

You quirked a brow at his outfit and the sword. Was this guy cosplaying or something? He had black boots on, similar to yours, black pants, black shirt and a gray cape-like thing around his shoulders.

He seemed pretty rude, so to be honest you didn't really want to help him but you needed him to help you get out of this place.

"Come on, those cuts look pretty bad. You have nothing to lose by coming with me." You said, smiling widely.

He seemed to think about your words for a moment before clicking his tongue. "Fine. Don't talk to me, though."

Your eyebrow twitched. 'What an asshole..'

You gestured for him to follow you and he reluctantly did, muttering curse words under his breath.

As you walked through the forest, the silence between you both was pretty awkward. You decided to ignore what he said minutes ago and talk to him.

"So... What's your name?" You asked. He rolled his eyes at your question for no apparent reason, most likely just to be petty.

"Asa Lindon."

His name sounded familiar. The gears in your head started to churn and you nearly let out a yelp. Asa Lindon?! As in the head knight from the novel you were reading?! This had to be a coincidence or maybe he was just delusional.

Wait. You suddenly woke up in a strange place, you found a cottage with no TV or refrigerator, weird clothes were in the closet.. What if you somehow were in the world of the novel?!


You went dead silent for a few seconds. If you were a sane person, you would probably start screaming and crying right about now. But instead, you felt your heart swell up with excitement. You could start over in this new world! And although you would like to get a love interest or two from the novel, you didn't want to mess up Sabina's life and steal her love interests. You sighed, feeling conflicted.

"You still alive?" Asa asked from behind you. You snapped out of your thoughts and nodded your head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just started daydreaming. Anyways, I'm (F/n) (L/n)."

He laughed loudly. "What a strange name! Not to mention the men's clothes you're wearing right now!"

'The nerve of this guy..' You clenched your fist to stop yourself from beating the shit out of this jerk. 'How did Sabina put up with him?'

"Tough talk for a guy who I'm helping right now." You muttered, trying to stay calm.

"Hahhh?! What did you just say?" He glared at the back of your head, but still kept following you. "You heard me tomato head!"

You began yelling back and forth until you arrived to the cottage. The yelling finally ceased and he followed you into the house.

You led him to the kitchen table and he sat on one of the wooden chairs. "What a dump!"

You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "Wow, what kind words. Stay here, I'll be right back."

He watched your figure leave the room with a hawk like gaze.

You walked upstairs to the bathroom and looked in the cabinet, and just to your luck there were cotton swabs, alcohol and bandages.

You grabbed the supplies and walked back downstairs. You found him in the same spot, but this time Asa was leaning down to pet Marlin's head. You chuckled which made him shoot up with a bright blush on his face.

"I never expected that you'd have a soft spot for cats." You smiled, dragged a chair so it was across from him and sat on it.

"I-I don't. I was just bored." He replied, his words laced with obvious lies. You only hummed in response. "Is that sooo?"

He then banged his fist on the table, almost like a child throwing a temper tantrum. "Just get on with it already, woman!"

You didn't get mad though, you knew he was just embarrassed. "Yeah, yeah. Take off your shirt."

He reluctantly removed his shirt and put it on the table beside

You couldn't help but notice his wounds. Trying your best to not stare at his welly built figure, you noticed that some of his wounds are older than the ones he got today. His muscles were really defined and the novel didn't even begin to describe how hot his abs actually were.

"How did you even get these anyways?" You asked, referring to the wounds. "I was training and I... got angry and threw my sword. It landed in a tree so I tried to climb up and get it. I'm sure your puny brain can figure out what happened from there." You only scoffed at his words and went back to looking at the cuts.

Meanwhile, Asa stared down at you with his intimidating emerald eyes. 'She's small.'

You grabbed the alcohol and poured a little on a cotton swab. "This is going to hurt but it'll help, just try to endure it for a bit."

He only smirked. "You seriously think a little alcohol is going to hurt me? Who do you take me for? A little bitch?"

You hummed at his words. "Well... Okay." You brought the cotton swab down to one of the cuts on his chest and he almost hissed in pain, but he didn't want to embarrass himself.

You kept your eyes on the wound, and without looking up at him you said, "Loosen up a bit. It's not embarrassing to be hurt."

"Yes, it is. I'm not a weakli- aghh.."

You looked up to his face to see it scrunched up in pain, and you looked back down. "You're doing good, just a little more."

You kept telling him encouraging words while disinfecting the wounds and he seemed to appreciate it.

"Alrighty, Let me just bandage you up really quick."

You picked up the bandage roll and began wrapping it around his torso. Once you finished, you placed it back on the table. "And we're done!"

He looked to the side and his shoulders looked tense, a small blush on his cheeks. "T-Thanks, or whatever."

You giggled, shaking your head. "It's no problem. By the way, I have a favor to ask of you."

When he heard those words, he looked back at you with dull eyes and the blush was gone. 'Of course... She's just like everyone else. She only helped me because she wants something. Probably money. How annoying.'

He pretended to play dumb, even though he knew she was about to ask for money or something of the sort. "Oh? What is it?"

You scratched your cheek with an embarrassed blush on your face. "W-Well, you see, it seems that I've gotten lost in the forest and I was wondering if you could lead me to the town?"

His eyes widened. 'Is this chick for real?!'

He didn't even notice the small smile make it's way to his lips.

"Huh? Why are you smiling?" You tilted your head slightly and he found the action, dare he say, cute.

"Tch, I'm not! Go get your eyes checked."

He quickly changed his smile into a scowl to make you think he was annoyed, but in reality he felt thankful. For a second he thought you were just using him, but you actually just needed directions. He didn't know why it made him feel so happy, though.

"Fine, I'll show you the way to the town. You'll be wasting my precious time, but whatever."

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