《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 2.3


" Elder Feng ! "

Yu Yan and Fei Lixue shouted in joy at the same time. Relief flashed in their eyes seeing their saviour. They thought that they will die under the hands of those bastards but looks like Gods finally couldn't see their suffering and pity them.

Fei Hong , Xu Moran and Lou Wei are pale in fright.

There is only one person called as 'Elder Feng' and that is 'Feng Hua'. Who doesn't know the famous person 'Feng Hua' of the Ghost sect. She is an extremely talented and powerful person. She is a rare talent one may or may not appear in thousands of years. She is both a talented cultivator and alchemist. She is also a rare dual culivator.

ZhiRuo's eyes are filled with hatred as she stared at the figure of Feng Hua. Feng Hua can feel the killing intent from the FL but she didn't know the reason and confused as hell as well.

' Oi Eli why is that damn FL glaring at me with so much hatred, well I am flattered ~~ '

' O my my thanks for the compliment babe. Come let mommy give you a kissy *muah*~~ '

' Tsk your no fun Eli. '

Feng Hua flicked her middle finger towards Eli in her mind then coldy looked at everyone. Though the FL has already bowed her head so that she ( FH ) can't see her ( ZR ) expressions any more but still the killing intent is slightly visible.

Feng Hua thought about the fate of the original owner in the plot. How the original owner took this damn FL as her direct inner disciple and helped her in cultivation, also taught her alchemy and in the end becam an exclusive living medical furnase for the use of this same one and only FL.

Now that Liza became Feng Hua, she is fucking angry! She felt that she had eaten a lot of shit that even her intestines turned green.

Feng Hua let out her powerful aura surrounding everyone. ZhiRuo kneeled on the ground. A huge pressure is pressing like a mountain on her. As she was focusing on not getting defeated by the pressure she totally missed the dark face of Feng Hua.


Feng Hua coldy watched as sweats gather on ZhiRuo's forehead then sliding down her small nose then her glossy pink lips down to her sexy slender neck and disappearing under her clothes which tightly hugged her petite body showing her curves giving of an sultry and sexy vibes also combining with her innocent face looking pitiful and helpless no doubt that it brings out the desires of most men. She has no doubt that if her harem members saw her like this then they will definately rolled in bed together.

Although Feng Hua is maintaining her cold facade she is already cursing inside her heart.


' Why what about her harems ? This fucking world has four belove sons yet only one belove daughter why can't just give birth to another three daughters ah! It would have been four perfect pairs. Ba! '

' Then what ? Passers-bys ? '

' ...Then I can kill her harem with my own hands but can't kill her. '

' And if I just go on killing her harem without destroying that hoe then new harem members will continue to rise. Can they even increase in number ? '


'......Fine fine they are the protagonists. World's beloved children. They are fricking invincible. Right ?'

' Why the hell are they even protagonists in the first place ? '

'.....Whatever. '

' You didn't tell me the reason why the original ownerand the FL are enemy. '

' Na ! Come on honey~ give me some spoilers .'

' Hey when did I take shortcuts ? '

' Ok ok fine I did take shortcuts so what its also a talent. Hmph~ 😤. '

' Just tell me the goddammit reason behind the enmity of those two. '

'.......Didn't you say that systems don't have genders ? '

' Then how do you know that you are not interested in opposite gender, not that I mind. '


' Hey I am a strong LGBTQ+ supporter. At most I will find you a boyfriend ah! '

' Didn't you say that you are interested in opposite gender ? '

'...Thats also fine. Its just I am a fujoshi. '

' So what's your gender ? '

' Curious ba! '


' Will you tell or not ? '

' Can't you tell me this before instead of such a round about way? '

' Hey whose voice are you calling demonic ba! '

' Eli are you picking a fight with me ? '

Just as Feng Hua is sulking she unwittingly increased her aura pressure. Eli notices that and quickly shouted to stop her.

' Hey what do you mean by evil aura ha!? '

' What ? No ofcourse I won't-'

Feng Hua stopped talking when she saw that she will really kill them ( YY & FLX ). She quickly retract her aura from Yu Yan and Fei Lixue but didn't control it better and unintentionally increase her aura pressure on the FL and her harem. She flew towards those two poor injured girls and leaned to see their injuries.

There are big slashes on their bodies with some deep stab marks and burns along with some possible internal injury. She quickly search her storage ring and took two high level healing elixirs and gave them. She then look back at the other four coldly.

Due to the increase in her aura pressure Lou Wei, Xu Moran and Fei Hong had already fainted even a trail of blood slipped from the FL's lips. Feng Hua should be happy but doesn't know why she only feels that the sexy vibes of this damn FL only increased.

Feng Hua decided to ignore it afterall she will definately torture this FL later. She coldy said.

" This Elder hopes to find you four esteem cultivators in Sect Leader's hall tomorrow. We will talk about some important things about our fellow sect disciples. "

After saying this Feng Hua summons her contracted spiritual beast according to the memory of the original owner. Suddenly a giant white snake appeared in the sky.

This is what it looks like in closer.


Feng Hua maintained her cold facade and carried those two ( YY & FLX) and sat on her spiritual beast and said in a cold tone like the original owner.

" Let's go. We have to treat some people. Quick. "

Although on the surface FengHua

is maintaining her cold facade she is already fangirling and rolling in ground in the excitement of having such a cool spiritual beast of her own in her heart.

Though the spiritual beast belongs to the original owner but now that she acquired this body the spiritual beast also belongs to her.

Feng Hua abruptly stopped and ask Eli in a hesitant voice.

' ...Um....Eli... I was saying that....um isn't the contract between .....a spiritual beast and its owner a..... soul contract....but I am a different soul so um...'

' WAIT ! WHAT ? so this means I am sitting on YOU ! '

' No you won't. '

' Eli you dare ! '


' Nothing much just wanna treat these two girls, punish the FL and her harem then go to meet the current demon lord. '

' Cause the current demon lord is someone related to the original owner and if am right then he attacked the FL and her harem to avenge the originalowner. '

' Its written in the plot. '


' *sob* *sob* Finally my lovely Eli is back. *sob* *sob* '

' Hehe '

' Yup well I hava a question ? '

' Since the FL is reborn then doesn't it means that she is older than her harem members. '

' Fuck ! Then doesn't it mean that she is a old cow eating tender grass. '

Feng Hua finally stop asking questions and since there is still some time till they arrive at their destination, she decided to go through the memories of the original owner to find out the reason behind the enmity.

After going through her memories and finding the reason why the original owner killed the FL and her family she is SHOCKED. Too shocked actually.

' 🤯 Fucking shit ! Eli are you serious ?! SUCCUBUS ! 😱'


A/N : I am extremely sorry for this late update but from next week my exams are starting. I will try to update more in this week or probably next month. I will definately try my best to you all a mass update.

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