《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 2.2


A/N : To avoid any confusion I will write the name of the characters before starting the story.

Liza : FengHua

Villainess : Fei Lixue

Cannonfodder : Yu Yan

FL : Zhi Ruo

ML1 : Xu Moran

ML2 : Liu Wei

ML3 : Fei Hong

well enjoy the story.

Fei Hong, Liu Wei and Xu Moran were trying to break the water wall infront of them while protecting Zhi Ruo at the same time.

Fei Hong can't help but curse.

" Who the hell is stopping this Laozi from killing this two pests ? "

Yu Yan is heavily injured and couldn't talk but Fei Lixue can so she did.

" Heh~ May be someone finally had enough of that slut so decided to help us. "

Zhi Ruo's eyes widened and her eyerims turned red and tears automatically gathered around her eyes. Her sobbing voice sounds so weak, soft and pitiful that it makes the surrounding people pity her and strive justice for her.

Xu Moran, Liu Wei and Fei Hong immediately felt distress for their little lover and glared at Fei Lixue.

Liu Wei and Xu Moran hugged Zhi Ruo comforting her in their blossom with Fei Hong looking over in distress. Yu Yan looked at Xu Moran hugging another girl lovingly and buried her in Fei Lixue's bossom. Fei Lixue felt the tears of her best friend and can't help but roar in anger.


Zhi Ruo's eyes widened further and she escaped from Xu Moran's hug and burry her head deeper into Liu Wei's bossom.

Liu Wei gave Xu Moran a provocative glance before speaking softly to comfort his little lover. Xu Moran glared at him before walking towards Fei Lixue and Yu Yan and said with a sneer.

" Fiance ? With her low cultivation is she evdn worthy of me ? If not for the fact that I was forced to accept the engagement do you think I will be even willing to glance at her. Tsk....tsk."

Yu Yan lift her head and stared directly at Xu Moran with tired eyes filled with tears and slowly said ignoring her pain.

" Then lets cancel the engagement I am tired. I did everything to satisfy you yet you never cared even once. All your kindness and gentleness was fake. I will bear all the shame for the cancellation of our engagement without causing any harm to your reputation so lets cancel the engagement. "

Fei Lixue can't believe her best friend who has always cared about the reputation of a female and women ethics the most would one day give up her own reputation willingly.

Xu Moran gave Yu Yan a mocking smile and said.


" So that you can shamelessly jumped into another man's arm ? Well you are quite a slut aren't you ? "

Fei Lixue can't take Xu Moran's nonsense anymore and shouted back.

" Xu Moran you bastard who the hell are you calling a slut the only slut here is Zhi Ruo standing among you three. "

Fei Hong and Xu Moran were extremely angered and used their Qi combining it together to attack the water wall.

Seeing the cracks appearing on it Fei Lixue's face turned ugly but she refused to show any weakness in front of these scumbags only hugging Yu Yan tighter. Yu Yan too seeing the cracks turned her sight towards Zhi Ruo and said.

" Zhi Ruo you have already taken my fiance and will probably took my life but I want you to spare Lixue. She is completely innocent here. In the sect everyone knows that you are kind and gentle so please let her go. If you want to kill then just kill me but let her go. "

" YU YAN ! "

Fei Lixue shouted. Its impossible, she won't leave Yu Yan alone never not even in this life threatening situation. Yu Yan has been always the closest person to her. She will rather die than watching her death.

Zhi Ruo stared wide eyes at them and shuttered.

" No I d-did-n't B-roth-er Xu to-ld me th-at he was for-ced I never wan-ted t-o break y-ou ap-art. I do-n't wa-nt to ki-ll yo-u. No it-s not m-e I do-n't wa-nt to kill any-one No.."

Pearls? like tears glistening down her large doe eyes as she kept on mumbling but it only made the three MLs furious.

Xu Moran, Fei Hong and Liu Wei looked at each other and started attacking the water wall infront of them. Under the combined attack of them the water wall quickly broke.

Xu Moran walked towards Yu Yan and Fei Lixue. Fei Lixue stared at him with cold eyes whereas YuYan pleaded again.

" Xu Moran I beg you please look back at our affection in old days let Lixue go. Just kill me. "

Fei Lixue even tho totally hate how Yu Yan is begging to them but she is completely weak against them and can only grit her teeth continuing to endure it.

' One day I will return this humiliation 10 times back to them. The humiliation YuYan suffered today I will write it down and pay you back. I will definitely take revenge no matter whatever the cost is. '

Just as Fei Lixue lost in her thoughts her eyes are slowly growing darker and she is surrounded by a dark ominous aura. But the strange thing is that no one seems to notice anything wrong as if the dark aura isn't there at all except Zhi Ruo whose eyes shined with greed with a crazy smile on her face which doesn't fit her innocent face at all.


Even tho no one seems to see the darkness around Fei Lixue, Yu Yan probably due to it somewhat felt uncomfortable and vomited blood. Seeing this Fei Lixue threw all the dark thoughts at the back of her head.

Disappoint flashed through ZhiRuo's eyes but she quickly concealed it and buried her head into Liu Wei's bossom. Xu Moran lowered his head till he is at the same level as those two and said in a low voice.

" Yu Yan ah ! Yu Yan do you think I had ever loved you * sneer * I just wanted your Yu family nothing else. With your disable brother only after marrying you I can become the head of your Yu family. Do you know I had already decided that after the marriage you will be the exclusive slut of my servants and mine. I was quite sure that they would have liked that pretty face of yours. Tsk..tsk what a same that you have to die, but don't worry I will play my role as your loving fiance who is mourning for your death and a perfect son-in-law. Your Yu family is bound to be mine. "

Yu Yan's eyes watered filled with pain and helplessness whereas Fei Lixue is so angry that before her brain could react she launched an attack on him (XM).

Even tho Xu Moran can totally avoid her attack he strangely didn't.

" Xu Moran ! "

Zhi Ruo's shouted as she covered her mouth and quickly run towards him. Xu Moran fell on the ground some distance away from them and vomited blood. Liu Wei and Fei Hong also went near him.

FeiLixue can't help but furrow her eyebrows as she knows that he deliberately let himself hurt by her even Yu Yan knows it. Moreover even if they use their power together its still impossible to make him vomit blood okay ? Afterall both of them are seriously injured and are completely exhausted. She (YY) is having a bad feeling about it. Sure enough the next moment.

Xu Moran sat up supported by Fei Hong and look at Zhi Ruo with tender and loving feelings in his eyes, repeatedly assuring her that he is okay and not seriously hurt.

Liu Wei hugged Zhi Ruo and said.

" See Ruo'er its not that we want to kill them but they wholeheartedly want to hurt us. Look at Xu Moran so we really don't have any other options other than killing them. Today they hurted him if we spare them who knows whom they will hurt again. To prevent them from hurting innocent people we really have to kill them. Don't worry we will give them a quick painless death okay ? So don't be sad. "

Fei Hong wiped her tears and said softly to her.

" Liu Wei is right so don't feel sad for those who don't deserve it. Now give us a pretty smile to cheer us. "

Zhi Ruo listening to them stop from preventing them from killing them and gave them a shy smile while blushing. She stood up and look back towards them ( YY & FL) and said in a soft voice.

" I will pray for you two that in next life you two will be kind and righteous and stop hurting innocent people. "

Zhi Ruo then looked at those three ML and said coquettishly in a sweet honey dripping voice.

" You three promised that you will give them a quick painless death you have to keep it. I don't like seeing people in pain. "

Hearing what she (ZR) said FeiLixue nearly fainted in anger even Yu Yan's lips twitches. Both of them have the same thought.

' Fucking hypocrite. '

They ( XM, FH & LW ) repeatedly assure her (ZR) before seperating from each other. Liu Wei hugged Zhi Ruo and went to some distance whereas Xu Moran and Fei Hong came towards them with evil smirks on their face.

Both of them ( XM & FH ) gripped their swords and rushed towards them ( YY & FL). Fei Lixue closed her eyes and hugged Yu Yan tighter. If she can't get Yu Yan out of this place alive then the least she can do is die together with her.

When suddenly another water wall quickly covered them ( YY & FL ) protecting them from their ( XM & FH ) attacks. And another two water waves flew towards them ( XM & FH ) and slammed them hard.

This time Xu Moran and Fei Hong are really seriously hurt and vomited blood. They both groan in pain. Xu Moran and Fei Hong can't help but shout together.



Suddenly a cold female voice came from above them.

" Sorry to disappoint you, I don't have balls but I do have guts. "

They all look towards the direction of the voice and what a rainbow ? reaction.

Fei Hong, Xu Moran and Liu Wei are pale with fright as if they saw their death. Fei Lixue and Yu Yan are extremely happy as their face lit up seeing their saviour whereas Zhi Ruo's face distorted with hatred and viciousness as if she saw the most hated person of her life.

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