《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.14


Party $Rebel$ I will join your team for the comming World Championship only if you forward my post through your official account.

Party Night¤shade You want me to use myself as a cover for your misdeeds.

Party $Rebel$ Hey! Its not even true. I am falsely accused okay? You better forward it yourself or I'mma hack your account.

Party Night¤shade Give me a reason.

Party $Rebel$ I am you wife.

Party Night¤shade Who is the other innocent girl whom you abducted ?

Party $Rebel$ Your little sister 😈.

Party Night¤shade 😶 ha ha ha nice joke.

Voice $Rebel$ But brother its true, its not a joke.

Hearing the familiar soft female voice the once lively party chat suddenly fall dead silent to the point where Liza even had the illusion that she can feel a wind is blowing in the silent desert like party chat.

Party Night¤shade

Party Dark$Tyrant

Party Mad♤Max

Party Fire◇Lance


Party LavaFlames Holysh*t

And the party chat again burst into discussions. Most of it is Nightshade ( aka. the ML ) who is questioning his sister and Liza ( aka. our MC ).

Lets move sometime back to know what actually happened.


" Lizzy! You must calm down! I will take care of the mess you don't have to worry. "

Lisa was sleepy so without seeing the caller ID she receive the call as a result the original owner's brother's pig-like murderous howl shot through her eardrum.

" You are the one who must calm down first. "

Liza can help but shout thanks to the Pig like howl her sleepyhead is fully cleared.

She put her phone away and covered her ears.

" What happened ? Louis why are you barking so early in the morning ? "

Before Louis can reply both of them heard a soft female voice.

" Why i-s it so no-i-sy ? "

Liza looked at the pale girl lying on the hospital bed, she didn't say anything else just lowered the volume of her phone. She pat her head saying.

" Nothing you continue to rest. I will take a call."

After patting her head she went out of the private hospital ward and put the phone back on her ear but before she can say anything she heard the shaky voice of Louis.

" Liza is that a girl's voice ? And I want to hear the truth. "

" Yes why ar-"

Liza can't complete her sentence hearing the the Ugly crying noises of her brother Louis, she heard him muttering

" So its true. Lizzy were you afraid ? Is that why you wanted to become independent so that no one can judge you. "

" What wait wha-"

" No you don't have to say anything. I know its hard to come out of closet. Don't worry brother supports you. Afterall blood is thicker than water. I just need sometime alone. You take care of yourselves and your lover. "

Liza : " ??? " What ? Lover ? Coming out of closet ? Who is comming out? When did I have a lover? How come I didn't know ? WTF ! Is happening !?

Just as Liza is planning to ask Eli another call came. She saw that it was a conference call of her three good friends she made in this world name Annie, Charlie and Daphnie , they are triplets. She connected the call and soon a male and two different female voice sounded.


C : " Girl seriously you know right that we will support you no matter what. How come you never told us anything about your secret little lover. "

A : " Yeah we will always support you no matter what. Look we even accepted this playboy. "

C : " Hey who are you calling a playboy huh ? "

D : " Can you two shut up for once. "

A : " Sorry "

C : " Sorry "

Liza is glad that among her three friends atleast one is sensible enough to stop the other two idiots. Among those three Charlie is gay, Annie and Daphnie are straight. But hearing the next words of Daphnie she really wants to kill her if possible.

" So Liz tell us about your secret lover, she must be someone special to capture the heart of our ice-beauty. "

Liza finally can't endure anymore and shouted.


The three on the other side of the phone fell silent.

" Now tell me what happened I just wake up this morning and everyone is asking me about my lover. The hell when did I have a lover I myself don't know. So tell me what happened. "

The other side remain silent for sometime before they started speaking.

D : " Well you see today morning in some newspapers there were written about you having a hidden lover there is also a photo taken from such a angle that it looks like you two are kissing. So you know.... "

Liza is speechless. She really don't understand what's the big deal as its not the first time something like this happened. There were times when there were worse scandals when she was still in rising fame but she always took care of it, sometimes Louis also help her from behind. She also retorts, ridiculed and mocked them to the point where they can't lift their heads in shame and netizens added the title 'poisonous tongue' on her head.

Liza don't believe that its the only reason. She asked in a cold voice.

L : " Daphnie I want the truth and details. Don't tell me this ridiculous reason cuz its not the first time something happened anything like this. "

A : " He-y don't wo-rry we wi-ll help you de-al with i-t. "

C : " Yeah we-"

L : " You will tell or not ? "

D : " Calm down and listen. Its like this um..... you see it is written that you are a lesbian and you have a GF. There is also a photo attached go it about you supporting your GF and going inside your sports car. "

A : " And from the looks of the situation on the internet it's likely someone hired a water army to blacken you. "

C : " There are also some homophobic fuckers insulting you. Well looks like some of your fans are fucking homophobic bitches."

D : " And whoever did it likely didn't get the desired result. Their are still a lot of people supporting you. The matter of the internet is a draw neither favourable nor unfavorable. "

L : " I see ..... I am hanging up first let me see the situation first. If I need any help I will call you three. "


Liza directly hung upthe phone and open her official account to look at the overall situation. There is a slight decrease in her followers and quite a few people have expressed their disgust towards homosexuality.

[A/N : Well I am writing the discussions of the fans' accounts as Neitizen cuz I don't know how to write it in any other way. ]

Neitizen : I never knew that Rebel is a disgusting homosexual ba! Who wants to be a fan of a disgusting homo.

Neitizen : The one upstairs homosexuality is nothing to hate. There is nothing wrong with it okay so shut up.

Neitizen : Agree with upstairs so what if she is homosexual we will always support her.

Neitizen : How are you all supporting someone like her.

Neitizen : Why can't we ? We became fans of her because of her gaming skills okay her sexuality doesn't change anything.

Neitizen : Moreover we don't even know if its fake or real. We are living in a modern world there are even laws permitting same-sex marriage so what the hell is wrong with being Homosexual.

Neitizen : I myself is gay and I am proud of my sexuality so fuck off you disgusting homophobes.

Neitizen : Isn't her brother is the CEO of the Blue.Int Corps, he must be so ashamed and disgusted by her.

Neitizen : You know what Homosexuals are not disgusting you Homophobic people are disgusting.

Neitizen : I am friends with her brother and he supports her. I have talked with him.

Neitizen : Upstairs is lying right. How can someone supports anything disgusting like this.

Neitizen : Since her family is supporting her who the hell are you to criticize her huh !? Fuckers~

Neitizen : Can you all idiots stop. Have you given birth to her or have you brought her up ? NOTHING. Since you did nothing so kindly shut up and get lost.

Neitizen : Seriously how can you all put up with it. Homosexuality is a fucking disease.

Liza gripped her phone so tightly that her fingertips are turning white.

' Am I ? You know I fucking hate these homophobics. If possible I really hope they die a gruesome death. '

' I happened to have a very good friend but because he is gay those fucking homophobics started bullying and criticizing him. He couldn't handle it anymore and committed suicide. '

' But its okay cuz I took revenge on all of them and made their life hell. Well let just focus on the mission. '

Eli decided to keep silent. Liza also put down her phone and went inside the ward. As a victim of those false rumors Music should know about it and she also have to find a way to counterattack it.

Around noon, after strolling around on some blogs the idle fans came across Liza's official account again to see if there is anything spicy or not. Seeing a new post they curiously went in only to be surprised.

Photos ! Videos ! So many !

Obviously the videos are of the restaurant and hospital. In these videos it is clearly seen that Liza their idol is supporting another girl walking through the restaurant, got into her car and drove to the hospital. There are also photos of the doctor's report clearly stating that the other girl (i.e. the patient ) is drugged with a dangerous drug. After seeing the statement issued by their idol the slightly dispirited fans quickly cheered up.

I want to clear something. The girl in the photo is my friend who is drugged by some bastards. I just helped her in admitting to a hospital for treatment. Moreover I am still not interested in anyone. And even if in the future I happened to like a girl I will boldly pursue her cuz I don't give a fuck about others' opinions. Moreover Homosexuality is not a disease. It is just a different type of sexuality nothing else.

So all those homophobics keep your shits to yourself cuz this queen doesn't care. If you don't like my shits then go find a new idol cuz I ain't gotta time for you worthless people. I fucking hate you homophobics so go kill yourself and do a good deed to lessen the burden on our mother Earth. Don't worry cuz after dying you are going to hell cuz you homophobic sinners don't deserve anything. I am married to

in the game and we are meeting in real life. If we like each other we will directly hit ot off if not then will divorce immediately. So suck it up hoes cause I don't fucking care.

A stone stirs up a thousand layers of waves!

Rebel is amazing. A neat and straight shot completely disregarding the public war on internet. Rebel is so cool ! How bold ! All the fans were cheered up as if injected with chicken blood they started fighting towards those who are insulting their idol. They started attacking so aggressively that the haters aren't getting any chance to counterattack at all.

Ignoring the one sided massacre on the internet Liza and MusicMelody whose real name is Melody are sitting on a soft sofa. Liza is completely chill whereas Melody is completely nervous. Melody slowly poked Liza till she looked up from her laptop and staring at her.

" Anything you want to know Melody ? "

" Yeah...um so what's your next plan ?"

" On nothing just getting that hateful brother of yours to help us. "

" Will he help us I mean um... you know "

" Don't worry he should agree if not then I have a backup plan so chill girl."

" Hmmm I believe in you. "

" I am honored Melody. "

After talking with Melody she started texting Lava also known as Snow. She simply told him to form a party and invite the others as she has something important to discuss.

[Party] Night¤Shade :[ What do you want Rebel ? ]

[Party] $Rebel$ :[ Hubby~ don't be cold. ]

[Party] Night¤Shade :[ Speak properly. ]

[Party] Mad♤Max :[ Man I am getting goosebumps seeing the reply of Rebel. ]

[Party] Fire◇Lance :[ Bro me too. ]

[Party] $Rebel$ :[ I know that you still lack a member for WorldChampionship so I have a deal for you. ]

[Party] Lava☆Flames :[ What's the deal gurl. ]

[Party] Dark$Tyrant :[ Its better not a trap Rebel. ]

[Party] R♧Phantom :[ I think its fishy bro. ]

[Party] Night¤Shade :[ What's the deal tell ]

[Party] $Rebel$ :[ Nothing big just you have to forward my post by your official account. And I will join your team. ]

[Party] Night¤Shade :[ Are you kidding me ? ]

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