《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.13


" Fucking move! move ! "

" Get on the car quickly they are gonna catch us. "

One boy and girl are being chased by the cops, they got into a black sportscar and quickly drove away from that place leaving the police behind them.

" Liz they are catching up with us. Increase the speed quickly. "

The girl is relax as if what the boy said isn't important at all whereas the boy was extremely nervous continuously checking behind their car. The girl to appease him finally increased the speed and after a few twist and turns they finally lost the cop cars behind them.

Well they are our lovrly MC and Snow_flakes. Today is the day they decided to hangout together.

" Man it was awesome. Liz I never knew breaking laws are these much fun. "

" Come on Snow we didn't break any law ok ? All we did was to tresspass and vandalize several private and public properties. And...and...O yes getting banned from several shopping malls nothing else. "

" You know I am glad that you are my friend Liz. After knowing that you are both Rebel and Clarity I really thought that you are going to hate me. "

Liza quitely look at the young male in front of her. He was an exact replica of her when she was innocent, carefree and ignorant of all the dangers, betrayal and pain. Liza if possible really doesn't want him to be tainted as her.

" You are a great person yourself Snow. I can't never hate such a good person like you Snow. Moreover I am glad to be your friend. "

Snow just giggled Liza smiled and continue driving. From outside it was looking perfectly normal but inside her mind Liza is already rolling on the ground out of happiness. The cuteness of a total bottom is dangerous. She clutched her heart in her mind from the cuteness of Snow. After quite sometime did she calm her fujoshi heart and asked....

" I have a grudge on that leader of yours. You are completely innocent so why would I be angry with you huh ? "

Snow shook his head beforr saying

" Night is not bad really. Its just he is in a tight spot right now. Liza this year's WorldChampionships is really important for him and his family. As his friends we are just doing our best to help him. So....."

Liza cut him off saying.

" Snow look I may not have any idea of the reasons or situations of him and his real life issues but it does not mean he will just go killing me. I would not have any problem if he killed me in a duel or PK but I was fucking offline and he killed me like a coward. I can't forgive him Snow. "

Liza said angrily in her heart she has already torture the ML thousand times cutting him into tiny pieces and throw them in the sea to feed piranhas. Snow just sighs before saying for a last time.

" Liz I know and look I am not telling you to forgive him at all I just hope you can fight alongside with us in the World Championship this year. And K- I mean Night was really desperate at that time so he did something foolish you can punish him any way you want so I just hope you can help us in this year's Championship. Please Liza if you don't help us then his family will be ruined so please think about it before you decide."


Liza became silent she really don't know what to say. The look on his face is real she can tell that he is telling the truth. Moreover Eli also isn't giving her the after plot no matter what she says. According to Eli since it is her first world she is denied from having any information except the main plot.

Both Liza and Snow kept silent and didn't say anything else. Snow has already told her everything and now the rest depends on her. Afterall they can't force now can they.

The car was silent yet comfortable. She dropped Snow infront of a luxury apartment instead of his dormitory. The reason ? Well she doesn't know neither does she is interested in others' secret.

Snow stepped out of the car and was closing the door when Liza suddenly started talking.

" Snow look I will like to meet your team first before deciding anything. Ya know suddenly joining a team for the comming World Championship is not a trifle matter. I will give it a chance so don't expect it to be positive. "

The cute handsome boy took a moment to realize what she is saying before smiling happily like a child who got his favorite candy.

" Thanks Liz and yes I am aware don't worry we won't force you and thanks again for giving it a try. "

" Don't expect me to forgive that Night fucker at all I will still take my revenge."

Liza playfully smirked but Snow knows that she will definitely take revenge but he doesn't care who told him ( aka=ML ) to anger her. Between Night and Liza she will obviously support his friend Rebel.

ML : Oi what about me ? Snow you traitor you actually choose a new friend of a month over me your childhood friend. Damn beauty is a sin!

" Sure he is all yours to torture. "

ML : I want to end our cheap friendship and brotherhood.

After that they bid each other goodbye and Snow will inform her about thrir team's decision later. While she was driving Liza got a phonecall. After what happened in her real world she is kinda paranoid about getting phonecalls while driving.

She checked the caller ID and its Melody, Liza connected it and the anxious panicky voice of Melody sounded.


Clarity can you please come to XXX restaurant please please please...

Sure I can come but what happened you are sounding so scared ?

Clarity...I am tricked by some of my online gamer friends in comming to a restaurant. They are also members of the guild Champions. Clarity please come here they want to meet you they won't let me leave please.

But it's so late.......

Music's panic voice rung out

Clarity I am begging you please come I am scared please.

Her voice is full of panic as if Liza refused to go there something bad will happen before Lisa can say anything Eli said

' What do you mean Eli ? '

Liza became silent she really wants to ask what happened but she knows that Eli won't answer her after all it is her first world and Eli is prohibited from given any order information are than the main plot. She snapped out of her daze hearing the panic voice of Melody through the phone.

Clarity! Clarity! are you listening?

Okay I am coming. I will be there in 30 minutes. Give me the room number and tell the workers there about my arrival. Don't worry nothing will happen I am coming.

Liza quickly went to her own private apartment to change her dress according to Eli there are maximum members of the guild including that damn scum and FL. So she have to dress up before going. Since she is going to reveal herself she will definately slapped them on the face.


Moreover Melody is really a good hearted girl. She quite like her and she is a good friend of her. Liza won't let her die after what Eli said this gathering must be the reason behind her upcoming suicide attempt. She won't let them a chance to hurt Melody.

In front of a luxury restaurant a blank sportscar was parked. A beautiful girl stepped out of the car and gave the car keys to one of the guards of the restaurant. Her aura along with a cold bitch face really makes her worthy of calling Ice Goddess. Its none other than our MC.



Everyone present in the restaurant stare at the sudden arrival of the beauty. But Liza without paying any glance to anyone went to the reception area.

' Eli how is Melody ? '

Hearing Eli putting more emphasis on the word 'innocent' she can guess it is that damn FL.

' Damn that fucking bitch '

Liza quickly gave the receptionist the room number and she was lead by a waitress. After she is gone from there did the others came into their mind. What Liza doesn't know is that in the downstairs there is already a uproar because of her appearance. And ridiculous headlines will be there in tomorrow's newspapers.

In a luxury private room a group of people wearing kinda stylish branded outfits are chatting. A girl is sitting between two guys she is dressed very 'innocently' if one can exclude her deep cleavage top. And another girl is sitting opposite to her even tho she is not beautiful as the first girl mentioned above she is still very pretty. And she is the only one without any branded clothes, she is wearing a casual outfit one will wear for going out with friends. And she is glaring at the deep cleavage top girl infront of her. The deep cleavage girl seemingly aware of the glaring of the gitl opposite to her showed her a sweet ? innocent ? smile before saying.

" Melody can you please stop glaring at me I just want to get to know you better. I am sorry if I did anything wrong I am sorry. "

Saying these her shoulders dropped and she lower her head, her body is slightly shaking making her look quite pitiful. The two male sitting next to her quickly comforted her while glaring at the other girl. The others also started glaring.

The girl called Melody felt extremely wrong, she can't help but shout.

" Enchantress you shameless acting like a white lotus. I clearly don't wanna be here but not only did you forced me to stay but also forced me to call Clarity. She is busy person who earns her own money unlike you who is busy sucking bananas all day&night."


Enchantress's face paled and her lips quivering. Tears gather around her eyes as if trying yo hold it in as she shuttered.

" No no I d-didn-n't -..."

Everyone felt that the FL is really pitiful and started shouting at Melody.

" Melody what the hell how can you scold Enchantress like this without any valid reason ? "

" Yeah all she wanted was to get to know you better how can uou make her cry like this. "

" Enchantress please don't cry some people are just like this they don't know how to appreciate other's care. "

" Melody apologized now. "

Seeing how everyone is blaming her and telling her to apologise even though she is completely innocent. Melody can only bite lips and endure such grievances. She really feels wrong wanting to just run from here when suddenly a clear cold voice sounded which can make them feel their legs go soft.

" I never knew that the members of the guild are such shameless people in reality to gang up and bully a girl. Tsk. "

Everyone looked at the entrance of their private room and shocked. Well can't blame now can we ? Afterall Liza never hide her face while live streaming as Rebel and she has also shown her face to many business parties with her brother do she is not any less than a celebrity.

Only Melody's face brightened as if she saw her saviour. She quickly went to her and hugged one of her arms. Liza looked at Melody and the cold look on her face gradually faded and a warm smile spread on her face making the others blinded by her beauty.

The FL saw that no one is focusing on her anymore. With a hateful look on her face she glare at Liza feeling bitter for the loss of spotlight. Liza seemingly aware of the envious glare from the FL look at her directly. Seeing the cold ruthless eyes of Liza FL felt that her legs have become jelly if not for the support from the two males next to her she will surely fall on the floor she quickly bowed her head, she really doesn't have any courage to look at Liza directly at her eyes.

Melody proudly raised her head and loudly said.

" Didn't you all wanted to meet Clarity. Here she is. "

Melody's voice snapped them out of their daze. They repeatedly blink their eyes to see if they are mistaken or not. One of them who is a hardcore fan of Rebel and a antifan of Clarity can't help but shuttered.

" Re-be-l di-d you preha-ps came in-to the wro-ng room. The pers-on we a-re waiti-ng fo-r is som-eone nam-e Clarity. "

Liza coldy smile and said.

" O ! My yes ofcourse its me Clarity. Well I have already told in my live broadcasts about me having a alternate account now haven't I ? "

Everyone became silent waiting for Liza's answer. Only Melody is still smiling like a fool though she is still looking cute. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable well she is really feeling uncomfortable for a long time but because of those hateful people she doesn't have any choice other than sitting alone. She just bit her lips and continue to endure. Afterall she still wants to see Liza faceslapping them all.

One of the good looking guys who were holding that white lotus FL suddenly started walking towards Liza leaving the FL with the other guy.

" Thunder ! "

Enchantress can't help but shout his name but found that he didn't pay any attention to her for the first time. She just lowered her head to conceal the malicious expression on her face which really doesn't suite the angelic appearance of her.

" Clarity is that really you ? Its me Thunder . Do you remember me, we are married in the ga- "

Liza cut of the scum male in front of her and said in a voice cold enough to freeze someone.

" We were ."

Scum's expression change for a second before putting on a loving and sad look on her face, he said in a sad tone full of regret .

" Yes you are right we were sorry its just that the load of the work nowadays has increased too much for me to handle. "

Hearing the tone of the scum and looking at the so called 'hidden love' in his eyes Lisa got goosebumps and nearly vomited out of disgust.

" Better remember it right from next times I don't want any drama or misunderstandings. "

Hearing the cold tone of Liza Thunder smile became stiff but he quickly put on his 'handsome smirking expression' which is no better than dirt and said.

" Well I never knew you are Rebel. Man I tried so hard to ask you about your real identity but you are a tough cookie to crack. "

Liza really wants to question whether the original owner had any problem with her eyesight. What handsome man this is clearly a greedy scheming scum ba!

" May be cuz I wanna make true friends but got falsely accused instead. "

" No wait its clearly a misunderstanding we -" bla bla bla...

Liza waited for the scum to finish his ramble so that she can give a sassy reply when she felt Melody lightly pulling her hand. Before she can ask what happened Melody whispered.

" Liza can you please take me home I am really feeling strange I don't think I can endure much longer."

Liza look at Melody and saw that both of her cheecks are flushed and her eyes are hazy. She is slightly panting.

' Eli what happened to her, scan her for me. '

' Can't you give me any pills to solve it. '

' I see. '

Liza cut off the scum's rambling and said.

" I am sorry but excuse us please me and Melody have to go now. "

Without giving them any chance she quickly took Melody with her leaving the room but a annoying leach stop them.

" Wait since you have already came why not sit with us afterall its not everyday that we can meet you. "

Saying this the annoying leach shyly glanced at them and quickly lowered her head. Liza have to admit the FL really look like a shy cute girl but its such a shame that she has a black rotten heart.

" I am sorry but you see I really have something important to do so I really have to go---"

The FL quickly butted in saying.

" Then you just leave Melody with us . "

Liza eyes flashed before becoming colder and she said in a icy tone.

" Well unfortunately I have to take Melody with me as her guardians are worrying about her and I can't possibly leave her alone with some people who tricked her now can I. "

After saying this Liza took Melody and left . Enchantress's eyes flashed before she went back to sit on her seat. Everyone thought that she is unhappy so they half-heartedly comforted her except the scum who is still in daze. Enchantress gave everyone a small smile before texting someone through her phone.

Enchantress : The mission failed suddenly Rebel came claiming herself Clarity and took her with her.

Unknown : Are you sure its Rebel who took her ?

Enchantress : Yes .

Unknown : You really can't do anything. Tsk useless. I will find another way.

Enchantress gripped her phone so tight that her nails nearly broke and since her head is lowered no one saw the twisted expression on her face.

' Rebel you fucking bitch I will make sure to pay you back for ruining my plan. Just you wait. '

A/NSo who do you think is that unknown person is ?


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