《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.12


The gaming company contacted Liza in order to take back the legendary godly weapon bug from her but she declined.

Finally the gaming company offered money to exchange. But got an arrogant reply from her.

" You think I lack money ? Fucking idiots go and check your brains lest you become a retard. "

The supervisor who was chatting with Liza couldn't help anymore. He wanted to throw his phone out of window. Why is this little ancestor so difficult to handle.

His assistant silently passed him her tablet. The supervisor glanced at the tablet and saw the person with whom he was talking was at the top of the richest ranking.

" Boss yo- "

" Couldn't you tell me earlier ! "

The assistant shrugged while the supervisor gritted his teeth. No wonder she called him idiot! He definitely acted as one as if the no.1 richest player in their server lacks money !

World $Rebel$ Nighty where the f*** are you ? Mommy still wants you teach you a lesson.

World holysh*t May the god bless Night¤shade whenever Rebel talk like this its a guaranteed bad day for her enemies.

World ColorfulLove How come she still has that poisonous weapon bug the gaming company didn't do anything ?

WorldDark_Tyrant The gaming company explained. Go to the official website and check.

World LavaFlames Why the heck did the gaming company made such a poisonous weapon ?

World SkyLand Dashen, don't you have anything else to do other than placing bounty on NightShade and angering his fans ?

World $Rebel$ Have. Play the kill Nighty, go to the gaming company, throw some money and return to kill Nighty again.

World SkyLand

World Dark_Tyrant

World LavaFlame

World NightShade

World $Rebel$ O! Baby Nighty mommy miss you very much. Mommy was lonely without you.

World NightShade I don't have a mommy kink 😒.

World$Rebel$ Me too 😏.

Saying this Liza quickly use a teleportation scroll and appeared in front of Nightshade and killed him. Before Nightshade could do anything Liza forced-resurrect him and killed him again.

Worldpanda904 I just witnessed Rebel killing Nightshade on her own. Anyone with a grude with them come to Mist Forest. No need to thank me 😘


World Killer687 That Night f***** finally got his retribution. All Killer members online head to Mist Valley.

World BreakingNews Great god Night¤Shade has been bound at Mist forest by Great god $Rebel$ and killers the sworn enemies are gathering there.

World LoveDrama Great god is finally going to fall off the leaderboards * runs to watch *

World Idon'tfearanyone Even after Rebel dropped level so many times she actually levelling up so fast whereas we have do endless tasks again and wait for years to level up again * feeling bitter *

World EatingSh*t Oi LoveDrama the hell are you rejecting me for ?

World Wolves-41 Pay 10g gold we will definately add you bro.

Forming a party allows a player to teleport to its party leader without any charges.

World Eatingsh*t You bastards you all are actually robbing me of my money! What about our brotherhood !?

Back at the ML ( i.e. Night¤Shade ) the killers ( a guild name Killers who are the sworn enemy of the ML's guild so its guild members are also known as killers ) were debating among themselves about who will kill Nightshade first. The guild members of Eternal_Knights also came to rescue their guildleader.

They didn't stop Liza from killing Nightshade not like they can but they won't ever allow those disgusting Killers to touch their leader. After all they are sworn enemies. When Liza was killing the ML repeatedly having fun the same notification popped out on her laptop screen just like past times.

Liza coldy rejected it.


She rejected it again.


Before Liza can reject it again Eli speak up.

' No way Eli that fucker killed me till I dropped to level 50 from level 100 to 50 ! Level 50! '

' Shit pressed the wrong button. Eli you betrayer! '

Before Liza can say anything a chat window popped up.

PMNight¤Shade How long are you planning to kill me ?

Liza stared at the chat window and felt rage building inside her. She furiously typed.

PMRebel You f****** killed me to level 50 and you still have the face to ask me how long am I planning to kill you !?


PM Night¤Shade Does it really matters ? You had already level up and will soon acquire the 1st place

PMRebel So ?

PM Night¤Shade Join my guild

PMRebel Nope

PM Night¤Shade We will participate in this year's World Championship. And we lack a last member and you are perfect.

PMRebel Why me ? There are plenty of fish in the sea

PM Night¤Shade You are beautiful, strong, powerful and rich.

PMRebelStrong and powerful are of same meaning 😑

PMNight¤Shade When will you stop killing me ?

PMRebel Why did you kill me so many times for ?

PM Night¤Shade Who told you to leave your avatar in the wild ?

PMRebel What does it have to do with you ?

PM Night¤Shade You didn't tell me how many times will you kill me

PMRebel I dropped so many levels becuz of u so u better accompany me through hardships. Going through hardships together is the representation of true love.

PM Night¤Shade Never had any between us.

PMRebel Then you can be my sugar daddy.


ML chocked on his saliva, he is really unable to imagine what type of person lay behind this avatar called Rebel.

PM Night¤Shade .....You are rank 1st in Wealth Ranking Leaderboard. Da hell you need a sugar daddy for 😶

PMRebel So what it never hurts to earn more money now is it ? How about one night = 1 million ?

PM Night¤shade Just kill me to satisfy your anger.

PM $Rebel$ Come on just give it a a shot Let me fuck you once and I will join the guild.

PM Night¤shade I don't sell my body

ML: ' She was fuming just a second ago but now..... is she bipolar or what ? '

ML looked over this conversation several times before messaging the guild chat.

' Nah just for fun '

Liza focused on the game in front of her. Liza noticed that all the guild members of the ML has already teleported to a far away place and the members of the Killers guild are slowly approaching the ML.

Suddenly a golden light surrounded the ML and his avatar suddenly moved and unleashed an ultimate skill. A blinding light surrounded the remaining players and killed them.

' Thank heavens! I teleported from that place in time or surely I would have been killed again by that bastard '

Thought Liza as she saw how all the players of the enemy guild surrounding the ML died. They immediately started cursing ML on the world chat.

Before Liza can have a sigh of relief the game system notification sounded again.



Liza is dumbfounded and stupidly staring at the additional title beside her gaming ID - Night¤shade's wife. Even the world chat also fall silent. Finally of what seems eternity Liza typed again.

World $Rebel$ @Night¤shade did you knew anything like this will happen is that why you killed me so many times ?

World Night¤shade ......Who told you to killed me so many times its your fault.

' My fault? My fault ! My fault !? You fucking bastard '

World $Rebel$ I still haven't had my first puppy love and here I am f****** married. Motherf****r I want a divorce.


World $Rebel$ Whats with that reply you f***** divorce me right now. I am still an underage you pedophile. I want a divorce.

World Night¤shade Who are you calling a pedophile !? I am still 19 okay ?

World Cute_girl I don't have a husband name Nightshade anymore. From now on he is my little brother.

World LavaFlames How old are you ?

World Cute_girl ......25

World Enchantress So Rebel killed Night¤Shade so many times because she wanted to hook up with him.

World $Rebel$ Saying the one who is two-timing her legal bf.

WorldLava☆Flames Damn that right for someone who is cheating on her BF she doesn't have the right to say anything.

World Dark_Tyrant Rebel is underage

WorldEnchantress Rebel you shameless b**** what da hell do you mean !?

World Enchantress $Rebel$ can you do anything else other than placing bounties.

World $Rebel$ Can

World Night¤shade I think its quite good you are now a member of my guild.

WorldRebel Night¤shade you f***** piece of sh*t %#%£₹%$...

The rest of the words got censored.

The world chat is lively again.

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