《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.11



As all the servers of the game were shut down due to the new update, the forums are filled with guesses and expectations for the new update.

When the server finally re-opened, all the players hurriedly logged on. They are immediately greeted by the sight of many unfamiliar guild names. They opened the map and found many things has changed. Not only are there new guilds but also different new maps and dungeons.

After calling and irritating the four troublemakers to her satisfaction Liza finally decided to log into the game. When she logged in she was flabbergasted

' WTF! Where is that FL ? Eli baby did she quite ? I completed the missions. '

' .......Nope I remembered. Ha ha ha well don't you think that scum and the FL are perfect match with each other bla bla bla....'

Liza was shocked well can anyone blame her. This is the first time her precious Eli has cursed. She proudly said

' Eli baby is growing up. Mommy is proud. '

' Well if I were a male I would have said Daddy~~~ '

She put emphasis on the word Daddy, the system threw another few curse words before deciding to ignore its spicy host its not like it can win against it anyway.

Liza chuckled once again and logged into her account ' Clarity ' to be sure as a result no one else is there in that server not even the troublemakers. They are in a different server than her and the FL.

After sulking for a while she logged into her other account ' '. The moment she entered she was greeted by the sight of many familiar Guild names except the ML's and her ex guild most of the other guilds were the one with whom she had business in game , that's the the benefit of of being a solo Pro player without any guilds.

She open up the map and found a lot has changed. Some were not in the plot like the level cap and questline has been updated.

The level cap now was [ 200 ].

Liza didn't visit any new places just roam around for a while . Seemingly as there are not many player online she click to pull up the leaderboard and discovered that the FL and the SML were kicked out from the top 10.

1st place went to her at level 100.

2nd place went to the ML at level 99.

From 3rd place to 10th place all belong to the ML's team members and other gamers.

Liza checked her message box and quite a few business deal were sent to her as always. As she was skimming through all of them she is quiye shocked by the ML's message.


Since Eli told her to have a good relation with the ML she made the ML her most important business client. But now the ML wants her to join his guild is he kidding. Moreover he....

' He actually THREATENED! THREATENED! me to join or I have to face consequences! This bastard! Who the hell does he think he is motherfucking retard '

After rejecting the proposal she roamed quite a few minutes before becoming bore, she was also feeling sleepy. She left her character in the wild and logged off and went to her sweet dreamland.


The next day when Liza logged into her account $Rebel$ she discovered that her avatar is dead.

' WTF ! Who killed me ? '

She quickly resurrect her avatar and went to the world chat to ask which little bitch killed her as a result she became do mad that she want to tear apart that motherfucker into pieces.

Cloudlane I saw Great God Night¤shade killing Great God $Rebel$ in the wee hours of the morning anyone know the reason ?

Fairytale What killing ? Dashen was clearly offling okay ? Yet still that Night¤shade fucker fucking killed her.

BoodyDooby I agree with upstairs . May be Nigh¤Shade was afraid of GreatGod $Rebel$ if not he won't be killing her this pathetically.

Night_is_best Can you all stop insulting Night dashen may be that Rebel did something wrong.

I_AM_NOT_AFRAID As someone who doesn't fear anything I must say that this time it was really Night¤shade 's fault but I am looking forward to $Rebel$ 's revenge 👁

And a war broke out between the fans of and on the world chat. Liza looked at the fan war on the world chat and rage bubbled up inside her. If she doesn't take revenge on that motherfucker then she will write her name from behind.

" Nightshade just you wait you bitch he......he.......he "

Eli silently lit up a candle for our ML as Liza is very anger well its an understatement. Seeing the bloodlust comming from its host it quitely move away even tho it does not have a physical body.


On the other side a handsome young man slightly shivers while moving his game avatar. He look at the time and thought to himself smiling.

He chuckles giving his already handsome face an angelic aura like that whom you will tell all your problems and can always depend on him along with his strong muscular built body he looks no less than a sexy handsome model, i.e. perfect husband material.

He is getting ready for the revenge of our MC. Afterall she is known as a petty person throughout the gaming world. He can't wait to see how she will take her revenge considering her levels are so low that they won't have any effect on him even if she tries her best to hurt him.


Suddenly his smiling face froze and replaced by a ferocious cruel smirk. His handsome angelic face twisted into a handsome devil like face. With a cold voice that can freeze anyone with clear bloodlust he said even tho there isn't anyone in the room

But what he doesn't know is that he is gonna be proven wrong soon ,very soon.



$Rebel$ Report Night¤Shade 's co-ords.

IAM_NOT_AFRAID Finally I can see something interesting. Go Rebel.

shygirl I don't dare comment with so many unfamiliar guilds around. PS : are they going to fight ?

Iamabystander Above upstairs your style is simply....

Fairytale Goddess you have to avenge yourself.

washufkasy @$Rebel$ fallen of the Leaderboard.

' Wait WHAT !? '

Only after seeing the comment from washufkasy did Liza remember about level dropping when a player dies. She hurriedly checked and.....

Eli exclaimed,

Liza took a few breaths and then exploded,

" Ahahahah....kill him. I will fucking kill that bastard. How dare that bastard ML kill me. Eli give me his co-ords now. Immediately "

After getting Night¤Shade 's coordinates, Liza immediately shut off the world chat and angrily ran over to him.

When she found Night¤Shade he was in the middle of battling a monster and a group of people surrounding him. Some are his teammates whereas others are just his guild members.

Just as Night¤Shade was going to give a final attack Liza dashed towards him and stealth kill also receiving the reward. Liza immediately tossed a Binder scroll on him and the surrounding gamers. They are all surprised they knew that $Rebel$ will definately come for revenge but they never thought that she will steal kill.

$Rebel $ Night¤Shade bastard the f*** did u kill me so many times for ?

Night¤Shade our ML was also kinda surprised at Liza's stealth kill but he quickly replied.

Night¤Shade I already told you if you didn't join my guild then you will face consequences.

$Rebel$ How come you never told me before to join the guild when we were doing business ?

Night¤Shade You weren't in the same server if you were then I will have definitely make you join my guild.

$Rebel$ F****** hell , instead of leveling up or exploring the new upgraded features you f****** killed me . Moreover when I was offline! You f****** sicko!

Night¤Shade Well then why don't you just kill me ? Oops I forgot with your level you can't even scratch me.

While the rest of the surrounding forgotten members of the ML : ' Boss you are playing with fire. Be careful atleast don't burn us with you. '

$Rebel$ Night¤Shade you motherf****** $#%^*(₹&$....

The rest of the words got censored.

' Eli wants me to be this fucker's teammate. Are you kidding me !? '

Liza was fuming inside all she wants is to tear this damn ML into pieces. But he is right with how low her label is its impossible to do real harm to him. So....Liza smirked and said.

$Rebel$ Gladly 😏

The other surrounding gamers decided to keep silent as they already know that their guildleader is doing all these to make $Rebel$ join their guild. They can only sigh and hope for a good result.

Liza quickly took another laptop from her side and started fast typing some extremely complex codes. The evil smirk grew on her face as the written program is ending. Though it looks like a lot of time has passed but in reality it was just 2 to 3 minutes.

Back in the game a beautiful scythe appeared in her hand and Liza started her killing spree.

She waved her scythe and a wave of thunder fell upon them instantly killing them no matter what their levels are. Seeing the result Liza's mood improves as she continue to kill the ML and whenever someone comes to help she kills them too.

The players along with the ML who are fallen dead on the ground are dumbfounded.

' Mommy where did this mental retard come from !? '

There are also some players who had almost reach level 100. They are also killed by thus weapon.

How did a level 50 gamer ended up killing them all !! Its a bug ! A Big Bug !!

Many players immediately went to the gaming company to complain. Though they know that $Rebel$ is one of the best gamer with a lot of resources it does not mean that there will be such a powerful weapon. They never heard of such weapon okay.

They are also some players who quitely moved far away from the danger zone. A lot of passersby players gather and started to take videos of the massacre done by Liza from a safe distance.

The gaming company received a large number of complain so they had to checked this bug.

After checking Liza's equipment, they found that the staff owned by oue dear MC is categorized as a godly weapon. But it seems like none of them has ever added such a Godly weapon at all !

While a certain system silently saw its host hacking into the system of the gaming company and add her staff in their weapon category.

Its host is a spicy chicken and now Eli is too tired to say anything its not like Liza will listen to Eli at all.

' Eli please take a good video of it. I wanna release it in game forums. '

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