《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.10


' Damn it man is my luck that bad '

' Oi is it really okay for you to rub salt on your host's wound. '

' Hey I am not being overdramatic, I never planned to reveal my identity so early. '


Liza can't helped but grin again as she thought back about the phone call with those 4 troublemakers.


In a small messy room dormitory four boys are sleeping peacefully on two bunk beds when suddenly loud sounds of sirens like police, ambulance, firefighters etc rung as ringtones from each of their phones.

They jolted awake from their peaceful slumber and started running out of fear towards the door. When they slipped on something and fall on the floor. They groaned in pain before their muddle head are finally cleared. They became clear headed and saw that something is wrong.

They started to look for the source of the sound when one of them quickly pointed at some direction and said dryly _

" Guys no need to panick. Looks like someone pranked us. "

The others also look at that directions and saw that their phones are ringing and someone seems to have changed their ringtones. A name was displayed on the screen but they can't read it as those phones are quite far away from them. They stand up moving towards their phone while cursing.


[A/N] : So I still haven't thought any real names for these 4 lunatics so I decided to continue to use their game names.

So if possible do give me some names as if have horrible choices especially when it comes to naming someone.

So if you like you can suggest me some names for those 4 males

Snow_lake = S.L

Sun_Rays = S.R

Water_Falls = W.F


Wind_Wellerman = W.W

Clarity = C


" Who the hell changed my ringtone ? " ....W.W

" Don't let me find out or I will fucking made someone wish death. " ....W.F

" My precious dream !!! I was just inches away from kissing the movie emperor. " ....S.L

" How can someone be so coldhearted to play such a cruel prank. " ....S.R

They got their phone and their expressions changed. Different thoughts swirling in their hearts.

' I thought Clarity was only joking when she said she will call us today. ' ....S.R

' Can someone tell me why the hell is Clarity video calling us at 4am! 4am! ' ....W.F

' Should I be happy or scared ? ' ....S.L

' Is it okay if I kill someone ? '....W.W

On their brightly lit phone screen a name Clarity in bold letters is practically eye-catching. They look at each other before accepting the video call and the result.....

They were given another fright , they almost threw away their phone.

On the screen a girl wearing a demonic mask is laughing and said_

" Yo! Good morning Snow, Wind_Wellerman, Sun_Rays and Water_Falls. "

Snow_lake was the first one to recover and cried out in horror.

" No! You can't be Clarity. Clarity told me that she is a beauty not a demon. "

His voice seemed to snap the other three out of their daze. They also started talking.

S.R : " Thats the first thing came into your mind. "

W.F : " Clarity is it really your face ? "

S.L : " Wu~Wu~Wu~ , Clarity don't worry I promise I will save enough money for your future surgery. "

W.W : " Now I know why do you never post any of your photos. "

C : " I am colourblind. "

W.F : " It is one of the most lamest excuse I have ever heard. "

S.R : " Even if you wanted to make an excuse atleast make a reliable one. "

C : " Too lazy. "

This type of response really makes them to have the urge to drag her out of the phone and knocked some sense into her head.

C : " If you want to hit me to bad you have to find me buddy, your glaring won't do anything to me. Ya know. "

' You are right Eli they are quite fun to tease. '

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