《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.9


Water_Falls WTF !? Only level 40.

Snow_lake Noobs, we already got to level 80.

Wind_Wellerman Be thankful that you got us.

Sun_Rays How about we lead you fools. Since we can clear the levels faster than you.



Jade_King Can I hit them ?

New_Frank I don't think we can win leader.

Liza is also speechless. She is sure that the other four of Deflator_x are probably itching to hit these four idiots by now. She really have to praise them for their patience. But doing this will only hold them back.

If it was only her then she could have used her hacking skills in use but with them around she really regret it she should have just gone Towering alone.

Clarity You b****** our goal is to make sure that Changers win against Champions , if you idiots lead the party then we will not the Changers.

Deflator_x sent Liza a thanks in his heart. If it was him he really have no way to control this four Troublemakers. So without delaying they started to move on but later....

Forget about the Towering, forget about those Champions. All they want is to kill these four lunatics and beat them up till their mother won't recognize them.

Wind_Wellerman Snow, heal ! heal ! gonna die ! gonna die !

......... He still has more than half of his H.P.

Water_Falls Wait ! not there, fire will spurt ou.... see told ya.

...... He only type after they had already launched their attack.

Sun_Rays Man that boss is too ugly 🤢 . Don't wanna fight.

Water_Falls Snow you go I am scared 😰. Don't wanna fight.

Wind_Wellerman No ugly 🤮

Snow_lake I'm scared 😱 , wu ~ wu ~ wu. 😢😭

Liza is sure that she will have a fucking migraine if she continue to listen their nonsense. Finally she can't take anymore and type-----

Clarity speak anymore nonsense , see if I dont f****** expose your nude photos on the game forum.

Sun_Rays You don't know us.

Clarity Wait till morning tomorrow. See if I don't call you tomorrow

Snow_lake Clarity we are just joking.

Clarity Then f****** fight properly. Seriously for God's sake I swear you #&%$#****$$%%#

The rest of the words got censored.


Seeing the behaviours of these 4 lunatics Deflator_x began to feel depressed.

' Can we really catch up to those Champions with these four lunatics fooling around like this. '

Reality proved Deflator_x had been worrying too much. After Clarity taught a good lesson to those 4 troublemakers it was as if they suddenly got cheats. Though he and his guild members really felt sympathy towards them. The way Liza handled them is too cruel though those 4 deserved it.

From floor 80 onwards Rich_Tyrant and Clarity started fighting to the front whereas those 4 lunatics in the back. Deflator_x and his guild members were idle and enjoying the scenery as if they are flower vases.

This is the first time Liza had seen them truely in action.

' No wonder they are really talented deserves to be the ML's teammates. '

Looking at them fighting Liza finally understood why Snow_lake choose a female healer instead of a male healer.

Prehaps it was the developer's biased towards the female gender. The female avatar not only has more powerful damaging attacks than the males avatar but also quick and large range healing ability. Their attacks are more powerful with a higher quality shields in every way they are better than male healers.

And since Liza , Rich_Tyrant, and those 4 troublemakers had already cleared the dark tower before they did not had any problems with dealing the losses of each level and they continue to move with ease. They had already left the scum and the FL behind.

Congratulations Party Challengers for reaching level 97. From this level there is a time limit of 1hr, so we hope you use your time successfully.

Moon_Cake Since the game system has already announced our party name first thus this mean we had left those f***** behind.

Deflator_x Don't be right now the last three level are harder and different in each server.

Clarity They are a level floor behind us we have to hurry and finish within the given time limit.

Snow_lake How are you so sure that are a level behind us ?

Clarity Secret. Either way be ready for my call tomorrow morning.

Sun_Rays You actually hadn't forgotten about it.


Clarity Nope, now follow my lead I know how to defeat these monsters.

Rich_Tyrant How are u so sure ?

Clarity I am just confident. Well obviously its cause my system gave me spoilers.

Under Liza's guidance they were able to clear the levels 97 & 98 quickly within the given time limit and are now struck at the last level. They tried sometimes but aren't able to defeat it. Liza told them to retreat as she kept on reading the part of the plot where they previously defeat the final boss.

Eli also help her after sometime they finally found a solution of their problem regarding the final boss.

Liza flipped through the plot and noticed when the FL and the gang cleared the tower after the final boss dropped to 15% it will heal itself back. And it results in their party being nearly wiped out but the FL saved them and defeat the final monster.

In reality the FL aim her attack towards the monster which she missed and luckily the attack fall on a gem which killed the boss.... ' Luck my ass are you sure there wasn't a conspiracy the gem was in the opposite direction okay ? How the hell did her attack fall on that gem Huh !? '

[ Dear Eli the FL halo is quite ridiculous don't you think so ? ]

Clarity Quick attack the Final boss until its level dropped to 15% then stop attacking and focused on defending. Deflator_x follow me to seach a gem. Please believe me.

Everyone listened to Clarity's suggestions. When the boss was at its last 15% they focused on defending just like Clarity told them to be. She and Deflator_x quickly went in the search. After they found it they destroyed it and as expected just like in the plot the boss stopped attacking and the last 15% chunk of health was quickly exhausted.

The moment Clarity and their party are transfered outside they came face to face with the FL and the scum.

Snow_lake Shameless, despicable losers how does it feel to lose even after cheating ? Bad right I know.

Wind_Wellerman You damn ladyboy who are you calling despicable huh

Moon_Cake You f******* sh*ts it was you all who first started a fight at callback valley to held us back. Ofcourse it is you who is despicable.

Snow_lake Brother Windy hos can you hurt me like this ? Before when u loved me you used to call me babe, sweety , dear , love ..... but now you are treating me like this. So 💔.

Everyone felt shivers run down their spine except someone who is seething in jealousy. Wind_Wellerman didn't say anything else and logged off. Reason? Don't know don't care. Rich_Tyrant can't control his jealousy anymore and hugged him from behind. No matter how much Snow_lake struggled he can't break free himself.

Thunder Congratulations.

Deflator_x En, thanks


Thunder private texted Deflator_x.

Thunder Can you plz give me the outfit ' Angles Grace '. I will pay you.

Deflator_x Sorry but I have it to Clarity.

Thunder frowned remembering how the FL not only did she not helped at all but also caused them to nearly die many times. He really didn't like tbe FL if not for the wealthy background of the FL he wouldn't have left Clarity at all-

A private message popped up on the screen.

Clarity Why did you use this type of method? Don't you know it will bring a negative effect on you even if u win. Quickly express your helpless situation of how you are forced to use this type of low method cuz I know you won't use such despicable ever.

Thunder can't help but feel touched. His regret if letting go Clarity and choosing FL.

Suddenly the game system announcement rung alerting all the players who are still online.

Clarity Okay I am going to log off now. Wait for me tomorrow morning I will personally call you 4. 👻🖕🏻👻

Before anyone can reply she logged off. The 4 troublemakers can only look at each other and sigh. Thunder is now feeling very complicated he also logged off.


The hidden mission progress bar has increased again. Liza just looked at the risen point before grinding. She us very happy today. Must celebrate 🎉🥳 .

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