《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1.8


Clarity : Hey Tyrant, why did you set the bounty for ?

' Because of his bounty the conversation got twisted off-topic so many times that you wouldn't be able to find where it started. This is different from what I had read in my world. '

' Oi from which angle is this baseless? Huh ? '

Thr system played dead.

Rich_Tyrant I'm enemies with Freedland.

Wind_Wellerman Freedland once dated Snow_flakes in real life. Ha ha ha .

Snow_lakes Hey can't we do anything else he was not that bad anyways.

Rich_Tyrant Snow at 7pm don't be late.

Snow_lake No I am not selling my body.

Rich_Tyrant Either you will come willingly or tied and gagged up. Choose.

Clarity Isn't it too energy consuming man just knock him out all problems solved. There is also 0% of running.

Rich_Tyrant Good idea.

Snow_lake Hey I am still here.

Clarity I am a BL fan.


Sun_Rays R.I.P Snow_lake.

Snow_lake Clarity I will breakup with you.

Clarity Never had a relation between us.

Water_Falls Some other players are coming.

From the entrance they could see Deflator_x charging over leading a small group of players.

Red names couldn't enter the tower. There was an item in the game shop which will clear the red names than its normal timelimit. But its expendive not everyone can afford it. So the number of players is quite pitiful.

Deflator_x Thunder already entered ?

Clarity En, but its not late you can still catch up with them.

' Deflator_x ' didn't reply for a while , he was probably texting others in private.

Deflator_x How many are able to help us right now ?

New_Frank Only some with alternate accounts. Most are trapped in that fight in callback valley and the rest aren't online.

Moon_Cake Never thought thise b****** will use this type of cheap methods to get back at us.


Deflator_x Thunder won't do any type of these things he must have been pressured by his guild members.

New_Frank Are you sure ?

Deflator_x He loves his face more than anything.

Moon_Cake Leader can we really win against those f******.

Deflator_x suddenly set his gaze on Liza and her group. All of them are in top 10 in Leaderboard.

Deflator_x I will like to ask if you all can bring us with you to Towering ? We will compensate for any of your loss.

Snow_flakes No reason to accept.

Sun_Rays We don't lack money.

Deflator_x We only need to win against Thunder.

Snow_lake I heard the most rarest and limited things that has fallen from Towering are ' Moon Shield ' & ' Sun Sword ' moreover its a couple weapon.

Sun_Rays Only two server's players had completed the Towering the great and the .

Water_Falls They also got the couple weapons so it means you know 😏....

Wind_Wellerman $Rebel$ did it solo cool right.

Snow_lake It will be great if I can be friends with her u know. 😔

Deflator_x Can you all plz focus I am talking about something serious.

' Deflator_x ' has always heard about the four troublemakers' powerful ability to go off topic. But witnessing it with his own eyes really makes him speechless. Moreover this isn't the right time to fo it !!!

Snow_lake I'll listen to Clary.

Water_Falls Me too.

Sun_Rays Same here.

Wind_Wellerman Me too.

Rich_Tyrant Let Clarity decide.

Deflator_x Clarity what do you think ?

Clarity is simply too excited to notice their texts well can anyone blame her. She never knew she is the first one to do it solo.

Liza snapped out of her daze thanks to Eli and quickly respond.

Clarity Don't be sad just send her a friend request and I swear she will accept.


Deflator_x Clarity plz help us I promise that the Changers will avenge whoever upsets you from now on.

Liza's hand that was going to type again paused. Something flashed in her mind before she shook her head to focused on the game before.

' No not now. Can't think of them. Must finished the missions. Once it finished I will go back to them once it finished. '

Clarity Hate cheaters. Lets go.

Deflator_x Quickly join our party.

When they all entered the party there were already four member in there including Deflator_x Liza can only recognize Jade_King and New_Frank. They are on the leaderboard.

Moon_Cake holyf*** , guildleader u got Clarity in our party.

Jade_King Is it reallr okay to bring these troublemakers with us. We won't be jail right ?

Snow_lake You don't have a choice bro.

Jade_King Plz be honest can these lunatics who do illegal and idiotic things just for fun also backstabbing each other all the time really help us getting the first Clear.

Although these 4 troublemakers has great combat skills, Jade_King had seen them fight before and let just say it was a disaster.

They once fought against a mob when at the time of final attack Snow_flakes began bragging that his H.P dropped the most though he had more than half. The result is that everyone became annoyed and Water_Falls kicked him out causing Snow_flakes to attack him that resulting in a fight between them.

The entire party died.

This wasn't the end either they even ganged up agaist a NPC cause they are bored and wanted to have fun. Not only did they got thrown in jail their levels also dropped. But since they enjoyed it they did it again and again. It came to the point where the gaming company gad to warn them the last time or else they will het banned from playing .

' Deflator_x ' didn't feel like speaking anymore he can only pray for the best. Once they got ready they charged over the DarkTower.

But the moment they entered the troublemakers burst out.

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