《Quick Transmigration : System Let's Take Revenge》ARC 1


Liza opened her eyes and found herself sitting on a large king size bed with a laptop on her lap . She is wearing headphones when suddenly a series of announcements ring through the headphones almost making her deaf.

Congratulations Player Clarity on defeating Jungle Boss , successfully completing the quest.

Congratulations Player Clarity on aquiring the Magical Aircraft and Lotus Pavilion.

Congratulations Player Clarity on receiving a golden scroll.

Liza quickly took off the headphones and started rubbing her ears which nearly got damaged. She was cursing under her breath when Eli suddenly spoke scaring the shit out of her.

Liza almost threw the laptop in fright. She can't help but curse.

" What the hell Eli ! Don't scare me like that. "

" Oi don't say like that . "

Before Liza could say anything her brain felt like it had suddenly been shoved full of pieces of iron , feeling heavy and aching very badly as countless pictures flashed in her mind . She gritted her teeth so as not to let out a cry of pain.

This is a modern gaming world same like her real world. The most international popular game is WARRIORS '


It is the most popular MMORPG because it was well-made with beautiful aesthetics. It received quite a lot of good reviews. Few years ago it had become a official international game. There is even a world championship done every 3 year.

This year the ML formed a team to participate in the world championship. His team still lacked a last member so he kept on playing the game in hopes that he can find a reliable and trustworthy person whom he can take as his last teammate.

The FL is an extremely fake white lotus and a green tea bitch. She is also a player in the same server as the Ml. She is a rookie player with zero skills. She has many followers all around the server. Whenever she had anyone she does not like fer followers will gang up against that person and had to face severe bullying in the game ultimately making that person quit the game forever.


The plot goes as one of the powerful love interest of the FL cheated on her and abandon her . Her reputation is tainted and she is abandoned . The FL could not accept this and started scheming to get the no.1 Player of the server i.e. the ML . And after a lot of their scheming she finally got the ML to get married in the game.

Both of them started clearing dungeons together and participated in this year world championship . Everyone in the team started to adore her except the ML. This made the Fl even more determined to conquere him. At the final round when the Ml is in a dire situation the Fl came out of nowhere and helped him. They won the world championship. As they went to celebrate their victory the Ml and the Fl had a drunken sex . They got married in real life and live happily ever after.


After reading the plot Liza was fuming with rage.

" Eli what type of shitty plot is this. This damn FL does not have any gaming skills yet she won the world championship. Just WTF ."

Now that you say the original owner is sure quite pitiful. Such a talent is destroyed by that fucking Fl . "

Liza's identity in her first world is a wealthy heirness an 18 year old who had just started attending university. The original owner also has the same name as her.

The original owner is an extremely talented gamer with perfect skills. Before the FL appeared she was a famous gamer who is in top 10 in the server. The ML was also interested in making her his last teammate but the FL destroyed everything.

The original owner does not like how the FL acts as a white lotus while making her loyal followers to bully whoever made her upset. So she always ignored the FL and also sometimes saves those pitiful players who were targeted by the FL. As a result the FL simply hates her but she is also scared because she knows that she can't beat the original owner. Since the original owner has extremely sharp tongue she has made the FL embarrassed in many situations that even her loyal followers also can't protect the FL from embarrassment.


As the original owner is the only female gamer among the top 10 and also one of the best gamers in the server the FL burned in jealousy and hatred and finally decided to ' take care ' of the original owner.

Since the FL and the original owner were in the same guild . During the guild war the FL sold their guild tactics to another guild for her own benefit. Later she accused the original owner for betraying the guild. It does not matter how much she tried to explain no one listen to her. She was hated by all the gamers in the server . She always get ganged up by other gamers . It does not matter how much a talented player one is facing a crowd of players alone that one is bound to be defeated.

Being ganged up like this the original owner 's power level dropped to the lowest level. Whenever she tries to level up others will ganged up together against her making her level dropped again. The original owner can't take this anymore and quit the game. The original owner became depressed and died in a car accident. She died with extreme regret and anger.

Liza sighed and said _

" Eli what are my missions ? "

Nope its fine . Tell me the time line I am in . "

I see..."

' Like this . '

' ....... '

For now I will level up to and get into top 10. And the rest of the thing lets wait for the plot to start. '

Saying this Liza smirk but that looked quite cruel and merciless. Making her look like a she-devil coming from Hell. Eli is quite amused and eager for its host's future performances.

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