《The Transmigrated Me is A Lowly Commoner [BL]》2.12 + Extra 🔆


Towa still couldn't comprehend what had happened in the past few weeks. He's gradually getting better and happy.

He decided to avoid Harley a little bit.

He's still mad at him even though Harley already explained it. Harley became more insecure for the past few weeks, trying to woo him back.

But now they know the focus is not on love but rather, Harley's—System Happy's— friend.

Not really a 'friend'. Because Harley seemed disturbed by it. He noticed this problem a few days ago while eating lunch with the man.

Harley was munching on his ribs elegantly when he felt shivers down his spine.

Harley dropped the fork and it hit the floor with a clang. Towa curiously stood up and asked, "What?"

Harley laughed nervously. "Seems like...one of my 'friends' decided to come and visit ol' me"

Towa raised an eyebrow. "Friends? Business partners ?" He asked once again, opting to just sit on his seat and eat his lunch like a good boy.

"No. How do i phrase this....hm... Frienemy ? He occasionally help me out of sticky situations and we kinda hate eachother...i guess ?" Harley grinned sheepishly. "But it looks like he came here with...quite the malicious intent towards me and by an extent, you"

It almost made Towa choke but luckily he didn't. "Me ? Why me ? He hates you right ? Why me ?"

"Probably because you're my host. He's kind of jealous—no...angry ? Ah no no no, it's all wrong. He's mainly focused on revenge, maybe i did him wrong in the past.... Maybe...i don't remember what though"

"That's pathetic" Towa commented offhandedly.

"I know"

And the rest of the lunch is silence. Well, seems like Harley didn't want to discuss any more of it.

Now let's go back to the present because just a few hours ago, Harley received an unknown call and the caller's numbers are strange.


This weird...phone numbers, you see, has a hidden meaning and Harley's head instantly recognized the number.

He hesitantly picked it up.

"Hello ?" Harley greeted the other. "Is this Vengeance?" He asked.

The caller chuckled. "Indeed i am. Happy, are you sure you are not playing around ? The heaven is mad"

Vengeance's voice was clearly mocking Harley. Harley gripped his phone tightly.

"Maybe you should consider coming back ? Though, with you destroying worlds here and there, i doubt you'll come"


"I'm not one of you guys anymore. I might be one in the past, but i don't remember having fun playing as a 'system' "

"Ah, i'm just saying this because i like seeing heaven panick and running around like headless chickens, but my host is going to nuke your family down once he realizes that you're the one who bombed his home a few nights ago, becareful"

"Who is this ? The Vengeance i know is just a bitter old man and lash out like a child when he held grudges" Harley scoffed as he remembered in the past, he and Vengeance would fly around the Rotten Hills as they throw corpses at each other because they simply hate each other's guts.

Vengeance was silent for a moment before sighing. "Whatever you are trying to remember, it didn't happen. Because you obviously killed the chance before it happened anyways and one more thing..."

Harley hummed, indicating Vengeance to continued. But silence fell over them before Vengeance sighed once again.

"The Vengeance you knew is dead"

With that, Vengeance ended the call. Leaving Harley alone with his feelings of guilt and regret.

Well, it's too late to feel regret and guilt.


Vengeance cut the call a bit faster than what he intended it to be. His mission this time is to bring back is to bring back the pair of host and system to the heaven and present them to his lord.

But he knew since Happy's unexpected rebellion, Heaven fell into a state of chaos. He was a brilliant Head Guardian Angel, that is until one day he decided to take a host.

That rarely happens because Happy is a person who loves his freedom more than anyone else. His bestest friend is Liberty who is another guardian angel, second in command to their Lord.

After he took an unknown young man named El as his host, things started to go south. Heaven received a news from an unknown individual, claiming that they should never ever let Happy take a young man named El as his host.

Because apparently, Happy fell in love with a human named El and when El died, he forcefully tried to turn back time. His fellow Guardian Angels tried to restrain Happy but they cant.

12 Guardian Angels reduced into just one guarding their Lord, Terra. Terra even begged Happy not to try turn back time, because it's a taboo Terra also tried not to do.


Vengeance sighed, he remembered that Happy even killed Liberty in front of Terra brutally. Cutting both of Liberty wings off of his back, preventing him to fly away in the skies watching over the mortals. Happy left Liberty and Terra inside a bird like cage he made. Because the world is in chaos and Happy forcefully took Terra's golden heart, Terra sent a message to a parallel world and told them of this tragedy before dying alongside Liberty.

This world's Terra and Liberty can't comprehend how Happy would do this. He's a kind soul. But now their doubts are proven wrong, because they noticed something is wrong in their dimension.

Worlds began changing and some people in it has additional unlocked memories, which strengthen the person more because of Terra's power lingering in those memories.

Vengeance didn't want to do this, but the feeling of rage he felt when he sees Happy made him to something out of his mind and irrational.

He of course, had to take a fucking host.

Currently, he's inside a hotel room. He waited Zack to finish his quick shower while reminiscing some memories he had with his guardian angels and how he must've felt when the other him saw Happy killing his fellow Guardian Angels.

"Hey, you can take your bath now"

A voice pulled him out of his train of thoughts. "Thank you. But no need, i'll explain these missions to you"

Zack frowned. "It's nice you know ? The hot water here feels like heaven"

Inside, Vengeance snorted, the warm feeling when bathing did not rinse away his depressing thoughts though. Ah, but he agreed with how bathing is like being in heaven.

"I do enjoy bath and shower from time to time, but now is not the appropriate time for that. The missions are here, Come see it"

Vengeance gestured to an envelopes on top of a wooden desk next to him. Vengeance then waited Zack to pick up the envelope and open it.

After opening and reading it, Zack feels like burning with anger. "Th—this ! Have revenge on your childhood bullies ? Make somebody you dislike trip while buying a grocery ?! What's this...this rubbish ?!"

Vengeance fixed his top hat before sighing for the nth time. "Small missions really. These two missions will result in 500 points. 200 for tripping someone and 300 for getting a revenge on your childhood bullies—"

"Bullshit ! How does this..this points work anyway?!" Zack crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it straight into the bin.

"Like i said, you can buy missiles, nuclear and all that stuff in the System Shop. Ah, don't ask why we have that, probably because our Lord likes grocery shopping. Anyways, that's it"

Zack's jaw dropped as he examined Vengeance's face to see if he's joking. Turns out, he's not.


"Let's go"

Vengeance grabbed Zack's arm as they disappeared to thin air. Ah, Zack also screamed half way too.

"W-wait, I didn't change my cloth—"


Short Extra 01

One fine day in the Heaven. Vengeance could be seen in the distance throwing over some corpses to Rotten Hills and some on the peak of Rotten Mountain.

Happy decided that it was a fine time to annoy the angel. So he bounced up and down like a child while 'accidentally' pushing Vengeance inside the Rotten Mountain.

Vengeance immediately catched himself mid-air before diving upward for a giggling Happy.

".....Happy..." Vengeance said in a low and menacing tone. His top hat obscured his eyes but Happy is sure that the yellow in Vengeance's eyes are glowing. Vengeance lunged forward for Happy.

The day ended with a laughing Happy and a tired Vengeance. "Just you wait, Happy ! I'll definitely have revenge over your dead ass !"

Happy whistled mischievously, "Oooh~ he said a curse word ! Hahaha~! ~!! Vengeance said a bad wooord~!"

"Gracy ! Vengeance said a baaaad word ! Hahaha!" Happy continued, flying off to whoever knows where.

"Happy !!"


How's that ?! ⸜( •⌄• )⸝⁺✧ //kicked// hahaha....

Towa and Harley didn't appear much because i wanted to tell Vengeance's connection to Happy, etc.

Have a sketch of Vengeance ~

He has no fancy moustache lmao but his mascot does (ง ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ว

Can you see his hourglass earring ? It's how he counts his next revenge and stuff lol. He likes the earring very much, it's a gift from Gracious / Gracy for behaving well at a meeting lol

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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