《Our Love Is Fate》2.6


This whole week Vincent trained his soldiers. They were so happy that their master came to train them. They hadn't trained with him for a while.

On the day Vincent is leaving to go with Xavier. Travis discovered poison in the water supply. He had been shocked to the core. Who dares to poison them. The poison wasn't even native to their homeland. So he couldn't figure out how to fix it.

"Master the poison doesn't seem to be from around here" Travis informs. Vincent looks at the water supply. They collect water from the well. So someone poisoned their whole water supply.

[Leon can give you an eternal cleansing pill. That pill will go to the bottom and stick itself to the ground. It will cleanse the water forever. So if people true to poison it again it will be cleansed] Vincent gives a soft nod not noticeable to people around him. The cleansing pill appeared in Vincent's hand. He went up and dumped the water back. Once that was done he drops the pill down.

"Master what did you drop?" Asks Travis curiously as he looks at his master.

"An eternal cleansing pill, no one is allowed to poison my family. Keep checking our food supply thoroughly" Vincent orders. Travis' eyes widen his master just used a pill that cost millions of gold for them.

"Thank you, master" Travis thanks.

"No need to thank me" Vincent softly says. Travis nods and goes to recheck the food supply. Once he left Vincent frowns who is behind it?

[Zero it will take a while to figure out. Ancient worlds are more difficult to get information from]

"Hn keep monitoring here only come to me when I call you. Before I leave, give me some valuable pills. I'm going to an auction and I need something to win things. I have gold but it might not be enough. Give me pills that are rare but not impossible to get" Vincent asks Leon.


[Got it] In Vincent pocket 10 rare pills appeared all different none are the same. He heads home to change into more elegant clothing. He doesn't want to blend in he wants to shine. Hr packs 3 more hanfu that is more extravagant than the last. The one uses last is to shock everyone to the core.

"Vincent I'm here" Xavier calls as he knocks. Vincent ties his hair back. His overall appearance gives off a scholarly feeling. A wandering scholar who couldn't be confined. A free spirit that no one is able to touch such a noble existence. Once Xavier sees him hid breath hitched. He knew his Vincent is attractive but he didn't know the extent.

"Let us go then! I will call off all my guards. My safety is on your hands, my dear" Vincent jokes a bit. Xavier couldn't help but feel his heart race. A guard drops and looks at Vincent in fear.

"Master are you sure it's wise?" The guard worriedly states. Vincent looks at guard and smiles.

"Of course I'm sure no need to worry. Xavier will take protect if he fails. Tell Travis he can attack and do whatever to avenge me" laughs Vincent. Who is in a good mood. His lover is here somewhere.

"I understand master," the guard says as he leaves. The rest of the guards disappear.

"Vincent, do you trust me so much?" Asks Xavier as he senses all the guards leave.

"Of course I do now let go. I hadn't had a break in so long. I might even find myself a lover at this event. I wonder who that person will be!" Vincent joyously says as he thinks about his lover. Xavier couldn't help but feel his being filled up with jealousy.

"Xavier are you alright? You seem a bit in a bad mood. Do you not wanna go with me? Did you find yourself a lover? If so you can go with them. I can probably get in wit" before he could finish his sentence.


"No! I want to go with you only. I just a bit frustrated with the third concubine. She wanted to slip in women to my home" Xavier swiftly lies. Vincent makes an oh face.

"I see if that ever happen again, and you can't deal with troublesome women. I will gladly let you stay at my home while your people deal with the troublesome situation!" Vincent states as he smiles at Xavier.

"Thank I will definitely take you up on that" Xavier softly laughs. Vincent relaxes he is glad that Xavier doesn't hate him. Since he would be a troublesome person to fight with.

The emperor looks at the pair through his magical spy orb. He smiles at them wistfully.

"My general our love for each other was forbidden. We couldn't be together and forced to take in women. It would seem our children are currently falling for each other" the emperor softly cries. His love for his general was just like the one Vincent and Xavier are. One is clueless and the other pursuing the clueless fool.

"I will not allow them to be separated! I shall never let anyone be separated just because they are of the same gender. Love is something that shouldn't be meddled by some narrow-minded people" the emperor promises to himself. He now understood why his son did not want to marry. He might like guys and is repulsed by the thought of being with a girl.

"My general in the afterlife will you still love me? Or will you reject me for letting myself be controlled by those traditional views? I should have said yes to run away with you. We would've been so happy" the emperor sighs in regret. He misses his general and their secret meetings. The many times they made love in secret with the thrill of almost being caught. How his general will sneak into his room and would cuddle.

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