
"She was his life

And he was her all

They loved each other

And they were happily together "

A perfect love story, isn't it?

But can all love stories be

The perfect one like this?

Loving is not always blissful, even

A beautiful rose can have dark shades

That we are apart from each other

Doesn't mean our love will fade

You became my sunshine

When I only saw the rain

You gave me happiness

When I only felt the pain

Then why do I feel lonely again?

You and I are like summer and winter

We endlessly chase each other

But one has to leave for the other to come

Cause we can not be together

I'll love you forever with all my heart

My love for you will never end

Maybe our story is not perfect

That's why this story is different

Not every love story needs to be perfect

But for that love will not be less

Not all words need to be expressed

Cause our story is imperfectly perfect ......


Hello, my lovely readers!! Hope you are all good! Thank you my friend for helping me and Thank you so much, my readers, for your support!! Please vote and comment! Take care!!

Love ya all 💕

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