《Softest Lips | on hold》jayden o'mari west
"So how was your date, mister man?"
I laughed at my mama as I took a seat at the kitchen table. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and took a bite before looking at her. I smirked and shrugged. "It was aight."
She smacked her lips and smacked me with an oven mitt. "Boy please! You ain't fooling nobody. You ain't come home until 1 something this morning. That date was more than aIgHt."
I laughed and dropped my head as I chewed. The Lady was a trip, but I loved her to the death of me. She took me in when she didn't have to. When my parents abandoned me, she was more than willing to be my parent. Sonni was the sunshine God knew I needed in my dark and gloomy life. "But nah, for real, out of the few dates I've been on since I got out of prison, that was the best one."
She smiled and sat the hashbrown bowl in front of me before pouring a glass of apple juice. "Speaking of prison, have you told her?"
I bit my lip and shook my head. "No ma'am, not yet. I don't even want to see that reaction. You see, she ghosted me for a few days when I told her I was 19, so just imagine what she'd do if I told her I'm a felon. I know I need to tell her, but I'm not sure when or how."
I huffed and sighed in frustration as she looked at me sympathetically.
"Don't think too much about it, baby, and from what I know, I don't think she's going to care about you having a record."
I arched my eyebrow in confusion. "What are you talking about, mama?"
"Her family is apart of the mob and I guarantee she'll tell you that once you tell her. If she looks at you any differently knowing what her family does, then she's not the one for you."
"Sunflower, I just know you're not in this kitchen being messy."
I busted out laughing once Pops sent a hard slap to her backside. I choked on my apple because the impact caught me off guard. She hissed and smacked him out of reflex. Lord, it's getting domestic! If my mouth could hit the floor like it does in cartoons, it would have.
"Damn girl! If you like it rough, just say that." He smirked and wrapped his arm around her waist.
I gagged and shook my head. Yup! That was my cue to go. I grabbed my bowl and made my way to the living room because I did not want to see or hear any of that. I'm so glad their room was soundproofed because I would definitely die. Silas and Sahil were some quiet ass babies. They were in their swings, sucking on their pacifiers. I took a seat on the couch and placed my cup on the side table. It was nothing on TV, so I just paid attention to my breakfast, which consisted of hash browns, eggs, onions, red bell peppers, jalapeño peppers, sausage, and cheese. It was a lot, but it was good. Love when she made these.
As I ate my food, I thought about Orianne and our date last night, making me smile. Baby was something else, and I liked it. She almost got pinned to the backseat though. She was lucky we were in my mama's truck and not my car. She had a lot to drink at the bar, so I know for sure she's still asleep, sleeping her hangover off. As if she knew I was thinking about her, my started ringing, allowing Siri to announce the call through my AirPods. I tapped the right one, answering her call.
"Good morning or afternoon, handsome. Why can't I see your face?"
I smiled at her voice. "Good morning, love, and it's in the kitchen. My parents were being nasty, so I grabbed my food and left. How'd you sleep? I'm surprised you're up."
I shook my head, watching Emerie walk into the living room, rubbing her eyes. Niyah was right behind her but took a left going towards the kitchen. While my eyes followed Em, I forked some food into my mouth. She walked my way and stood in front of me with a mug on her face, crazy little girl. She crawled onto the couch and into my lap, laying on my chest. Pops and I definitely ruined her.
"Mhmm, I guess I'll let you slide for now. I slept well and trust I'd still be asleep if these overgrown ass kids didn't wake me up. I'm ready for my daddy to come back, so I can go home. I love my guys, but it's been a week. I'm tied!"
I laughed at her expressing her frustration so dramatically because I could only imagine what she's been going through. The only girl out of 12 boys? Yea, let me pray for my love. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"
"I definitely did, and I can't wait to see what else is in store. Last night was truly fun."
I shook my head and took another bite of my food before saying something else. "Who said something else was going to happen?"
I laughed at the sound of her lips smacking. "Stop playing with me, O'mari! Don't forget, I know where you live. You better sleep with one eye open."
"I am not scared of you, Micah, or should I say, Miron?" I called her by her father's middle name on purpose, just to be petty. I grabbed my cup of apple juice and took a sip before going back to my hash bowl.
"Oh, we're fighting the next time we see each other. Just wait."
"Girl boo, you act like I can't take you." I finished my bowl and got off the couch, adjusting Emerie on my chest. I heard little snores, letting me know she was asleep.
"LOL, you pick me up one time and swear you're macho man."
I busted out laughing, making everybody in the kitchen look my way. I mugged them and proceeded to the sink to put my dishes away. "If I recall, I picked you up three times last night."
My mama looked at me with a shocked look on her face, making me wiggle my eyebrows up and down. I slapped hands with my pops and grabbed my phone before going back into the living room and laying on the couch. I adjusted Emmie on my chest and unlocked my phone to Orianne's fine ass was standing at the sink brushing her teeth.
"You have her so spoiled it's sickening."
Orianne said in response to Emerie on my chest, making me look down. I kissed her forehead. My big baby. "Aht aht! Mind your business when it comes to us."
She waved me off. "Boy boo! Y'all finna be my business in a few anyway, so blah!"
"Juice! Hurry up, I have to pee! Vashun is in the other one, and I don't feel like going to the other house! I might not make it!"
I don't know which brother it was, but they started banging on the door, making her sigh and throw her head back. She looked into the camera with a pout on her face, making me shake my head. I took my eyes off my phone briefly once the sound of crying seeped through the house's intercom system. The twins' baby monitors, like Em's, are hooked up as well. I think it was Silas crying. More than likely, he's hungry or wet. A couple seconds later, my mama was walking into the living room with her nursing cover wrapped around her. She started talking to Silas as she picked him up from the swing. Once she had him wrapped up, I tore my eyes away and put them back on the screen of my phone.
"What are you doing today?" I asked as I watched her walk back into her room. She turned the light off and pulled her bonnet back on her head as she climbed into her canopy bed. She shrugged, pulling the purple comfort up to her face.
"Sleeping. I'm not on call and I don't have to be at the station until Tuesday. I am about to enjoy this little break. News Today be working me, but I love it. I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Invite her to the barbecue. If she says yes, we'll stop by on our way out to pick her up."
My mama whispered, making me whip my head towards her with my eyebrows arched, making her nod her head, gesturing me to do what she said. Lemme find out my mama want my soon to be woman. "I know we had a date last night, but do you want to go to a barbecue with me and my family at my grandparents' house?"
I laughed once she snatched the comforter from her face and looked into the camera. "You just saw me last night and you want to see me again?"
She started pouting, making me smirk. And she got the nerve to talk about Emmie, but I nodded my head. "Yes, it'll make up for you ghosting me, and before you say anything, you don't have to worry about my family being rude or saying anything to you. Before my parents or I say anything, my Momo is going to get everybody in line, and if she doesn't, my Uncle Savion and Mama just might shoot it up."
She started laughing, making me laugh with her. That's how contagious it was. "Okay, I accept the invite. What time do I need to be ready?"
I looked over at my mama, asking about the time, and she mouthed 1. "One and it's a little bit after nine right now. Go ahead and go back to sleep."
She smiled into the camera. "See you later, handsome."
I smirked. "See you, love."
I ended the call only to see my parents staring at me. Pops smirked and shook his head before sitting at the end of the couch as he patted Silas's back lightly. "You like her?"
I mirrored his smirk and nodded my head. "I would be lying if I said I didn't. I want to take this slow, though. I know she's not like the last two and the ones I've talked to, but I still want to take it slow. We both just got done dealing with somebody, so I think slow is best. I know I'm over Kambria, but is she completely over the ol 'dude? "
Mama nodded her head. "That's very understandable, but take us, your parents, for example. Time isn't everything. If you want her, do everything in your power to get her, but also make sure it's reciprocated. From the look of the last month and a half, it is. I know my opinion doesn't matter, but I like her for you. Plus, Emerie likes her too, and you know, babies have a gift."
"What did she say about you being 19? You know your mama is older than me by two years too?"
I looked at my pops and nodded my head in laughter. "Yes, I knew that. That's why she be calling you her sugar baby. She said she was shocked because of the way I carried myself and what not. In simple terms, she was just caught off guard."
A couple hours later, we were on our way to Newark to pick up Orianne. We were texting back and forth, playing iMessages games, and she was whooping my ass in Connect 4. I should've put my glasses on. I noticed we were turning down her street, so I let her know that we would be pulling up shortly.
My daddy brought the sprinter van to a stop and parked it. I pressed the button to open the side door and stepped out, pulling up my shorts. I'm so glad Em cried herself to sleep because she would've cried to come with me. I hit the sidewalk, skipping the steps as I walked to the door that I think is Amris's door. There are so many of them, I don't know who stayed in which house. I rang the doorbell and stepped back.
"Damn." I whispered once she opened the door. She had on a simple beige-creamish cardigan, covering up the brown bra-like tank top that sculpted her large breasts, pushing them up. A pair of acid-washed distressed high-waisted jean shorts putting her thick thighs on display. I licked my lips once I got to her white toes being put on display by a pair of brown Gucci slides. I got a thing for feet and toes. Ain't no shame in my game. Her hair was now in a bun and I was glad because I got to see her facial features.
"Hi Jayden." She spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. I smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her out the door.
"Juice! Don't forget our plates!" Tizon yelled as he rushed to the door.
I bust out laughing because it was so typical. Black folks love a good plate. Orianne pushed him back, making him fall and shut the door quickly while shaking her head, embarrassed. "They get on my nerves, and I'd be damned if I fixed 12 plates. Come on, Pooh."
I shook my head and grabbed her hand, leading her down the steps. I pulled the van door open and helped her in as she spoke to everybody.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. West."
I chuckled at her proper-self and slid into the seat beside her. I pressed the button to close the door, and we were off. I placed my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into me. I don't know why she's acting shy. I kissed the side of her head, watching her cheeks go up because she smiled. The vibration of my phone made her jump. I pulled it from my pocket and looked at the screen. I didn't recognize the number and I had half a mind to ignore it because it might be Kambria, but it also might be a potential customer for a painting. I sighed and answered anyway, tapping the speaker icon. "Speak."
"I'm so sick of you answering the phone like this. Jay, stop playing with me like I won't fuck you up."
I rolled my eyes, setting the phone in my lap. Orianne looked up with a frown on her face, making me shake my head. I looked up to see eyes staring at me through the rearview mirror. My mama's leg started bouncing, letting me know she was pissed as my ex was yelling through the phone. "Kambria you can't be this deluded, bro. How many times do I have to tell you that we're done? I told you one and down, Shawty. You cheated on me, man! Not the other way around. Stop acting dumb and leave me the hell alone before I let my sister beat the fuck out of you. Grow up and stop playing on my phone."
Before I could even hang up, Niyah leaned over the seat and snatched the phone out of my lap. She instantly started going off and I prayed she wouldn't wake the babies. I leaned up and tapped my mama on her shoulder. "Can you order me another phone? I'll keep this one as my business one and the new one as my personal."
She nodded her head. "I'll do it now so you can pick it up in the morning."
Niyah threw my phone back in my lap. "I'm killing her when I see her."
I whipped my head around, damn near knocking Orianne over. I examined Niyah's face, and she was furious. Her small nostrils were flaring. "What? What you mean?"
"I took the phone off speaker, but she spoke about your adoption, how your family abandoned you, and that you were only adopted because they felt sorry for you."
Pops hit the breaks so hard that we all flew forward, except the babies, because they were strapped in. I groaned and rubbed my neck and helped Orianne sit back up. My parents whipped their hands around. The sound of my mama's screaming made me flinch and cover my ears.
I shook my head as I watched my mama fume with anger. Her face was red and I swore I saw smoke coming from her ears. There are a lot of things she doesn't play about; her husband and kids are at the top of the list, being number one. Pops blew out a breath and proceeded to drive down the road. Things were definitely about to get ugly. I honestly would not be surprised if she turned up missing tonight or in a few days. I looked down at my baby only to see her scrolling through the Cartier website. I don't know if she was doing it to pass time or to ignore what was going on around her. Either way, I paid attention to whatever she looked at the longest.
After being in the van for about an hour, we finally pulled up to my grandparents' house. Besides our house, I loved theirs because it was big and on the lake. Once pops finally put the van into park, I opened the door and stepped out first, helping both Orianne and Niyah. After they were out, we stepped out of the way, letting my parents grab the babies. I grabbed Sahil from my mama's grasp while she carried Emmie and the diaper duffle, yes, duffle. Pops secured the handle of Silas' carseat in his hand and led the way like the king he was, with me following behind him.
All chatter and conversation stopped once we walked through the door. Besides my grandparents, of course, this will be the first time the whole family has seen the babies. Somebody was about to bomb-rush us, until Pops stuck his arm out, stiff-arming them.
"Back the fuck up!" He barked, making me laugh along with Ma, popping his arm, scolding him.
"I know that's not my favorite son!"
I shook my head at Momo, who came around the corner. My surrogate grandmother was beautiful. She was a tall, plus-sized lady with some long, gorgeous silver hair. It stopped right in the middle of her back. She had rich chocolate skin like my pops. I shook my head at her outfit. She's going to make me whoop her. Her body was cladded in a purple Ralph Lauren polo collar shirt, a black denim skirt and a pair of platform Steve Madden shoes on her feet, putting her red toes on display. She also had three anklets on each ankle representing her grandkids: Pops, Me, Niyah, Em, Silas, and Sahil. It would've been seven, but you know we don't speak of the other one.
"I'm your only son, Momo." Pops chuckled and pulled her into a hug, kissing the side of her face.
She waved him off. "Yea yea, give me my little men. Your old man can use some help on the grill. He's out there with your uncles and Sonni. Take your butt in that kitchen and make the pasta salad. Niyah handle the punch and Jayden.."
She trailed off, pausing once she got to me. I smiled as I pulled Orianne into me. Momo smirked and looked her up and down.
"Now who is the gorgeous thang?"
Orianne blushed and held her hand out. "Hi Mrs. West, I'm Orianne. Jayden's friend."
I smacked my lips and popped her thigh. "She's telling a story, Momo. She's my soon-to-be girlfriend."
Momo smirked and popped Orianne's hand. "I know who you are, Ms. Wright Jr. I do hugs. Come here suga, and call me Momo."
I shook my head as they hugged and talked briefly. I sat on the couch, putting the car seat on the table. I popped the handle back and pushed the cover back to see Sahil looking around, sucking on his fingers. He must have been unable to reach his pacifier, which had slipped down his shirt. I grabbed it and clipped it back.
"Soon to be girlfriend huh?"
I looked to my left only to see Momo holding Silas. I smirked and shrugged. "Ain't that's what I said?"
"Boy!" She jumped at me, making me laugh.
"You're not too old to get hit, O'mari."
I rolled my eyes and huffed dramatically. "People learn your middle name and never stop using it."
She popped me in my ear, making me flinch.
"Momo dang! I got earrings in." I balled up my fist and jumped at her. She better be lucky she's holding my little brother or we'd be slapping boxing like we always do. The lady insists she still has it. I stood up, pulling my shorts in the process, before she could even say anything. I grabbed a blanket for the duffle and laid it out on the couch. I took Sahil out of his car seat and laid him on the blanket. I made sure the duffle was in Momo's reach before walking away.
The twins' names were different and unique in my opinion. Their first names started with an 'S' for mama, and their middle names started with an 'X' for pops. Silas Xakai West and Sahil Xamir West. I scanned the kitchen looking for O and knew she was under my daddy's protective self when I didn't see her in the kitchen. Already knowing, mama denied her help and shooed her away.
"Pawpaw!" I yelled once I stepped outside. He turned away from the grill, smiling widely, with the grilling tongues in the air.
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