《Beast love》chapter-26



Next day

Our whole kingdom was so happy for arrival of their queen,the queen they waited so long.A rays of sun was making the castle more beautiful.This new bright day brought very much with it.The most important person will be here in few hours.

Everything was settled according to dominic orders.Every decoration was perfect.

The castle looked like a pink castle because according to dominic,girls like pink.I never know he even know the girls common color.Sometimes he was unpredictable.His room was all pink.A new decor just for his luna.I know the dominic who is full of rage,a dark man,a killer,a beast but this dominic is whole new case.He become soft,gentle.

The word soft or gentle were never in dominic dictionary,now look like his whole dictionary is going to be change soon.

His voice hold a new softness.I never know it was ever existed in past years.It look like,i am meeting a whole new man.I am happy for him,a good change he need in his life,is his mate.He never or ever talked with me about his mate but now he is becoming more generous with me about his feeling. The man who is incapable of feeling anyone pain,now he is proving me wrong with his whole new attitude.

His demeanour is changed.I am proud of this.

His room is looking whole girly.

Bedsheets,mirror interior and even sofas in all pink.

The whole new walking wardrobe is divided into two big sections.One has man's clothes and other one has woman clothes in it.

Expensive clothes,





When he has time for all this,i don't know.He has his way,man.

Once upon a time,his room was totally black amd gray.Now its look like a fairy tale.Look like i also have to take tips from dominic.I never thought that day would ever come but here,i am standing and seeing the impossible things in world.She changes him for a good.

And the most important thing,She doesn't know that she wrapped him around her little finger.She's like sister to me.If i ever know she's our luna.

It make me still guilty what i did to her.

how i will face her??

I don't know.Hope she's doing fine.

" hey babe" my mate came in my view,automatically brought a smile on my face.

" what are you doing here,i missed you a lot from past days" she said while kissing me on my cheek.When i am with her my tensions flew away like air.And i am so much happy that i found her.

" honey,i also miss u alot,you know na" i mumble and pulled her into my embrace and sniff in her neck.A faint scent of someone on her neck caught my attention which cause me to pull her out.

" where were you" I asked her,the thought of her being with someone rage me.

" what do you mean" she said and pulled her arms from my neck.


" where were you before you coming here" i said with a low tone,never wanted to scare her off. but i didn't miss a little hesitation on her face.

" i-i was with lola" she said and hugged me,avoiding my eye contact.Might i didn't told you that lola was our pack member.

I simply nodded because i trust her with my life.

" when are you going to be free" she said seductively in my ear which brought me out of my thoughts.

" not a long honey,tonight i am with you" i wink and gave her my signature smirk.

"Can i kiss you honey" i mumble quietly only for her to hear.She nodded.I pulled her to a nearest bedroom.She never fail to amaze me.Her scent is more addicted than anything else.Her scent always brought my wolf at edge where we want to claim her as ours,more than anything in this world.

I pulled her nearby bedroom.Her closeness driving me crazy.A new sensation building inside of me, just of her mere touch.Her being close is enough for me but i need more,more from her.I can't control myself anymore with her being this close to me.I palm her face,brought close to me.Our lips met with same intensity,craving for each other.Our lips collides forcefully with each other,taking control on each other.Her moans making me wild with my actions to give her more.

To give her every bit of pleasure.I starting roam my hands from her cheeks to downward her collarbone,to her breast where i stop to squeeze her hardly,adding more pleasure in her moans.I circled her nipples with my thumb and index finger,pinch them in between fingures to make her yelp.We were kissing wildly,but my hand doing its work on her body to adding more pleasure.

I grab her other breast to squeeze,gave same treatment.

Her eyes were close,her moans coming in pants.Her body melting in my hand gracefully.She was never fail to amaze me with her mere actions.I roamed my hand towards her shouldars,to move her dress aside only to kiss a skin there.

I gave open mouth-kisses on her shouldars,neck and then coming back towards her face.Then suddenly,some salty drop on my lips made me pulled out from her.The thing shocked me was her teary face.

"Wha-t What happened baby,shh shh" i whisper so soft and comfort her.She started sobbing quietly with her face down.I grab her softly from chin,making her to look at me.She quietly mumble looking at me with her big brown eyes.

"I am sor- sorry,i-i can't"

I understand what she meant.She isn't ready for this.I only kissed her.May be its too much for her.Sometimes,i even don't understand her behaviour,one minute she acted like she want me as much as i want her and in another second,she don't.

What's wrong

We are mate,its normal.

I compose myself and hugged her tightly.


"we don't do it again,when you feel like you can then we will take it any furthur,ok honey"

She nodded on me,pulled herself out of my embrace and quitley making her way towards outside the door.I noticed sometimes her behaviour changed a little.

" sir,everything in place" a butler said

" ya good,they will be here in any minute" i gave him a nod

Today all pack members were waiting for their king's and queen arrival.The happiness in castle were shown and birds were chirpping.


There is a pain everywhere in my body and couldn't able to move and my hands hurting a lot.

Where am i?

I don't know why i am on this bed.Nothing came into my head.Nothing made sense.

Doctors were applied machines on me and mumbling something to each other.I felt something and move my head a little on

my left side,a pair of eyes staring at me.A look i don't know.Why he's looking at me.I felt a wet cloth on my feet.It also hurt.I want to cry.Those pair of eyes came in front of me in rush of seconds and watching me lovingly.

" finally you grace us by your presence" he mumble quietly and staring at me with same look.

My head starting spinning and all went black.

When i woke up again.Those pair of eyes were still their staring at me,my throat become dry.I started searching for water.

Suddenly he come,gave me water.His touch felt like its familier to me.My head telling me,i saw those eyes before but where??

Why i have no knowledge?

Who am i ?

What is my name ?

Where am i ?

So many unanswered question running into my head.


We were in my black SUV.After discharged process,i put my mate in car because she's totally unconcious,doctor said she need a lots of rest.

She was looking so tired when she was awake.Her face was with full of confusion.She was looking at me like recogonizing me.

Doctor said she is too weak to even move by herself.Her condition is so sensitive.I have to take care of her a lot.she is going to be under my watch 24/7.

I only want to see her those hazel eyes which always held me captivated in her spell.

Her eyes hold so much yesterday.Which I couldn't able to point out.Whatever it is,i will definately be found out.

Its 8 am in morning.I hope everthing is good in castle.

Drew was on edge when he seeing his mate tommorrow.He was howling,jumping in my head and continously speaking.Only her single expression made us so happy.

I was sitting and holding her like a baby.A wave of possesiveness came into my senses.Her face have some scars.

These scars were proofs of her surviving.Her courageous heart.

But now on this day,she will never be going to bear any pain.She will never getting a scratch on her body.N.E.V.E.R.

and their i vow to protect her from everything even from myself.

A castle came into my view.The front entrance was amaze me.The whole decor changed from outside,everything was placing gracefully,how i ordered them.Rose petals were scattered from front path to main door.

A small sound brought me back and i snap my eyes towards my mate,there she is trying to open her eyes while scrunching her cute button nose.

Perfect timing.

She is looking around her, registering everything slowly.Then her gaze move towards me ,everytime those eyes took my breath away.How i missed them.She stiffen a little to get out of my hold.I loosen my grip on her for her comfort position.

Car stopped which make her see in front of her.I got out of car, take a hold of door and pull her into my arms like bridal style.Her gaze move towards castle, no expression are there.I became restless that she is quite from start.She is just gazing around her.I start:-

"its beautiful"

She look at me and then castle like figuring something and a look of fear came on her face.I tighten my grip.May be she remembered something.I take every step while watching her, her eyes are only on castle.What she's looking.I pulled her face into my chest so that, may be her mind should relax a little than watching.I make my way towards where my pack members were standing side by side,happiness showing on their faces.A old lady came in front of us.

" my king,can i see our luna" Her voice filled with so much hope.

I frown why she want to?

But suddenly my mate fulfill her wish by pulling her face from my chest.She's looking at my mate with pity look.I know she has some bruised on her face but she's looking more than beautiful to me.I passed away from woman.My mate don't need anyone pity especially that old lady.

Max came and staring at my mate like protected brother.Max lips turned up into a forced smile and glancing at her.

I feel my shirt being pulling tightly in grip of my mate,she look pale.Her eyes locked with max,i know she remember something.Her heart never stopped feeling anything.Doctor said,that might be she will not fully remmember anything.A small glimpses will always be there.

I want to go from there.But something inside me, telling to me not move from here.May be i want her reaction.Max had no fault in that.Its me whom she had to afraid.Again,a little tug on my shirt pulled me out of my mind.She is looking at me with pleading eyes.I think she even don't understand why she's doing this.

I sighed and passed away from max for our sake.

She has a expression of pain.I know she don't understand what's going on.The torture blow her mind fully.I hope,i will fix my doings.


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