《Beast love》chapter-2

( above is the picture of amelia)

Amelia pov:-

It was a bright sunny afternoon, the sound of sea waves coming in full force could be heard faintly, I was lying on the mat enjoying a good sun bath . The sky was so clear and bright, I felt like sleeping the whole day but I had other things to do.

I got up and stretched my body once again to find a very hot view in front of me. Only looking at him made me feel butterflies in my stomach. There he was coming out of the water only in his black Calvin Klein trunks. The bright sun had done its work so well. His body was tanned to a perfect color and his hard abs where I would like to roam my hands forever , right now water droplets were dripping on it and I never saw something mouth watering and hot. He was walking towards me with that evil smile on his face. I took a step towardd him, adoring him and taking in his beautiful body, he is so gorgeous. We stood in front of each other I was shorter than him so my head came just below his neck, he held my chin with his fingers and pulled my face closer to his. We looked in each others eyes , I could feel his breath over my lips and suddenly he pulled me close by pushing my back towards him , he opened his mouth to kiss me but instead he whispered something 'Get up' , I furrowed my eyes in confusion and asked him ' Wha.. Whatt?? I am up' I again looked at his lips but he just kept saying "Get up' and the next thing i know i was over his shoulders and he threw me into the water, but instead of meeting the water I hit the floor with a thud and bamm i was dreaming again...

I heard my mother yelling from down stairs and there i stood lying on the floor with the blanket all tangled in my legs. 'Shit , I again dreamt of him, dammit Amelia have some control' it was a habit of speaking to myself. I mean literally this is too much how can i dream about my crush David Beckham again.. 'Oww' something hurts, i think I hit my knee , now thats going to leave a mark..

"Ameliaa!!! Will you get down right now or should i come up ???"

"Make it quick missy, or you are goimg to be late for your college"

"Yeah , okayyyy, I am up, I am up, give me 5 , I'll be ready soon"

"Shitt" My mother, knows all the tricks to wake someone up, specially if that someone is not a morning person. "Ughhh".. I so hate morningsss..

Every day I promise that I wont sleep late at night but no there has to be some or the other party due to which I reach home late and then I get up late am so annoyed with myself..

'Nahhh" kidding.. 'Now that's not a good thing, huh anyways..


"Oh shittt I am going to be screwed". Coming mom"

Its eight -thirty and my first class will be at nine, I got up from the floor and rushed towards my ensuite bathroom. I tied my hair in a bun as i had washed it at night before going to that kick ass party. I took a quick shower , brushed my teeth and got ready in five minutes. I had no time to choose , so I just pulled whatever the hell it was in the front from my closet. I applied some mascara, liner and a lip gloss, and took a quick look of myself in the mirror. There now I was all set for my class. Black jeans, grey v-neck with a black hoodie again and ofcourse some flats.

I took a deep breath and rushed downstairs towards the kitchen.

"Morninggg, Mom"

"Mels, how many times have i told you not to come home late, when are you going to listen and-

"Mom, am sorry, i wont repeat it next time promise"

"If you say, anyways you should get going its eight- forty -five"

"Oh crapp, bye Mom"

I took a bagel from my plate and my lunch box and bag that was kept on the table near the breakfast bar and rushed out of the house. "Promises" "huh' my ass.. 'They are always meant to br broken"...

I am Amelia Knight, 17 years old, but for my mom I am still her little girl, her five years old Meli, whom she used to dress in a pink gown and tiara. Hehe. Naww I am still a princess but a grown up one.. I am an American, born in New york but we got shifted to U.K when I was fifteen. I like the states more as I lived my entire childhood over there but my mom wanted to move UK because of its taste and expertise in the fashion world.

She always had a dream of becoming a fashion designer but due to some circumstamces she wasn't able to accomplish it, and now she wants me to fullfill it for her. So here I am , studying in England's renowned university of Fashion Designing, and it's not like am sacrificing something because I found myself creating dresses when I was seven. That's when I knew I would be doing fashion designing... And-

"Hey!! Heyyy Meli Melicious, I was cut of from my thoughts by a very annoying voice. Ughh..

"Tracyy, seriously for the last time no Meli Melicious on the road and wait what the hell is melicious..?"

"Morning to you too my Melicious.."

"And melicious is like delicious because you are delicious like chocolate mooose", oh wait

Now what??

"I am feeling like having Chocolate moose cake now"

"Seriously Trace you and your cravin- oh what the fuck , how am i delicious?

"Well, have you ever looked at yourself, your curves and your bo--"

Behore she could speak any further I covered her mouth with my hand

Not a single word now , you flat ass, stop right there.

"Hshzzbsbs, "



What the hell was she saying now.

"Trace seriously I am not able to understand anything"

She pointed towards my hand that was over her mouth.

"Oh yeah sorry,"

"Meli my breath almost stopped, and you ruined my lipstick dumbass.."

"Call me meli once more then see"

"Meli, Meli , Melicious"

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a serious look, not that i hated her hideous nick names, because I liked to scare her a bit... I wouldn't ever get annoyed by her because she is the only person I would tolerate in the morning. My best friend Tracy McCartney.. She was the first person whom I met two years ago when I joined the University, and from that day uptill now we are sticked to each other like glue. She understands me so well, sometimes she annoys me,sometimes I feel like stabbing her with knife and pushing her in a grave , but sometimes she makes me feel so special that I feel like never leting her go away. She is my other half my soul sister, that I never want to loose. I love her so much.

(In above picture is tracy)

She is a tall blonde with blue eyes, fair skin and rosy lips with all the curves on the right place. She is a perfecto in true sense. No doubt all the boys in our university drool over her. But she never kept an attitude for her beauty , she is so humble and genorous by nature, she is sweet and calm whenever needed and that's the thing I love the most about her..

"Oh come on Meli, what's with the look, you know I love you , now move your fat ass we are already running late for our first class"

"Fine, but i hate you"

"Oh, no you dont,"...


( )


'Hey, sh sh Mel, Hey Mel' I heard Tracy whispering my name from behind.


"My parents are going to Barbados for celebrating their twenty- forth wedding anniversary"

"Wow, Trace that's great! When are they going and for how long?"

"This weekend and will be back after two weeks oh and you know They-

You two Miss. MCartney and Miss. Knight out of my class

"Shittt" well done Trace, now we are the centre of attention..

It was our Creative Designing class and our professor Mrs. McArthur was a strict women, she would allow us to have our free time but when it was work she needed discipline.

How many times should I tell you I dont like chit chatting in my class.

"Mam we werent-

Out now you two

We gathered our bags and moved out of the class..


I was walking angrily in the corridor and Tracy was following me behind my back. I stopped abruptly which made her bump me which made my anger rise more. I turned and stared at her , Even Tracy started staring me. I felt like laughing looking at her innocent face, I couldnt control it more so i bursted out laughing and evn Tracy started laughing.

We high fived each other.

Well done baby, way to go

Yeah this was the second time we were thrown out..

Huh!! I was feeling sleepy anyways, so your parents honeymoon. The house is all yours then for two weeks.

Yeahh babe and guess whose gonna stay with me for two weeks

Ohh my goshhh.. Trace thats awsome , but how will you convince mom?

Oh dont worry babe, you know I am a pro in it.

I wish my dad was alive, then even he and mom would go to celebrate their anniversary.I was five when he left me and mom forever. He had cancer and he wasnt able to bare the pain anymore so he gave up. But that was for good. Instead of living a painful death it was better he died a peacful death. From that day onwards my mom had been a single mother and she raised me with all her love and care. She loved dad so much that she didnt feel like settling for someone else again and that's how it is me and mom for each other. I wonder if I ever fall in love and if he goes away from me will I ever be able to bare the pain. No i will be shattered just like mom was. Its better I never fall in love..

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