《Forced With Him》Epilogue-2



"Aadya you have to stop talking to Sameer", he said

"Why? He is so nice and caring what is wrong with him?", she asked him innocently.

"He is trying to harm you. That much is enough for your knowledge. He is not a good person", he explained.

"Prince Ekansh You don't have to tell me what i have to do", She said picking her physics book and keeping it in her bag as it was time for departure.

"When you always act stupid I have to tell you what to do", he said glaring at her.

"The person who I should stay away is you. You are the one who is always angry and rude to me", she said passing him a bored look though she was very hurt by his behavior from inside. She tried to leave the class as they both were the only one left inside. But he caught her wrist and pulled her towards him. She end up crashing in his well build chest.

"Don't touch me", she whisper yelled not wanting to get extra attention from anyone.

"You don't like my touch but you like that Sameer when he pulled your cheek yesterday. If he touched you again I won't be responsible for my actions.", he said in a chilling voice sending a shiver through her body.

"Why do you care?", she asked him looking at the hold on her wrist.

"Because only I have the right to touch you. Nobody else", he said whispering in her ear making her hold on his shoulder tight and a shiver ran through her body again.

He smirked at his effect on her and left her. He picked her bag which was filled with heavy books smiling at his nerdy angel.

"You don't have to pick my bag. It is heavy", she complained following him and trying to take back her bag from him.

"I can carry you as well with this bag very easily. If you are tired", he said stopping and looking at her stopping her from saying anything more.

"I will drop you today", he said.

"But Umed uncle drops me everyday", she said referring to her driver.

"Yeah but you are coming with me today", he said giving her no other choice. She sighed and followed him.

The whole school was looking at the cold prince walking as if he own the school. And yeah he was the owner as well. The son of Rana Jai Pratap Singh the current ruler and the owner of the school.

He made his way towards his car and opened the door for his angel who entered inside without saying anything. He entered from the other side.

Aadya kept her head on the window glass feeling tired of the busy day. Ekaansh was acting weird these days. She was happy that he finally started showing his feelings for her but at times it is very scary for her.

She loves him but is also scared of him. She is scared what if he gets bored of her and leave her alone.

The thought of him leaving her made her heart clench and her eyes filling with tears.

She was not enough for him. She knew she was not beautiful enough for him but still she loved him. She tried to forget him by staying away from him and spending time with her classmates but he is against that too.

When she was about to fall asleep. She felt him pull her towards him and make her lay her head on his chest. She looked at him with questioning eyes.


"Sleep", he ordered looking straight ahead at the way where his driver was driving the car from with his honey brown eyes.

"I don't want to sleep like this", she argued and removed her head from his chest.

"Do you really want me to pick you up in my lap and make you sleep like that", he asked raising one of his eyebrows coldly looking at her. She sighed and shook her head in no.

"Sorry", she whispered and again kept her head on his chest and soon she fell asleep.

The cold prince's eyes fell on his sleeping angel who was looking no less than an innocent baby clutching his waist tightly with her right hand.

"I Love You", he whispered in her ear making her snuggle more in his chest. A lazy smile covering her lips which he wanted to taste so badly.

"Rana sa we are here", his driver told him. He nodded.

"Bring her bag inside", he ordered his driver.

"Jo hukum rana sa", he said(As you say rana sa)

He picked her in his arms bridal style making her pout and snuggle her face in his neck looking as adorable as ever. He smiled at his sunshine and made his way inside her mansion.

"Hukum your father is also here", his driver told him to which he nodded without looking at him.

He entered inside the mansion and found his father and his best friend sitting their having coffee and talking about some business deal.

Suddenly his father's eyes fall on him and hardened instantly finding him with his angel.

"What should I do with this girl", he heard his Aayat aunty who made her way towards them looking at his daughter with so much love and care.

"She again studied whole night. Didn't she?", Aadya's father asked her mother to which she nodded looking very worried.

"I am going to make her sleep with us from today only", Rehan Khurana said.

"As if. We made her sleep in her brother's room but she always leave the room at night and go back to her room.", Aayat said.

"She is going to effect her health", Rehan Khurana said and took her daughter from his best friend's son making her whine a little making her father smile at her cute actions.

He took her to her room and made her comfortable in her bed.

"She would be uncomfortable in her school dress", Ekaansh said.

"I will change her dress", Aayat said and left the man alone in the room.

"You should go back to the palace", Rana Jai Pratap Singh told his son.

"Let the young man stay for a while. And if you are worried about his studies than he can study from Aadya's book as well. You can Go to the guest room Ekaansh. I will ask someone to give you clothes there only", Rehan said.

"But...", Jai was not able to complete his sentence as he was very harshly interrupted by his best friend.

"No buts he is staying here.", Rehan said and asked Ekaansh to have a nap.

As soon as Ekaansh left Jai glared at his best friend who was drinking his coffee without any tension.

"He is getting obsessed by your daughter", Jai said making Rehan choke on his coffee.

"Stop it Jai. You should choose better words for your son", he said glaring at him.

"Your daughter is too innocent for my son Rehan. Try to understand", Jai tried to make him understand.

"You tried to keep him away from her. And now she is thinking that she is not enough for him. To distract herself she is tiring herself by studying day and night. It will affect her health", Rehan said.


"See today he was there she fell asleep so easily. When she can't have a sound sleep in a couple of weeks", Rehan said.

"I know. But Ekaansh is getting obsessed with her. It would be difficult to control him after sometime. She is becoming his need", he completed sighing deeply.


"Doll", she heard somebody moving her making her whine.

"Go away", she said removing the intruder's fingers which were busy pulling her cheeks.

"Doll wake up", she heard her annoying brother's voice again.

"Aadhi bhai ask him to stop", she said not wanting anyone to disturb her sleep.

"Stop it Anav", she heard her brother's voice making her smile.

"But she is sleeping from two hours", Anav complained

"So what", Aadhi said leaving no room for argument.

Anav sighed and left the room.

"Doll", she heard her Aadhi bhai's voice and turned wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Bacha still feeling sleepy", he asked caressing her cheeks to which she nodded.

"Eat your lunch than sleep again", he said to which she sighed but nodded.

She freshen up and then went downstairs.

"Good afternoon everyone", She chirped.

"Its going to be evening soon doll", Anav said looking at a business file.

"Oh come on bhai don't be rude", She said.

"You only love Adhi not me", he complained to which she laughed.

"I love you both equally", she said and suddenly snatched his file and ran outside.

"You stop there. It is important. Doll stop", he ran behind her in the garden.

She was laughing while looking at her brother who was running behind her. Suddenly she crashed into a wall but her nose was okay. She looked at the so called wall and came face to face with her cold charming prince. He was glaring at her.

Before she could say anything the file in her hand was snatched by her brother who was also glaring at her. Not finding any way to hide she went behind her prince charming.

"Why are you hiding now come face to face na", he said glaring at her.

"You can't always act childish Aadya. You are no more a little baby. The file was so important", Anav shouted at her.

Aadya's eyes filled with tears and she looked down. He never talked like that with her.

"Stop it Anav. You can't talk to her like that", Ekaansh said feeling her trembling behind him.

"Oh please Ekaansh. Please don't interrupt. The file was so important", he said.

"If the file was that important than you should have prepared a copy of it", They heard Rehan's chilling voice who was glaring at Anav.

"But Papa..."

"Come here princess", Rehan called Aadya and she ran towards him. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her tears started falling down from her beautiful eyes.

"I am sorry papa. I didn't mean to disturb anyone", she cried.

"Its okay princess. You are not at fault. Now don't cry", Rehan said still glaring at Anav.

Anav realized his mistake and went to her side.

"I am really sorry doll. Please talk to me", he said taking her in a hug. Aadya cried in his arms.

"I am sorry bhai", she cried.

"Bhai is also sorry doll. Please forgive him. I won't shout at you again", he promised and soon everything was alright and they had their late lunch.

Aadya went to her study room and found the person who captured her heart present there looking at her books.

"What are you doing here?", she asked softly.

"Uncle asked me to study with you", he told her to which she nodded.

"I told Sameer to not touch me yesterday only", she said while sitting on her table so that her height matches with him and they can talk face to face.

"And you are telling this to me because", he asked looking in her eyes.

"Because you were angry I guess", she said feeling uncomfortable under his gaze and looking downwards.

"I was not angry", he said still looking intently at her.

"Ohkay", she said feeling sad that he didn't care.

He went near her and caressed her cheeks.

"I wanted to burn him alive for touching what is mine", he said looking darkly at her.

"You don't know what you make me feel for you. You are an enchantress who has put a spell on you. Even in my dreams I dream of you. Dreams far from your imagination. Dreams filled with lust and your moans", he said looking at her with his lust filled eyes.

"What do you mean?", she asked shifting uncomfortably in her position.

"Why your lips are always asking for my attention. Why I want to feel them against my lips", he asked and she looked at him shocked.

"You can't do that. My first kiss only belongs to my husband", she said looking at him with determination.

"You really think I would let you marry someone else except me", he asked pulling her more towards him by her waist glaring at her.

"You can marry any girl. Why me?", she asked looking downwards shyly.

"Because You are My Enchantress", he said kissing her cheek.

"You sure. What if I am not enough", she asked.

"You are more than enough for me, My future queen", he stated and she looked at him shockingly.

"Why", she asked again wanted to hear what she wants to hear.

"Why do you like a nerd like me?", she asked.

"Because I love you", he said straight away making her check whether she heard right or was imagining.


"Rehan ji leave me. After these many year also you can't keep your hands to yourself", Aayat whined.

"Oh come on precious. We get so less time with each other now", he said hovering over her.

She pushed him away.

"I need to make snacks for your daughter. I am so worried about her. Aur is ladki ko koi pharak hi nahi padta. Bimaar hoke maanegi yeh aur mujhe phir chinta main maaregi", she said making her hair presentable(And this girl does not even care. She would fall ill and will kill me with the tension)

"Don't say this precious. Our kids are growing up give them some space. If you feel still something is wrong than i will speak to princess", Rehan said.

"Oh not you Rehan ji. You all have spoiled her. She is your, ma-papa, dada- dadi everyone's princess and the doll of her brothers. You can't speak to her strictly", she said.

"Was she crying very much when Anav shouted at her", she asked.

"yeah but everything is sought out now", he said.

"I have told Anav so many times to talk softly with her but still", she sighed.

"You act so strict with her when you are the one who is most worried about her", Rehan said.

"She is the most sensitive among all of us so i need to be worried about her", she said

"I Always wished for a big family and you fulfilled my that wish. I love you", Aayat said to which Rehan peck her lips.

"Thank you for staying with me and being my strength. I love you too", Rehan said to which she smiled.

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