《Forced With Him》Epilogue


"Is it necessary for you to shift", Palak asked her sister- in- law and best friend who sighed in response.

"Rehan ji is establishing his business in Udaipur so yeah we are going to shift", Aayat told her.

"And also bhai sa is there so according to him we would be safe there", She continued.

"You should not trust a stranger like that Aayu", Palak told her to which she glared at her.

"You should not forget what he did for us. If he wouldn't have been there that day then my life would be destroyed", She said to which Palak nodded.

"What is going on here?", Aayat heard her brother's voice who came and sat beside his wife.

"Ask her to stop", Palak told her husband stubbornly.

"My love she will do what her husband wants her to do", he said. He himself was upset with this decision and wanted to stop her but as always his sister would do what her husband wants.

"Talk to me directly bhai", Aayat said controlling her tears.

"There is no need. I told you what I think. Do what you like", he said going to his room. Palak looked at the retreating back of her husband. She nodded towards her best friend reassuringly and followed her husband.

"Don't mind him princess", she heard her father's voice but didn't turn her head to look at him. These five years really made her a bit mature. She knew when to open her mouth.

"I should leave now", She said.

"Who can say you are the same Aayat I married to Rehan? Marriage really makes a girl mature", Her mother said smiling sadly at her daughter who was no-more her careless daughter but a mature girl now.

"Its not the marriage which changed me. Its the motherhood which made me mature. Now I need to leave before my little devils wake up", She said smiling at her mother.

"Don't mind Palak the pregnancy hormones are making her very sensitive and you know your brother he is very possessive for you", Her father said caressing her head and she nodded. She made her way out of her paternal home which was once her only home. But now she was just a guest here.

She sat in her black jaguar and asked the driver to take her back home.

After a good half an hour due to traffic she was at her home. As she made her way inside she heard squealing sounds from the garden and a smile covered her face.

She made her way towards the huge garden of Khurana Mansion. In these five years, she came to know many things about his husband one of them was that her in- laws are originally from Udaipur only. Because of business only they shifted to Delhi but now they think its better to return back to their home land. She was not against it but she had to leave her family which made her sad. After marriage at least she knew her paternal home was at a small distance away from her. But now.


She was sad but couldn't tell this to her brother because he would over react and make a big scene. Over-protective brother. And she wants her children to know there father's culture also.

So she left everything on her Kanha.

"Mumma!!", she heard her son's squeal who ran towards her and she immediately lifted him in her arms.

"Whale wele you?", he asked in his babyish voice.

"You missed mumma", Aayat asked to which he nodded.

"I went to meet your mama(uncle)", she said.

"Mama, I alsho want to meet him", he said pouting cutely.

"Next time", Aayat said to which he nodded understandingly.

"Where is your brother Anav", she asked her son.

"Studying", he said with a bore look.

"And what are you doing in the garden", She asked him.

"Playing football with dadu", he said pointing towards his grandfather who was attending a call currently but nodded at Aayat reassuring her that he will take care of him.

"Okay go play with dadu. Where is dadi?", She asked him as he made his way towards his football.

"Went to temple with badi dadi(great grandmother)", he said without turning. Aayat nodded and made her way towards her elder son's room. Though only 7 minutes elder than Anav but he is more mature than her younger son.

"Aadhish baby", she called her son as she entered in his room. As his name's meaning suggest he is a little genius.

"Yesh mumma", he said looking up from his E.V.S book and smiling at her.

"When you woke up baby", she said as she made her way towards his study table.

"2 hours back. You are late", he said. Aayat nodded and lifted him in her arms.

"You wanna spend some time with mumma", she asked as she made her way towards her room.

"Yesh", he squealed to which she laughed and kissed his chubby cheek. Though both brothers were twins but both were very healthy at the time of birth. Blame everything on her in- laws who made her eat a lot of healthy food at the time of her pregnancy.

As she entered in her room she saw her husband lying on his stomach on their bed.

"See papa is again tired", she told her son. Aadhish was more close to his mother whereas Anav was more like his father so close to him. Aayat was always a calm child so Aadhish was like her till now and she was grateful for that. She is fine with taking care of one tornado.

Though both were twins but were different in nature. Anav was more active than studious. In short a little devil while Aadhish was a studious child who was more active than Anav when he wants to be.


"Papa ij alwaysh tired", Aadhish said.

"Aadhi I heard that", he heard his father who turned a laid on his back looking at him playfully glaring him. Aadhish hide his face in his mother's neck giggling softly.

"Come here Aadhi", his father asked and raised his hand to take him from his mother. Aayat gave him to his father.

"What did you do today Aadhi", Rehan asked him.

"I completed two pages of my E.V.S book", Aadhish said showing his father two fingers.

"And I won the match with dadu", They heard Anav's voice who jumped on the bed.

"Papa do we have to leave our school too", Anav asked his father who looked at his wife who just looked at her son.

"Baby you can make new friends in your new school", she said though she was sad inside but she need to be strong for her sons.

"Aadhish Anav go and play outside papa wants to talk to mumma", Rehan said and they both jumped down from the bed and ran outside not before closing the door behind them as they are always told to do before leaving a room.

"I am sorry precious. If you want we can cancel this shifting plan. I know it is difficult for you to leave your family behind and shift to a new state", he said pulling her towards him.

She kept her head on his chest.

"I don't want to change your plans. I know it is going to be difficult for me but I will manage. You just talk to bhai", she said looking at him. He was already looking at him.

"You have changed so much precious", he said.

"You know it is only for the world. I am still your childish precious", she said kissing his cheek.

"Even after these many years you didn't learn the right place to kiss precious", he said and pulled her for a passionate kiss.

"But I will visit my family once a month", she said.

"Anything for you. You left everything for me. This is the minimum I could do for you", he said kissing her forehead.

"I want to work", she said.

"No, what about increasing our family. It is also a work.", he said wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"Who can predict that the cold boss at work behaves like a kid at home", she mumbled.

"Wait for one year at least. Aadhish and Anav are still young", she said to which he nodded.

"But I want a daughter too", he said.

"Most of the people in this world stop planning more kids after having twins but you want me to be pregnant again", She said glaring at him.

"I love your pregnant self more. You are more sensitive to my touch and ask for my attention. But I hate it when you cry without any reason. I thought our children are going to be cry babies but they make other people cry with their mischiefs. Anav is fine because everyone is knowing about his mischievous behavior while Aadhish is a silent bomb", he said remembering the times when Aadhish was the real master mind behind any of the prank. It was more dangerous than the prank played by his younger son.

"He is my son. He is a silent player", Aayat said smiling at their son's picture where Aadhish and Anav's face were covered with chocolate ice cream.

"Thank you for giving me such a beautiful family", Rehan said while pecking her lips.

"Your welcome. And I am not the only one who helped in their making", she said playfully.

"But you are the one who kept them in your womb for 9 months enduring every pain for our happy family. God gave this responsibility to woman because you can endure that much pain while we male can not even think about that pain. We are not even that responsible for carrying another life inside us", he said.

"I hope no one gets a husband like you in this world", Aayat said.

"Am I that bad", he said staring in her eyes.

"No You are just too good. And I want me to be the only person who would be this pampered by my husband", She said.

"You are selfish", he said.

"Call me anything but not only because of that you are too dominating to take care about. Act like a baby sometime than like a mature and cold man the next moment. Bipolar you made me cry so many times in these years", She said.

"I am sorry", he said.

"It's okay. And I am still working with you in your office when we will get shifted there because you won't let me work for any other person", she stated leaving no option for him.

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