《Forced With Him》Forced with him


Everything was settled after that day. I came to know that the person who saved my baby from my stupidity was my husband's best friend who I never met. I mean how can he not inform me about his best friend. I came to know that his best friend was from royal family. The next king in line. Interesting!

Did I tell his name of course not this pregnancy is affecting my memory also.

Stop it Aayat stop blaming everything on the pregnancy. You are just a big idiot.

You know you are my biggest enemy.

So where I was yes his name is Rana Jai Pratap Singh. A really big name. And man he was so cold. He was having this dangerous aura around him. But he saved me and my husband trusted him so I don't have any problem. He was definitely having the personality of royals and not forgetting his attequetes.

His wife Karuna Jai Pratap Singh like her husband introduced her was a really sweet lady with a sweet voice not like me so manner less. Thank god I didn't marry in the royal family. Her smile was also balanced and here whenever I smiled I showed my all teeth.

Forgetting about him here I am here in my husband's office. I brought his lunch. He denied me going to college because I am stupid and immature. He said this on my face in the morning. This time I didn't cried I pulled his hair. Irritating husband does not even know how to take care of his pregnant wife. I would have agreed if he said it straight away. Stupid man. I want to hit his head somewhere. But I can't do anything because I love this man.

"Aayat", I heard a very familiar voice. It was my dear best friend.

"Hey Palak what are you doing here?", I asked her reaching to her.

"I work here dumbo", she said hitting my head and I pouted.

"Don't do that again", I said caressing my head.

"You are going to meet sir", she said.

"No I am going to Rehan ji", I said giving her a confused look and she gave me an incredible look.

"Who is the boss here?", she asked gritting her teeth.

"Oh of course Rehan ji. Don't you know this you work here. Stupid you should know this", I told her.

"If you weren't pregnant I would bang your head on one of these walls", she said pointing to the walls of the office. I gulped looking at her glaring face.

"You won't do that to your best friend would you", I asked her.

"Of course I would do that to my best friend. Give birth soon and meet me here", She said.


"By the way bhai was asking for you", I said and her cheeks were red.

"See you can date my brother but no funny business. Not before wedding. After wedding give me good news soon", I whispered in her ear and she glared at me being tomato red.

"Now I need to meet my husband", I said moving towards the lift. Palak work as a receptionist here to increase her communication skills.

"Wait I am going to give you company. Who knows if you fall and also I have to give this file to sir", she said following me and we entered in the lift. And soon we were on Rehan ji's floor.

"See who is here?", She said pointing to a special someone. I felt a fire igniting inside me.

What is this bitch doing here?

Her name Jasmine. Trying her luck with my husband. We met in a business dinner. She was literally throwing herself on my husband. I would have killed her that day only but Rehan ji stop me saying that she was his business partner's daughter. Young and naive. I should not mind her. I stopped myself that say but not today.

"Now You will come to meet me in the jail", I told Palak and tried to move towards her. What was she even wearing? It would have been better if she wouldn't have wore anything. I mean don't judge me I am not against wearing short dresses. But you can't use them to seduce other's husbands.

"Stop there Jhansi ki Rani", Palak said pulling me towards her.

"You just leave me. I will pull all her hair out and make her bald. Then i will beat her very badly. She would ask for my mercy. I will hit her head on a wall. I just want to kill her. ", I was interrupted by Palak's hand which was covering my mouth who made me stop speaking.

"Shut up. You idiot You are pregnant you should not think cruel things and she has not yet enter in sir's cabin. Maybe sir is in a meeting", she said.

"Let his meeting go to hell. I want to see him right now", I told her.

"Jeez You are six months pregnant. At least have some shame and have a bit of peace", Palak told me.

"You want me to be in peace and till the time I'll be in peace she will steal my husband from me. What about my child? What will I tell him that his father left us because of a bitch. I would tell everything to ma she would punish him and before that he need to face me. He will sleep in the hall today"


"Stop shouting you idiot woman", I heard a very familiar voice.


"Oh its you. I should have known. Only you can shout like a mad woman. At least have some etiquette.", she said glaring at me.

"Oh!! I was waiting for you only to teach me etiquette", I said taking a step towards her.

"Don't do anything you would regret later", Palak told me.

"Are you in my team or hers", I shouted at her.

"See she is intelligent. She knows better stay away from an illiterate woman", Jasmine the bitch said.

"Oh Who are you talking about. Me on your side. That is impossible. I am on my best friend's side and stay away from her", Palak told her.

"One more wild person in the list", Jasmine said.

"Why don't you accept the fact that you can't take care of your husband's needs anymore. I don't think you are good in bed as well and now with this ugly fat belly you look more ugly", she said.

"Did she just call my baby bump ugly. How dare she?", I asked Palak.

"Who knows if it belongs to Rehan?", she said and that was it. I pulled her hair and gave her a tight slap.

"How dare you? Do you even know who i am?", she shouted and pushed me. Thank god Palak hold me before I fall down.

"Enough!!", I heard a chilling voice and saw my husband standing behind that bitch with her father who was looking shocked.

"You okay precious?", he asked reaching to me. How dare she? She just made a scene here. What if Palak was not there.

"Precious??", he said touching my cheek. I wanted to cry but I won't cry in front of this bitch. I was looking downwards. Thank god I kept my hair open today otherwise anybody could see the traitorous tear falling down my cheek. I cleared my throat.

"I want to go home", I managed to say.

"Precious I....", he was interrupted by the bitch.

"How can you care about this stupid bitch. She looks so ugly with her fat belly. I am here for you then why do you need an ugly girl like her", she said reaching to touch his arm when he pushed her away.

"Its over", He shouted making me flinch.

He supported me by putting a hand on my back.

"The business deal is over Mr. Smith"

"But Mr. Khurana......"

"Get out of my office. I don't want to slap a woman but if she stays here a minute more she would regret and I would make sure she would ", He growled.

And within a minute they were out.

"Come precious", he said directing me towards his cabin.

I pushed his hand away.

"I don't want to", I told him.

"Precious I am already loosing my sense don't make it more hard", He said and I let him do what he wanted.

We entered in his cabin. Palak left as soon as she gave the file to Rehan ji.

Rehan ji made me sit on his grey sofa while he sat on the coffee table in front of me.

"Is there still swelling in your ankle", He asked as yesterday they were hurting a lot and were swollen too.

I nodded and he sighed.

"What about your backache?", he said and I nodded.

"This pregnancy very difficult for you to handle right", he asked.

"And on top of that somebody calls you ugly which makes you feel worst", he asked and I nodded.

"She said I can't take care of you ", I told him.

"But you do take care of me right", he said like a statement.

"But how can she say that", I told him looking at the floor.

"let her say whatever she want. Dogs keep on barking. I just don't want to do anything against your will especially not right now", He said and I nodded.

"And you look more beautiful during pregnancy", he said sitting beside me.

" I love them the way you are looking right now. I am going to miss this after you will give birth but who said you can't get pregnant again", he said and I looked at him with open mouth.

"Of course precious its not the last time", He said.

"But we are having twins", I told him.

"So what", he said.

"This is not fair Rehan ji", I whined.

"Of course it is", he stated. He looked at me intently and I pouted.

"You do that intentionally right", he said and I nodded innocently.

"I love you the way you are. Loved you since I saw you for the first time in the hospital when you were born and now you are going to give birth to our babies. What a beautiful irony! ", he said and kissed me.

"But I heard these kinds of love hormones are released after a person reaches teenage", I said after we broke the kiss.

"You heard wrong and I am the biggest prove for that", He said and again kissed me.

"I am so happy that I was forced with you", I told him.

"I am more than happy that you were forced with me", he mimic me and we both laughed at it.

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