《Forced With Him》More


"What are you doing here", I asked him who was supposed to be my good friend but right now the person I despise the most.

"I am sorry Shreya", he said

"First of all my name is not Shreya. It is Aaradhana and I expected better from you", I told him with venom filled voice.

"I know what I did was wrong but I Love You.........", he said.

"Stop there Mr. Lokesh Don't degrade the name of love. It is a very pure and respectful word. If a person loves the other one he can't hurt that person. Not intentionally though. I told you before as well I have no feelings for you. You were like a brother to me but now I despise you with my whole existence. Also to make you aware I am off your limits. I am married now and have a husband who I love more than myself so stop thinking about me", I told him. He was looking downwards whole time.

"I am sorry", he said again and I sighed.

"Lokesh", I called his name softly. He raise his head look in my eyes.

"You are only a good friend to me nothing else. I know you are not a bad person. I also believe that a person is not bad from his birth it is the situation which make them bad. Also if I didn't forgive you than I would be biased as I forgive my brother already. You two were not directly in fault it was the company of Ravi Singh which made you both wrong", I told him softly but with authority in my voice.

He just looked in my eyes trying to find something and then gave a weak smile.

"I do love you Sh.... I mean Aaradhana", he said to which I glared at him.


"I am sorry I can't change the truth but I would respect your decision. Just remember I would always be with you whenever you want", he said and I nodded.

We exchanged our numbers and he took his leave. I sighed while looking his retreating back.

"Not fair precious I never knew you are going to lie to me", I heard my husband's voice and turned to him. He was standing with his arms crossed.

"Shorry", I said holding my ears like a small child in a babyish voice.

He removed my hand from my ear and put them around his neck while placed his hand around my waist.

"Why didn't you tell me about it yourself", he said touching his forehead with mine.

"I was scared of your reaction. You are too protective for me", I told him.

"I can't say you were wrong because you were not", He said with closed eyes. We were so close.

"Oh my god what the hell both of you are doing", I heard my brother's voice and parted away from each other. How embarrassing?

"At least have some shame what will your child think about you Rehan", bhai said looking at Rehan ji.

"Oh please Don't you think you are over- reacting. Don't act like you are not staring at the girl continuously. I never knew you were pervert", he said and bhai's eyes widened. His eyes turned to me.

"You...", he said pointing his fingers towards me and took a step towards me.

"You told him. Can't you keep a single thing inside your stomach", he said glaring at me.

I jumped behind Rehan ji holding his coat tightly.

"I didn't tell him anything. It's not my fault that he is a good observer", I told him.

"Stop scaring my wife you empty head", Rehan ji said holding my hand which were clutching his coat.


"And stop looking at her. Go talk to her if you like her. Stop acting like a creep. The girl will get scared", Rehan ji continued.

"Here you are wrong Rehan ji.", I said coming in between both staring at my best friend who was now talking to Sanchay.

"What do you mean? And who is this guy?", Bhai asked and I rolled my eyes.

"He is like a brother for both of us", I said.

"And bhai you need to work hard to win her. She is my best friend no body can know her more than me", I told him.

"But she was not present in our wedding Aayat", Rehan ji said and I sighed.

"She took Commerce in school and because of studies we didn't have much time for each other. Also she was out of town at that time so I couldn't invite her even when I wanted to", I said looking at her.

"And bhai don't ever shout at me. I will cry and I am pregnant also", I told him without removing my eyes from my best friend.

"Trust me bro you won't like that side of her", Rehan ji said keeping his hand around bhai's shoulder and I glared at him.

"Don't talk to me", I told him.

"She started again", he whispered in bhai's ear which I heard and gritted my teeth.

"Fine", I said and left both of them.

"What is going on Mrs. Khurana", I heard the voice of my best friend.

"Hell happened", I said turning to her.

"Let's go to my room", I told her and Sanchay who was busy in staring at different girls.

"Stop it Sanchay", I hit his shoulder.

"What is your problem yaar? I need to find your bhabhi soon", he said rubbing his shoulder.

"Stay with these girls only then", I said. Everybody is ignoring me these days and I can't help but to be jealous.

I turned around not wanting to ruin my mood anymore. I started making my way towards my room. The whole hall was covered by red carpet and I my feet stuck in one. I was about to fall straight on my stomach when a strong hand wrapped around my stomach protecting me from falling. I felt my breathing and heart beat increasing.

"You okay young lady", Somebody asked and I looked at the stranger clutching my lower stomach. Anything could have happened. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Precious!", I heard his voice and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Rehan ji I could have fall. How could I be so careless?", I said sobbing in his chest.

"Shhh! Nothing happened. Calm down", he said patting my hair placing a kiss in my hair.

"Are you okay", I heard a very familiar voice and lifted my head to look at her.

"Baby what happen? Did Rehan do something? Come here I would make him regret his action", She said taking me in her arms. I missed these arms so much. I sobbed more on her shoulder.

"Shh baby stop it. I would scold him even beat him if you want. How can he make my daughter cry like this. Stop now", she said.

"I missed you ma", I said in between my sobs.

"I am sorry", She mumbled.

And at that moment I forgot everything I found my dear ma again and I can't ask for more.

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