《Forced With Him》Love Is In The Air


He was looking at my exposed shoulder with his dark eyes and then he shifted his eyes towards my face to ask for permission.

"You are so beautiful precious", he said while looking in my eyes through the mirror and I just looked down shyly.

"You are my shy princess who belongs only to me", he said as he pulled me towards him by my waist.

Now my back was touching his front. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and placed a kiss there. He knows my weak point very well. A moan escaped my lips as soon as his lips made contact with my skin. He placed many wet kisses on his way to my shoulder. All the way my eyes were closed feeling his sensuous touch after so long. I will blame this on my pregnancy. I am very sensitive to his touch these days. Suddenly he turned me around.

"You are mine", he nearly growled and kissed my closed eyes.

"I don't like any male around you", he said kissing my earlobe lightly biting them producing another moan from me.

I would have fall down if his strong arms were not wrapped around me tightly.

I opened my eyes and looked in his dark ones.

"Not even my father and bhai", I asked playfully.

"Precious don't tease me. Don't make me start something that you can't stop", he said making me gasp and I started squirming in his grip.

"No Rehan ji there are many guests downstairs I need to go. I am already late", I told him still trying to get out of his grip.

"I didn't get to touch you Aayat from these many days. Please", he pleaded.

"Rehan ji I need to go", I said trying to make him understand.

"Fine", he said leaving me and as soon as he left me I missed his warmth.

He turned his back towards me. I know I made him upset and I can't leave him alone like this.

I went and stood in front of him putting my hands around his neck.

"Don't be upset my dear hubby. I am all yours", I told him. He didn't even look at me. He was looking outside the window. He was ignoring me!


I pouted and thought for a moment. I pulled him downwards till the time his head was on the same level of my face and kissed him.

He was definitely expecting this as his hands quickly made their way around my waist and pulled me upwards. He placed my feet on his feet so I could match his height and kissed me deeply pouring all his loanliness in that kiss.

When we pulled away we both were out of breaths.

"I Love You", he said touching his forehead with mine. I smiled at it as my eyes were till closed after our make out session.

"I Love You too", I whispered. He pecked my lips one more time and then made me stand on my feet.

I went to my footwear collection to find something matching with my dress.

"No heels Aayat", My husband told me.

"I know. I hate heels", I told him.

"Not because you hate them but because you are pregnant I can't take chance", he said choosing silver flats for me and made me wear them.

"I told you thousands of time to not touch my feet", I told him as he made me wear them.

"And I told you thousand of time that I can touch you anytime anywhere you can't stop me. You are my wife and its my duty to take care of you", He said raising his head looking in my eyes.

I was right now sitting on my bed and he was sitting on the floor making me wear it.

Next moment he did something I was not expecting. He placed his head on my lap while laying on the bed and closed his eyes.

"Rehan ji you are acting like a small child", I told him while playing with his hair.

"You know you should leave before I loose my self control", he said while raising his head from my lap and keeping it on my pillow.

"You are staying here", I asked him.

"There is a surprise waiting for you downstairs", he said turning on his stomach and putting his head in my pillow.

"The pillow smells like you. I love it", he mumbled. I smiled and sat beside him.

I moved my hand in his hair and placed a kiss in his hair.


"What surprise?", I asked while standing up.

"Go down you will find out", he mumbled.

"Okay big boy", I told him. He was acting like a small child today. How am I going to take care of two kids together. I thought which made me smile.

I went downstairs to find everyone around bhai. Everybody forget me. I pouted sadly and then turned around.

He deserves all the attention after all he returned after a long time.

I was going towards the kitchen when I saw a group of girls talking to each other.

"Anant Chaudhary is back", one said.

"We never knew Tanmay Chaudhary is having a son too", another said.

"May be he is adopted", another girl said. What if he is you don't have the right to comment.

"No he is not. He looks so much like Shilpa Chaudhary", another girl said and other nodded.

"No matter what. He got everything money and looks. He belongs to Chaudhary family. They own a fortune.", the first one said.

"By the way Shreya changed her name you know right", the first one said.

"Yeah it was a big news. She changed it to Aaradhana", the second one said.

"It is said that her name was Aaradhana only but due to some circumstances her family started calling her Shreya", The third one said.

"But she is very lucky. Got married in such a wealthy family and got such a devilishly handsome husband.", The forth one commented.

"I heard that she is staying here from few days. Maybe got in an argument with her husband", The first one pointed out.

"If he will come here today than it would be clear by his behavoiur. If he won't then it would be clear that something is wrong between them", the forth one said.

Who are they to comment on my relation.

"Aayat", I heard bhai's voice. He didn't called me that loudly that the other girls can hear him.

I turned around and find him standing behind me.

"Ji", I said.(yes)

"I want to talk to you", he said and I nodded.

"alone", he said. I gave him a confused look but nodded.

"Aaru", I heard someone and turned around to find my best friend standing in front of me.

"Palak!", I squealed and ran towards her. I hugged her immediately to which she laughed.

"I missed you to meri jaan", she said(my life)

"How are you", I asked.

"As always great. Nothing can happen to me", she said.

"What are you doing nowadays?", I asked.

"First of all who is that guy behind you", she said. I turned around and find bhai looking at her without even blinking. As if he was in a trance.

I went near him and called him but he was not even listening. I touched his shoulder which bought him out of his trance and he looked at me.

"Bhai I want you to meet someone", I told him and pulled him towards Palak.

"Palak meet my brother Anant Chaudhary and bhai meet Palak my best friend", I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you", Palak said smiling at him to which he nodded.

No bhai don't show her attitude she would kill you. I saw her raising her eyebrows at his act.

"Palak We met after so long. Have some food. I have some work with my bhai. I would come to you when I will get finished", I tried to change her mood. She smiled at me and nodded. Before leaving she glared at bhai.

I took a deep breathe and turned to my brother who was still looking at my best friend's retreating back.

I snapped my fingers in front of him.

He turned to me and I gave him a teasing smile.

"Somebody is liking someone", I said to which he scratched his neck smiling shyly.

"Ohho Bhai You like her. ", I stated.

"Make me bua soon", I told him and he looked at me with widen eyes.(Aunt)

"Shaitan", he said and started chasing me.(Devil)

I ran while lifting my lehenga a bit so I won't fall.

I was laughing while running.

"Aayat you just come in my reach. You speak so much", I heard bhai shouting while running behind me.

Many guests were smiling and us and many were saying "kids these days"

I was looking behind to find him near me when I ran into a wall or may be a hard chest.

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