《Forced With Him》Gone


"Tell him", I shouted pointing the gun on Ravi Singh's head which consist of his dirty brain.

"You can't talk with my father like this", My dear brother yelled.

"Oh your father? Ask him about it. He would definitely correct your assumptions", I said looking at his so called father.

"Abhi I want to tell you...........", He was saying when I interupted.

"Abhi seriously? You changed his name as well? I shouldn't be surprised though you wanted him to forget everything. Never mind Continue", I told him.

"You can't be Shilpa's daughter. She was a flower while you are a devil", he gritted out.

"Oh please. I am good the way I am", I told him.

"Now Continue", I yelled which made him flinch.

"You don't even have respect for elders", My brother again yelled at me.

"You don't even have respect for a helpless woman", I yelled.

"You never thought how a girl would be accepted in society after getting raped. If something bad would have happened to my baby I would have never forgave you", I yelled at him.

"You are preg..."

"No please don't", I shouted controlling my emotions.

"You hated me that much. Then sorry to burst your bubble of hatred. The girl who was supposed to get raped that day according to your plan and on whose misery you were laughing she is your sister", I said when sobs escaped my mouth.

His eyes were wide with shock and he looked at his father who was looking scared.

"Lie one more time Ravi Singh I will kill you", I told him.

"Dad, She is really my sister?", he asked to which Ravi Singh looked downwards and closed his eyes. He slowly nodded his head indicating his yes.

I heard a gasp coming out of my brother's mouth.


"At last you did one good thing in your life", I said.

"Guards", I shouted and within few minutes they were inside waiting for my order.

"Take him away from my eyes and make sure he gets a slow and painful death.", I told them and they took him away ignoring his pleadings.

I went near my dear brother and removed the ropes tied around him.

"Just leave now. You can live the way you want without your parents and sister who waited for you for this long time", I told him looking downwards.

I felt his gaze on my face.

"You are my sister?", he asked.

I looked at his face with hurtful smile.

"Not only your sister but your twin", I told him.

"What is your name?", He asked me and I gave him a sad smile. He forgot my name also. He is definitely brain washed by Ravi Singh.

"Aaradhana", I said in a soft voice.

"Aaradhana", he said as if tasting my name.

"Can I call you Aayat?", he said and I looked at his face shockingly. The next moment he caught his head as if everything was spinning around him.

I reached him not caring about his sins trying to make him feel better.

Once he was a bit normal I ran outside to bring water and return with a water bottle.

"Bhai water", I said and made him drink from it.

He rested his head on my shoulder breathing heavily.

"Mumma?", he asked.

"What?", I asked him.

"Where is mumma?", he asked.

"You wanna meet her?", I asked him to which he nodded while looking in my eyes. He is a carbon copy of mumma.

"Bhai I don't know?", I said.

"You don't trust me", he asked.


How can I? But my heart asked me to do what he wants.

I stood up and gave him my hand. He took it thankfully and smiled at me gratefully and stood up.


"Tanmay?", Tanmay Chaudhary heard his best friend's voice and turned to him thank god his wife was not there.

"Are you stupid? How can you just come inside what if Shilpa saw you she would have my head", he said looking here and there.

"You stupid I can come here fighting the eagle eyes of my wife but you can't even hide from your wife", Ranveer Singh said.

Tanmay hit his friend's head.

"You came out right? But We are in my house where my wife in roaming around finding reasons to shout at me", Tanmay said.

"By the way, My son came here", Ranveer said.

"I know. He can't stay away from my daughter since he came to know about her pregnancy", Tanmay said smiling at his son- in- laws childishness.

"How are you aware about him?", Ranveer asked him.

"Camera. I was so scared when I saw him climbing a pipe to reach to the second floor I thought he would fall down", Tanmay said.

"But I forgot he got his training from you. You also used to go to meet Bhabhi using this trick only na?", Tanmay put his arms around Ranveer's shoulder smiling at him who nodded shyly but then realized what he was doing and glared at his friend.

"You know we should go out before anyone comes out. How is my daughter by the way?", Ranveer asked.

"She thinks she can lie to her father by hiding her husband. By the way can't you give your son breakfast. He comes here for that too and my poor daughter prepares it for him at 6 in the morning", Tanmay said.

"Don't ask me Tanmay. He can have breakfast made by anyone but needs coffee prepared my his wife only", Ranveer said.

"But if you ask me I too miss her coffee. I loved it. Your bhabhi knows nothing about kitchen", he said sighing dramatically.

"Will our drama work and Bhabhi regret what she did?", Tanmay asked and Ranveer put his hands around his shoulder now.

"Trust me she is regretting. I have seen her crying watching our kids wedding picture at mid night but her ego is too big", Ranveer said sighing sadly.

"Papa?", Tanmay heard his daughter's voice calling him inside.

"You go inside I am here", Ranveer said as the whole family is inside.

Tanmay nodded and said,"I would come out in five minutes".

Tanmay went inside and Ranveer started looking around.

Then his mobile phone rang and he picked it up.

"Papa?", his son's voice came from other side.

"Hmm?", he responded.

"Papa what are you doing outside Chaudhary Mansion?", His son asked which made him shocked.

He turned around and saw his son leaning on his car smirking at him.

"I am gone", Ranveer mumbled.

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