《Forced With Him》Painful Death


Rehan ji left last night. More like I forced him to leave. He was acting as if he had never seen a pregnant woman. Though it is also true that this time I am the one who is pregnant. He wanted to feel his baby and was again and again asking me when it will start moving. 

I am clueless to this question. Don't blame me. I have never seen a pregnant lady. Okay fine I have seen many pregnant ladies but we were never close and me being a shy child. I was very worried what they will think about me if I will ask question about their babies. It seems rather funny now but when I think about it like my young self I can't ask this question till now.

Google I will soon come to you for my questions. Don't judge me okay?

But right now I am waiting for the sun to rise. I was lying in my bed looking towards my window. It was still dark. Why won't it be? Its still 4:00 a.m.

Why I woke up this early?

I will blame this on Rehan ji. I am not habitual of sleeping alone. My parents thought I need time alone so nobody disturbed me. Even if they would be with me. But nobody can take me in their arms like Rehan ji does. Like he owns me. Not in a negative way though. He is never hesitant to show his right on me.

I remember his words which brought a smile on my face with a little blush.

"Tujh ko jee bhar ke main dekhoon, mujhe haq hai" 

(I've that right to see you, to my heart's content.)

Yes Rehan ji you have all rights on me. But I need to make someone remember his duties too. I told myself.

After lying in bed for another hour. I thought to wake up and freshen up.

I wore a Chiffon pink anarkali suit and jhumka in my ears.

Keeping my look simple.

"Somebody is ready to kill me with her beauty", I heard my love's voice.


I turned around and literally ran in his arms.

"What's wrong, precious?", he asked patting my head lovingly wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"I couldn't sleep last night", I told him while taking in his signature scent.

"You shouldn't have send me then", he said.

"You are speaking like you slept very peacefully", I told him.

"I slept very well. I guess the best sleep in 6 months. Nobody was there to make me loose my control nor was any weight on my chest like it is normally.", he said. Did he mean my head is heavy.

I pushed him away pouting my lips.

"I won't return with you. I would stay here only.", I said

"Come on precious. Don't act childish I can't sleep without you. I was just lying on your side of bed having your pillow in my arms where you should've been", he stated while pulling me in his arms. He kissed my head lovingly.

"Breakfast?", I asked.

"I had it. It would be great if you could prepare coffee though", he said to which I nodded.

"Just stay here", I told him and went into the kitchen.

I prepared parathas and glass of milk for myself and A cup of coffee for my dear husband. I reached in my room and saw him using my laptop. I locked the door again so nobody could see him inside.

"I don't welcome business man in my room", I told him who was currently looking at the share market.

He looked up at me and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Here is your coffee", I gave him his coffee and started having my food.

"Aayat its 7 I should probably leave. Papa can come any moment", He said to which I nodded.

He was leaving from the window.

"Carefully Rehan ji. Please come soon I might need you", I said to which he nodded.

"I am just a phone call away", he said before leaving.

I took a sigh looking at the empty room again.

"Aayat they are here", I heard papa speaking.


"Coming papa", I said while covering my chest with my dupatta.

"You don't have to wear vermillion and nuptial chain anymore", papa told me but I didn't reply anything.

We reached in the basement and I heard a man cry out in pain. My heart clenched realizing it was a young voice.

"Papa you can leave", I told him. He looked doubtful but then nodded and left.

I entered inside the punishment chamber of the basement. It was stinking badly.

I heard our man hitting an old man who I despise the most.

"Stop", I said while raising my hand and they stopped in an instant.

Three man were tied to three different poles. One was supposed to be a good friend of mine who tried to rape me, Another was an old psycho and the last one was the person I was searching day and night in these six months.

"Who do we have here?", the old man said mockingly.

"I am sorry Shreya. Please leave me. You can't be this cruel", Lokesh said trying to gain my mercy.

I smirked

"If you think I can't be cruel than you don't know me, Lokesh and I am not here for you", I said.

 "But....", he was not able to complete.

"Enough", I shouted.

"Guards", I yelled

"Yes ma'am", They responded.

"Take this man away from my eyes and teach him a lesson that he couldn't look at any woman with wrong eyes", I said with authoritative voice.

They nodded and took him with them. He was yelling for mercy but I gave him a cold shoulder.

"Leave this room everyone", I said and they were out in a minute.

"What do you want?", The person who was supposed to be my brother said. I felt my heart beat increasing.

"Ravi Singh you showed what is your real place? I am glad my grandfather refused your proposal for my mother", I said.

I heard that sometimes words are better weapon which can break any person.

"How dare you?", he gritted.

"The young Aaradhana Tushar Chaudhary you kidnapped and then asked to be killed. Somehow survived and now is standing in front of you for my revenge", I told him and came in the light so he could have a better look at my face.

"You have grown really beautiful. Your body seems to be more delicious than your mother", he said shamelessly.

"Rather I think I shouldn't have trusted that Lokesh. I should've taken your dignity myself", He said with an evil smirk.

"Shut the hell up. You are the most disgusting man I have ever seen", I told him and took out the gun which I was hiding in my dupatta.

"One word more I would give you a very painful death.", I said and this really made him silent.

"Who is this young man though?", I asked looking at my dear brother who was looking at me with a shocked expression but changed it quickly in a blank one.

"You are Tushar Chaudhary's daughter?", he asked.

"I am really surprised your father never showed my picture to you", I told him.

"And what do you mean by Tushar Chaudhary's daughter. I am not the only one who is his blood. There is one more person in whose veins my father's blood is running", I said slowly approaching him.

"What the hell you are talking about?", he shouted which really made me shiver after all he is my brother.

I was really hurt but didn't show it and made my way towards Ravi Singh.

"Tell him everything. I don't want to raise my hand on a old person even if he deserves it", I told him and I saw fear in his eyes.

"Tell him", I shouted and I felt him flinch.

I put the gun on his head.

"I am telling. Remove the gun please", He pleaded.

I won't leave you Ravi Singh for destroying my family. You would die a painful death and I promise you that. I told myself looking in his eyes.

I never felt so much anger building inside me. 

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