《Forced With Him》Confession


"Leave Me", I tried to loose his grip around me. I didn't want him to see my vulnerable side.

"Why didn't you had your dinner yet", he asked in a dangerous tone.

"I had my dinner.", I said looking at the dressing room's door.

I felt a sudden grip on my chin and I was facing him.

"I am telling you very calmly don't ever lie to me. It enrage me. I am not in a mood of playing around right now so get to the point now. Why didn't you had your dinner?", he said very coldly.

"Why do you care? ", I said looking in his cold eyes.

"Oh sweetheart I wish I didn't care. But it's not the case. I do care that's why I am asking. Don't test my patience.", he said.

"I didn't want to", I mumbled.

"and may I know why", he asked still seriousness in his voice. He was scaring me.

"leave me", I said and started trying again.

"Even if you beg me I won't. You are going to have your dinner now", he stated.

"I don't want to live with you. I would leave in the morning and would never worry you again", I said and the next moment I was thrown on his shoulder and he was moving towards the bed.

"Rehan ji put me down this instant", I told him banging my fist on his back.

"You are acting very brave. We need to clip your wings a bit", he said and threw me on the bed and came upon me. I tried to push him but he pinned both my hands above my head.

"Don't you think you are flying too high sweetheart. Stop trying when you can't escape from me. You want to leave me right. I would tie you to my bed and keep you there till the time you get pregnant with our baby and don't ever think I am joking because I never do that", he stated.

"you wouldn't do anything such that", I told him.

"Try me", he said coming near me and that silenced me.

"Please don't play with my emotions like that Rehan ji. I would die if you do. I am not strong with my emotions. I cannot hide them. If you don't like me then please inform me directly but please don't play with me. This cold attitude of your towards me is breaking my heart. ", I told him and as if my guards went down and tears started falling from my eyes.


He laughed darkly,"Is little Shreya sad because I didn't talk to her calmly."he said in a mocking tone and suddenly his expressions changed.

"You always think about yourself Shreya. How selfish you can be? You want me to love you when I know you never wanted to be with me. Even now you are asking me to leave me. What do you expect me to do? Ha run around you asking for your love then I am sorry to destroy your dreams because I can't. I seriously can't. ", he said and his grip tightened around my wrist which made me shout.

"Rehan ji I never thought like that. Please trust me.", I said and he suddenly remove his grip around me and stood up. I followed him and stood up.

"Trust really Shreya. Do you expect me to trust you after reading this", he said and took some papers from his jacket pocket and threw it on my face. I was shocked. I bend down to pick those papers and turned the lights on to read them.

When the papers came in front of me I was shocked. My eyes were wide open and I was just staring at those papers no letters. These were the letters I wrote to kanha before our wedding to stop this wedding. I hoped he would help me but he didn't and I thought it was for my good only.

It was my habit to write a letter to him whenever I felt myself alone or wanted something. He always blessed me with his presence and I didn't expect more from him. Though I could never see him but can definitely feel him around me like an overprotective brother.

"Rehan ji it's not what you think ", I tried to explain.

"No let me read it to you Shreya", he said and snatched the letters from me.

Dear kanha,

It's my wedding tomorrow and as you know I don't want this to happen. I don't want to spend my whole life with a person like Rehan Khurana. You know I never wanted to marry a person like . I hate him for saying yes and for entering in my life. what do he think about himself he can do whatever he wants. What did he say? Yes he asked my parents to marry him to me when I was like 3 or 4. Is it a joke? It would have been better if I had said yes to Lokesh. If I had said yes for his proposal. May be I would have been happy. As the sand slips out of one's hand my happiness is slipping from my life as well. I want you to take care of this matter like you do every time. Please Kanha I know whatever you will do would be in my favor. But remember one thing my happiness is not with that Rehan Khurana.


You have a great hand writing Shreya. I can read every single word written with hatred. How much do you hate me. If you wanted me to say no you could straight away ask me or yourself denied this reunion. You even made fun of our last night. Why? Why did you played with my emotions Shreya? Where have you locked my innocent baby Shreya? Where?", he said shaking my shoulders and I didn't have any answer for his question.

Yes I hated him but there is a very small difference between love and hate. And I surely crossed the boundary of hatred and entered in the territory of love. I love him more than myself. But would he believe me after reading these letters. Yes this is not the only letter they are many.

I wrote every month in these ten months. I never thought my feelings would change so drastically.

He suddenly pushed me.

"You know what you are right. You are not meant to stay beside me. You can surely leave. If you want I can drop you home. Atleast you can live a happy life. At least one of us can live happily. You are free Shreya. Free from this relation, from this nuptial chain, this vermilion, these wedding bangles, from everything which makes you remember me. ", he said turning around.

No I can't live without him. Not when I know I am at fault. For my stupidity to write these letters. I don't know how he reached to them but it was definitely my fault. I can't leave him. No.

I ran towards him and hugged him from behind. Putting my head on his chest I cried.

"No please Rehan ji no. Please don't punish me like this. If you want you can hit me. But please don't leave me alone. I would die without you. I know I was stupid to write these things. I thought I hated you but somewhere I was aware that I can't ever hate you. Contrary to that I love you. I tried very hard to hate you but I can't. I know we didn't spend much time with each other. But I can't live without you. I know you are the only man for me. "

I went in front of him and hugged him tightly putting my head on his chest.

"Please Rehan ji don't leave me", I said him sobbing on his chest. He didn't hug me back and I felt myself breaking more.

I felt my legs gave up and I fell down.

"Please Rehan ji. I know I was wrong very wrong. But if you leave I would surely die. If not myself I would kill myself", I said hugging his knees.

He bend down and hugged me.

"Get Up Shreya", he told me but I shook my head.

"no I won't. Please don't leave me. I love you. Please", I told him holding on him as if my life depends on it.

"okay Shreya I won't now get up", he told me again.

"First promise me", I told him offering my hand to him.

He hold my hand tightly indicating his promise and I kissed him.

He was shocked. I can understand because it was the first time I initiated a kiss. But I wanted it as I wanted to make sure he won't leave me.

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