《Forced With Him》The truth


"Do you really want to know the reason why I stay away from you" ,he said bringing his face dangerously close to me. I gently pushed him trying to escape from the proximity. And to my surprise he let me.

But he was having different plans. When I thought I was able to maintain a good distance with him. I felt his hold on my wrist and the next moment I was thrown on his shoulder.

"Put me down this instant", I shouted.

"What if I say no", he said and started walking towards the bed and literally thrown me on it.

"Never I mean it never push me or try to go away from me if you don't want to see hell because trust me or not I am the worst person when loose my calm", he said while holding my hands above my head.

"Rehan ji leave me", I whispered.

"never", he said while nuzzling his nose in my neck.

"I waited so long for you and now when you are finally in my arms you are listening to some stupid bastard", he said.

"I am not listening to anyone", I told him firmly.

He laughed humorlessly "Is that so"

"You are not trusting me. I AM NOT LISTENING TO RISHABH..", I was saying when he put his finger on my lips.

"shh.. never say his name from your tempting lips. They are made to chant my name only. ", he said the last part in my ear. A mere whisper which send a chill down my spine.

"Rehan ji please I just don't want to know how worthless I am. I just want to live a peaceful life", I told him.

"Peace what is the fun in that? With me in your life you can never live it peacefully", he told me.


"and whether you want to know or not. But I would answer your question- WHY I STAYED AWAY FROM YOU? first of all never think you are worthless because for me you are the most precious thing. That is the main reason I stayed away from you", he said and I gave him a questioning look.

"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself around you and that is what happened in the car. Now when I have tasted you I don't think I would be able to stop myself", he said.

"You took my first kiss", I informed me.

"I know", he said looking at me with his black diamonds.

"You don't seem to be sorry for it", I said accusingly to which he chuckled.

"Why should I be sorry? If I wouldn't be your first then you have to be sorry for the guy who would be killed by me for touching you ", he told me in a dark voice.

He tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I would be the first and the last person to touch you just the way you would be the first and last person to touch me", I was surprised by his statement.

"you... I mean.... you never touched..", I was too shocked to complete my statement.

"no I never touched anyone. I was too focused on my studies and work from the starting. Also I knew I was going to marry my cute doll. Knowing this how can I betray you?", he said

"You knew from the starting ", I asked him.

"Yes I did. Moreover I was the one who asked uncle and aunty to marry you to me. You forgot the story. You were the biggest fairytale for me", he said.

"I don't know what to say", I said to which he laughed softly. His laughter was like a music to my ear. Unknowingly I smiled watching him laugh.


"you look beautiful", he said again kissing me and this time I responded with equal passion not having any kind of insecurities anymore.

"You know we are not in the car anymore", he told me and I didn't understand what he meant until he turned me and I felt his hand on the knot of my blouse. In a swift move the knot was opened. I felt wet kisses on my back. I closed my eyes and clutched the bedsheet tightly.

Again I was turned and now I was facing Rehan ji whose eyes were shining with desire, admiration and love?

He kissed me hungrily and then started moving downwards. First kissing my jaw, then my neck and then my collar bone. He bit the area joining my neck and shoulder harshly. I whimpered slightly with the pain. He licked the area to decrease my pain.

"I would have asked you whether you are ready or not but I don't think I would be able to control myself so sorry for that", he said while looking in my eyes.

I closed my eyes accepting what was coming next whole heartedly.


I felt the sun again disturbing my sleep and also someone playing with my hair. I opened my eyes and looked at the person which was none other than my husband.

"Good morning wifey", he said with a bright smile.

"Good morning", I replied in my typical morning voice.

"You are glowing and your voice is sounding so sexy. You know what I want to do right now. ", he said coming above me.

"No Rehan ji not now please I am tired.", I said.

"ALRIGHT BUT I AM NOT GOING TO STOP AT NIGHT", he told me while pulling me in his arms.

He started playing with my fingers. The colour of henna was still present in its dark shade on my hand.

"You know I love you a lot", he said and to say I was surprised is an understatement.

"umm... I am speechless", I said not finding anything to say.

"You should be. I know you don't love me but you are mine. My little wife", he said.

"What is the time?", I asked not wanting to hear his lecture.

"Changing the topic I see. Its 5:30", he said after looking in his phone.

"Well thank you for last night. It was the most beautiful night of my life", he said.

"Hmm.. Thank you too. But it hurts", I said while pouting.

He kissed my pout and I blushed.

"You act too immature", he commented.

I huffed angrily "You are sufficient to add enough maturity in our relation", I told him.

"You are aware of the fact that you are lying without any clothes in my arm and I can show how mature I am this instant only", he said looking seriously at me.

"I am sorry", I said blushing again to which he laughed.

"Sleep some more wifey. I know you are tired. Ma will wake up at 8 herself and we are going to leave for office at 10:30 today", he said. I felt a bit sad when I realized he is going to office today.

"Usually we leave at 8 though", he told me to which I nodded.

He put his head on my breast and slept. after sometime I also fall asleep in his warmth thinking about how my perception for Rehan ji changed in a night. How I gave myself completely to him after knowing the truth that he always wanted me as his wife.


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