《Forced With Him》Hurt


"Who are you to say anything? I don't think you have the best relation with Rehan", i asked in mid of my hiccups.

"I pity you little girl. i pity you a lot. I don't mean you are ugly or something like that. Just you are not of his standards", he said.

"And who are you to decide who is of my standards", I heard a very familiar voice.

I turned around to see my husband just behind me. I put my hands on his chest to maintain some distance. When he looked at my tears his eyes filled with fury. He tried to wipe my tears when I did that myself not wanting him to touch me.i never thought he would see me in such a vulnerable state.

His eyes were blazing with fire and this act of mine made him more angry. He was gritting his teeth. He turned his attention towards his cousin.

"Rishabh what the hell were you telling her ", he yelled and I flinched a bit. A sob escaped my mouth and I ran from that place. I reached to the washroom without getting attention from anyone and locked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. This was not me. She was a broken girl with no dreams

My feet gave up and I fell on my knees. What has I made of myself?

"Why? ", I shouted. (Don't worry the washroom is sound proof)

"Why me?", I asked to god.

"I always trusted you. Even in my worst condition. I never forgot about you. I expected to remember me the way I did. But no you too have other people in your priority. I never beg you to give me a wealthy husband. I never even asked for a husband. I wanted to make a glorious future and support my parents. But it seems like you like everyone else cannot see me happy. Don't you? What will I do? My life is destroyed. It's not his fault. Rishabh was right. I have nothing in front of him. No personality no looks nothing. I am nothing. But what is my fault? Am I just a golden doll for him which he can keep as his wife. No Shreya you are not weak. You have your whole life in front of you. You can't loose your hope like this", I told myself and stood up.

My knees were paining. I washed my face. Thank god the make up is water proof. Though my eyes tell a different story but it's fine. I exited the washroom and made my way towards the party hall. My eyes were dull with no life. I hated myself for being so affected by the words of Rishabh. I never cared what people thought about me. Then why now?


Because you know Rehan ji would never develop any feelings for you. My mind answered me.

I tried to distract myself. Earlier whenever I cried I did in my mother's lap. And here nobody is even aware about my condition.

They should never get any hint about my life. Mumma papa would be broken beyond repair. No I can take any pain on myself but can't see them in pain. I can't be this selfish.

I reached the hall and everyone seemed to be so happy. And here I was...

Smile Shreya at least for your parents. It is the most difficult thing to smile when you are in pain.

"Where were you Shreya? ", mumma asked.

"Just went to the washroom. ", I told her not looking in her eyes. I don't think she noticed.

"let me correct your lipstick", mumma said and started applying it on my lips. I smiled at her gratefully.

"Why are you not with Rehan", ma came and asked me.

I had no answer for her question.

"Let me answer. He is busy with his business associates. He is definitely a workaholic. I will definitely give him a piece of mind when we reach home", she told me and I gave her my best smile.

"Bhabhi one dance with bhai ", Jiya came and pulled me towards the dance floor.

No if I saw him I wouldn't be able to control myself.

"No Jiya please. My dress is too heavy I can't ", I tried to make up reasons.

"No Bhabhi please Bhabhi please please", she said and suddenly pushed me towards the stage. I fell on a hard chest. My head resting on it and hands on is shoulder. The warmth I felt told me it was Rehan ji.

Before I could do anything a beautiful romantic Song started playing 'Samandar'

Rehan took my hand in his and put his hands on my waist not before putting my hand on his shoulder. The lights were dimmed and it was dark which was definitely not romantic for me.

We started moving with the beats of the music. Then he twirled me and now my back was touching his chest while his head was on my shoulder and hands around my tummy which was bare. Why I wear this lehenga? When his hands made contact with my skin I felt I sudden shiver. He turned me around again and took my hand and spinned me four to five time and I landed in his arms. I felt him coming close and I tried to move but was unable to do so. He kissed my neck. I stood as soon as he did so. Why was he doing so? I felt a tear drop on my cheek and then I realised I was crying. He was looking at me intently. I wiped my tears quickly and tried to leave the dance floor as soon as possible. But he had other plans he pulled me back and lifted me. Our eyes met again and his eyes were shining with the same fire. Soon we completed the dance and everyone cheared. I am so grateful to the dull lights that nobody saw my tears. But he did.


Soon the reception party came to an end and throughout the party Rehan ji stayed by my side with his hand around my waist.

We said our bye to my parents. This time I controlled myself. We exited the venue.

"we are also leaving ", said Rehan ji's relatives.

"I want to stay with bhabhi", Jiya said.

"Let her stay please ", I asked them.

"but she have to attend her college Bhabhi. She will come some other day", Nawal said to which she pouted but agreed.

They left soon and then I was left alone with Rehan ji. I hated it. But I couldn't ask ma papa to accompany us they would get suspicion that we are not doing good.

I was looking outside the window when I heared Rehan ji "we need to talk",he told me

"there is nothing to talk about ", I told him

"Shreya don't test my patience. I am very bad at it. Don't tell me you are trusting that bastard over me", he said with anger dripping from his voice.

"he was not wrong though", I whispered. He was not meant to hear it. But he did.

The car came to a sudden stop. He suddenly removed his seat belt and then removed mine. Before I could understand anything I was in his lap with his lips close to mine. He was looking intently in my eyes with anger.

"What did you say", he asked in an intimating voice.

"He was not wrong though. He was right. I can't expect you to be loyal to me. You know what it's not your mistake either I can not offer you what other women can. I am nothing......... ", I was saying when I felt his lips on mine. My eyes were wide but soon they were closed. He was kissing me with a lot of anger. He tried to enter in my mouth. But I was not knowing what to do?

He pinched me on my waist and I gasped. He entered in my mouth and it was like he was tasting me. I tried to respond and he slowly calmed down but he was still kissing me slowly but lovingly. When I was out of breath I pushed his chest but he was not ready to leave me. I pushed him with more pressure and he left my lips this time but started kissing my neck. I gasped when he bit on my neck. He gently licked that place to sooth the pain. Then I felt his hands opening the knot of my blouse. When I realised what he was doing I tried to come out of his grip.

"Rehan ji we are in a car. We can't ", I told him but he was not ready to leave me. He was kissing the other side of my neck.

He was continuously kissing and biting me and I was unable to stop him.

I heared his phone ringing.

"Rehan ji your phone", I informed him.

"ignore it ", he told me and started kissing me again. His lips were not ready to leave mine.

But the phone was ringing continously. He cursed under his breath and picked his phone.

"yes ma.. Hmm we are coming.... No I took a wrong turn.... Coming in fifteen minutes", he said and hung up.

I settled down in my seat looking outside. What just happened.

I touched my lips they were swollen.

My first kiss

How can I let him touch me?

He has all rights on you

But do I really trust him.

I looked towards him. He was driving but with a look which showed he was irritated.

We soon reached home.

Ma papa already went to their room while we went to ours.

When we were inside our room I was pinned to the wall. I looked at my husband he was looking at me with dark eyes which can't get any more black.

I gulped.

"I don't think I would ever be able to betray you. I can't. You are like my oxygen without which I can't live. How can I betray you? You are my habit and more than that you are my life", he told me and kissed me again.

I pushed him and he stopped too.

"Rehan ji please. We both know I am not the one for you", I told him.

"how can you say that", he asked me his face close to mine.

I turned my face the other side.

"isn't it obvious. You always prevent staying with me alone as if I am a disease ", I told him remembering the moments we shared few minutes ago.

"You want to know the reason", he asked. I looked in his eyes. Am I ready to know the reason. What if it break me more?

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