《Forced With Him》My new family


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I felt sun rays hitting my face and disturb my beautiful sleep. I groaned and hid my face further in the hard pillow. Though it was hard but it was warm.

Mumma is going to yell any second Shreya wake up. I told myself.

I tried to get up with closed eyes but failed to do so. Something was not allowing me to sit. I lazily opened my eyes and saw the last person I was expecting. Rehan Khurana was lying beside me with his arm wrapped around my bare tummy while his nose was nuzzling my neck.

I tried to remove his arms but he tightened his grip around me. With great difficulty I was able to come out of his grip.

I heard a gentle knock on the door. Not to disturb Rehan ji's sleep I went to open the door.

Ma was standing there. I wished her good morning and touched her feet. She gave me blessings and smiled at me.

"Did you sleep in this outfit Shreya", she asked.

I looked down and found myself still in my bridal lehenga. I haven't even removed the nose ring.

"I was too tired", I replied smiling sheepishly.

"You should take care. I don't think you slept comfortably in these clothes. Looking at you hair it seems like you were just sitting. They are looking perfect", she said.

"Yeah I sleep like a dead person", I replied and she laughed at it.

"Alright I came here to give you your clothes. If you need anything else it's in this bag", she said and left after giving me my clothes and other necessities.

After coming inside I looked around his room. I didn't notice at night but it was definitely the best room I ever saw.

Anyone could guess that some royalty is living here.

Shreya you need to get ready. I told myself and went in the bathroom.

This place is a freaking palace.

My home was spacious but it was nothing infront of this place.

I took a relaxing bath and changed into the Saree.

Thank god I learned to wear it before.

It was heavy though.

I have to wear my chooda for one and a half year. It's a ritual and it's really tough.

I didn't have to wear anything else as I was wearing my chooda.

I came out of the bathroom with my hair still wet.

I went to the dressing table and started drying my hair. As I was in a hurry I blow dried them and combed them. I didn't need to do anything else. Perks of having straight hair. I used eyeliner and kohl for my eyes and a red lipstick for my lips. I never liked lipstick but mumma asked me to use it for at least some time after the marriage.


I have to wake my husband as well.

"Rehan ji", I called him but he was unaffected.

"listen", I called again he didn't notice.

I bend down and put my hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him.

I heard him groan which made me giggle.

"Let me sleep. I am tired", he said in his morning voice. He was looking like a small child denying to go to his school.

"Rehan ji you need to get up. Ma asked us to get ready soon", I told him.

"What are you doing here? ", he asked me slightly opening his eyes. I wouldn't lie but it did hurt a lot.

"Who were you expecting here?", I asked raising my eyebrows. Trying my best to not show how hurt I was.

"I wasn't expecting anyone. What is the time now? ", he asked while sitting up and resting his back on the bed rest.

I took my mobile and saw it was 7 am.

I told him the same.

"Can you please choose my clothes", he said while making his way towards the bathroom.

I was right

Yes you were. I told my mind.

I made my way towards the walk in closet.

It was filled with traditional, official, casual wear for male. Do they have this much variety?

What should I choose traditional or official. I should ask him

"Rehan ji traditional or official", I asked him.

"um traditional it is. We have to go to the temple. ", he said.

"okay", I told him and went inside the closet to find a perfect outfit for the day.

My eyes landed on an outfit. The only thing my mind said looking at it was perfect.

Soon he asked for his clothes from the bathroom and I gave them to him.

After five minutes he came out in his full glory.

Control yourself Shreya. I reminded myself before making myself embarrassed.

He wore his watch and we were about to leave the room when he said.

"stop ", I gave him a questioning look.

He went near the dressing table and asked me to come near him. I did as was asked.

He took a pinch vermilion and filled my hair partition with it.

He really knows how to increase my heart beat.

We were looking at each other when he cleared his throat. He made his way out of the room and I followed him. We went downstairs. He was moving ahead while I was following him. Don't blame me he was fast.

I saw everyone and wished them. I touched the feet of all the elders. They blessed me saying various things like stay safe, stay happy, have a beautiful married life but the thing Rehan ji's grandmother said was too much.


She said,"I hope I can hear the voices of your children at the end of this year"

Everyone laughed while I was resembling a tomato biting my lower lip. That is what I do when I am embarrassed. I was not having th courage to look at my dear husband. He is always expressionless. I don't want him to find how much he affects me.

"Okay okaay stop teasing my bahu we are getting late for the temple",she said.(daughter in law)

Thank god he saved me from further embarrassment.

There were nearly six white cars and ten black cars outside the palace.

All cars were definitely cost a fortune.

We all were about fifteen people with Rehan's two maternal uncles and their families.

I didn't see Rishabh today. After what he did in the wedding I shouldn't even expect him here.

I saw that the family members sat in the white cars while the bodyguards took the black cars. There is tight security I see. They are rich as well as powerful.

I sat in the passenger seat of a BMW car while Rehan was on the driving seat. Two of his cousins Jiya and Nawal sat on the back seat. They wanted to spend some time with us.

We soon hit the road. The weather was great today so I opened the window of the car. My hair were blowing because of the wind outside. I love my waist length hair. I find them the most attractive part of me. They are heavy though and sometime ate tough to handle but still I love them a lot.

"Bhabhi your hair. They are gorgeous.", Jiya complimented.

"thanks Jiya", I said with a smile.

"What do you use in them?", she asked.

"Nothing special. But my mother used to give me an oil massage after I did shampoo", I told her.

"don't you feel irritated because of the stickiness oil provide to you hair ", she asked me making a face.

"my hair are uncontrollable without oil. I don't mind as long as they remain in control. ", I told her.

"your mother used to oil your hair since your childhood", she asked. I smiled at the memory.

"No actually at the age of 10 I suffered from typhoid. Mumma said that due to typhoid a person becomes very weak. I remember I had fever for a whole month. I was too weak. She said that I might also have hair fall. So she started doing oil massage regularly to my hair and I am glad she did. ", I told smiling at the memory.

"Your parents love you a lot", she said and I nodded.

"not only my parents but my mama-mami and bua-phupha as well", I told her. (maternal uncle-aunt and paternal aunt -uncle)

"I remember I had typhoid after my bua's marriage and I had this sudden will to meet her. I was crying like there was no tomorrow on the phone calling her. At last she did come", I love her a lot.

"You are really lucky bhabhi"Nawal said.

"Indeed I am", I said.

"But now you have to be bored rest of your life because of my workaholic brother.", he said dramatically.

Rehan ji cast a glare at him to which he raised his hands in surrender.

Soon Jiya and Nawal started fighting about some childish topic. I was smiling throughout the ride.

After a ride of 2 hour we reached the temple. It was in the outskirts of the city. It was an old temple with incredible architecture.

We removed our footwear and entered in the temple. There was a small puja in the temple in which I sat on the left side of Rehan ji.

After completing the puja, priest asked rehan ji to fill my hair partition with vermilion. He did as was asked but again some vermilion fell on my nose. I don't know why he do so.

"Your husband will love you a lot child", the priest said and I looked towards him with my eyes asking only one question how.

"it is experience as well as saying if the vermilion falls on the nose of the wife while the husband is filling between her hair partition he will love her a lot. The wife wouldn't be able to handle his love.", he said and I looked at my husband who was already looking at me with a blank expression.

To say I was dissapointed was an under statement. He wouldn't love me he just couldn't. Not me at least.

We completed all the rituals and soon came home. It was reception in the evening so everyone started getting ready for that.

Ma asked a few make up artists and hair artists to come and help us in getting ready.

Again that stupid makeup and hair thing.

After a good 2 hours we were good to go.

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