《Forced With Him》Eavesdropping


If you are thinking he was joking that time than you are completely wrong. He was not joking. Silly me! I never saw him joking. I should have taken him seriously. He is crossing his limits. I am not going to marry him. How dare he?

Let me tell you what happened when he exited me room.


I was looking towards the direction he left. I was actually looking at the door as he closed the door while leaving.

I was not able to process what he said So I was sitting like a dumb person.

Then I heard some voices. Than I heard the voice of an engine. More precisely a car's engine.

Wait! A car papa would not leave at this time of night.

He left! Yes, yes, yes!

I ran to my parents to inform them what rubbish he was telling me.

They were in the living room looking quite tensed. If he did something I would break his nose.

Can you do that really? My inner voice mocked me.

Are you on my side or his. I asked her

Of course on his.

Great I was expecting this

"papa", I squealed and jumped on the sofa.

"Can you please act mature, Shreya. Once in your life. I would be very grateful to you. Go to your room. ", my mother shouted at me.

"But mumma what have I done?", I asked her.

"Nothing happened. What would happen? The only thing which is wrong here is you", she said.

"But.... ", I was saying when she interrupted me.

"Go to your room, Shreya", she yelled again and this time I flinched.

"what happen mamma? Did I do something wrong", I asked her looking at papa who was holding a serious and some what upset expression.

"Shreya go to you room sweetie" papa said.


I nodded and went to my room and slept with a heavy heart. I don't know when I fell asleep.


I wake up in the middle of night feeling thirsty.

I went downstairs. Living room's light were on. I thought they forgot to off it. Do I went to the living room to switch them off when I heard mamma's voice.

"What should we do now"

"I don't know. You should take the decision here. You know I can't. ", papa said.

"Alright then I think we should say yes", she said.

What are they talking about.

"How can you say yes so easily", he said.

"I know what is good for my child. I am the mother. I kept her in my womb.", she said.

Child are they talking about me.

"Alright so tomorrow morning tell them our decision", papa said.

"what about informing her first. I know her she will rebel. After all she is your daughter. It is hard to make her understand something she deny", she said.

"I will talk to her. Don't worry she would understand", he said and mamma nodded.

What are they talking about?

"But they want this marriage in ten months", mamma exclaimed.


Are they talking about......

No! No!

"the only reason I am ready for this marriage is because of the danger she is in", papa said.


" I know if he came to know about her. He would surely come back. ", mamma said.

What are they talking about.

I know eavesdropping is wrong. But they are talking about me.

"he will definitely............... ", papa said and I was shocked.

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