《Forced With Him》His Story


"Do you want popcorns or something", I asked him when he was about to start the story.

"Are we going to watch a movie or what?" he asked me raising his eyebrows.

"It's just that if your story is boring than I should have something to do while you are narrating your story", I told him looking down feeling embarrassed.

"You know that is so humiliating. You are indirectly calling me boring", he said acting to be hurt.

"But that's the truth", I told him and the next moment covered my mouth with my hands. What are you saying Shreya? Get A Grip.

"You can inform me if the story is boring. Don't be so rude", he told me slightly amused by my actions.

"Alright start your so called story now." I told him.

"You don't have to be this impatient", he said and this silenced me.

"There was a boy from a very rich family. He was always cold towards everyone or may be no one ever tried to talk to him. Whoever talked to him had a reason behind it. This selfish world made him cold with everyone other than his family. He was the only child of his parents which meant he was all alone."

"Hmm I can understand", I said mindlessly and then look towards him. He was looking irritated.

"Then one day he met another boy of his age. He was quite friendly with him. The first boy didn't find any kind of reason behind his friendly attitude towards him so he also befriended the friendly boy. They were best friends. ", he continued.

"Was the friendly boy also rich?" I asked him.

"Can you stop interrupting me", he whispered yelled. I said a small sorry and asked him to continue. This story was quite interesting. Even though Mr. Boring is narrating it.


"And to your question yes he was rich and now listen to the story", he said and continued.

"Then time passed away and they turned twenty- one. The first boy fell in love with a beautiful girl and married her. After few months, the girl was pregnant. Everyone was very happy after hearing the news. She gave birth to a healthy boy. They were living a very happy life." he said.

"What about the other boy?" I asked him.

"He had an arranged marriage after three years but nonetheless he loved his wife a lot. It was the time when they were expecting a baby and the first boy went to meet them with his wife and child. The woman was Nine months pregnant. The small boy was quite excited to know that there was a baby inside the stomach of his aunt." he said and looked at me.

"What?" I asked. He looked away. What is with him and his staring?

"Nothing. So let's continue with the story", he said and continued with the story.

"Suddenly she started shouting and the small boy was quite scared but actually she was having her labour pain. They all took her to the hospital and after five hours the woman gave birth to a beautiful girl." he said.

"The boy was quite possessive for the girl. One day when he was 8 he suddenly asked the girl's parent to marry their daughter to him. They all laughed on his proposal. But in reality they have fixed their wedding when the girl was born." he said.

"Really. Was the girl ready for the wedding?" I asked him.

"That is what I want to know? Is she ready for this wedding", he asked me.

"How am I supposed to know this?" I asked him.

"Let me ask in another way. Do you want to marry me?" he asked me.

Is he serious? Was he talking about me?

But the main question is: why my heart is craving to say yes?

"Wh... What do you mean ?" I asked him

"Get ready. You are going to marry me after ten months from your birthday", he said and stood from the bed and left the room.

He was kidding. Yes he was, right?


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