《Forced With Him》Good Father


He started moving away rubbing his forehead. I stopped him by holding his hand. He was looking at me with confusion. I went near him and hit his forehead with mine one more time.

"It is a bad omen to hit somebody's forehead with yours. It is said if you don't hit your forehead again then a dog might bite you", I explained and started moving away. He caught my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Why do you care?", he asked.

"I care about myself", I answered him which made him a little upset but why do I care?

"I wanted to talk to you ", he said clenching and unclenching his hands again and again. I think he is angry with my reply but I don't mean it. Oh god! Why am I caring about his feelings now?

"Alright. Lets go ", I said turning.

"Where are we going?", he asked.

"Don't worry I am not going to kidnap you. You are safe", I said to which he smirked. What is it with him and his signature smirk? I don't like it. I opened the door of my room and he followed me inside. I cleaned my bed and removed my books which were spread on half side of my double bed.

"You were studying, I see", he commented

"No I was not. It's just I keep them like wise. I am too lazy to close them after studying", I told him.

"You are too lazy", he commented.

"What is your problem with it", I snapped at him.

"I should have a problem. You are going to be my wife. You have to take care of my things and also keep yourself up to date and presentable. If you continue living like a cave girl it wouldn't work.", he told me.


Was he making my fun? Is he for real? Who told him to marry me if he feels like this about me?

Irritating lizard, cockroach, monkey. I hate you.

'No you don't', my mind mocked me.

You belong to me so stop taking his side. I told myself.

Keep telling yourself that darling.


"Where are you lost madam", he snapped his fingers in front of me.

"I hate you", the first thing which came in my mind was these words.

"Keep telling yourself that", he said and sat on my bed which was now cleaned.

How hardworking I am?

Seriously who are you kidding sweetie !

Why don't you shut up for a while?

I came in the real world and saw him looking at the pictures hanging on my room's wall. He was looking at a picture intently. I went near him and saw that he was looking at a picture which captured me and my cousin Aditya with anger. Was he jealous?

I don't know why he being jealous made me feel weird in my stomach.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention. I sat on my bed and he was still standing. It looks like I am punishing him for his attitude but I am very forgiving and I don't believe in punishing people.

I am so innocent.

"Do you want to stand their only", I asked him.

"I am fine but just because you are indirectly asking me to sit beside you. I will sit. You just have to ask sweetheart don't be shy", he said cockily.

I looked at him weirdly.

"You are so full of yourself. Aren't you?", I asked.

"I am fine as I am. ", he said.

"What is it?", I asked him and he was looking confused.

"Oh god! you ", I said pointing towards him "wanted to talk.", I completed to which he nodded,


"DO you remember me", he asked.

"Should I ", I asked him and he gave me a sad smile.

"I'll tell you a story would you like to hear", he asked me.

Why not I don't have anything else to do.

It seems to be interesting because a billionaire with no free time is going to narrate it. Lets see whether his story narrating skills are good or not. Will he be able to narrate stories to his children.

I don't know why this thing crossed my mind.


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