《Forced With Him》Dinner


"Say that again and I promise you, you will regret it.", he said looking towards me with anger filled eyes. I gulped visibly scared but still tried to maintain the confident look.

Key word 'tried'. I failed miserably.

"I will say it again and again I am not scared of you", I told him or should I say whispered because of the closeness.

I know he understood his effect on me. You know why I know this because the left side of his lips started lifted upwards. He was enjoying it. Very much. Uhhhhh I don't like this.

"Shreya where are you? ", my mother shouted from the dining room. I pushed Rehan away and he let me. Without thinking once I ran towards my safe zone that was actually the dining table right now.

Let me describe the view. Our dining table is having six seats. My father was sitting beside my mother and on her side aunty was sitting with uncle and only two seats were unoccupied. Somebody please inform me why they are together.

"Come on sweetie have your food. It is getting cold. ", aunty said.

I nodded and took a seat beside ma. After few moments Rehan joined and sat beside me. We started having our dinner. I ate in silence while uncle and papa were talking about their old days and ma and aunty were talking about some new fashion trend. Rehan was joining the conversation with the men time- to- time. Only I was the one sitting like a dumb among them.

My mother asked me to pick the utensils after dinner. Great! I hate this the most. And they are too many. Some other day I would have denied or argued but today I need a reason to leave this room. But as I was picking the utensils from the table I felt a warm touch on my hand. Frankly I was shocked. As a result I left the utensils. But he caught them.



He caught them just at the right time. Was he helping me? Yep! he indeed was. I made a businessman a dish picker. No offence to them they really help us a lot.

But he with such an elephant size ego it is funny.

I giggled a little thinking him as my slave which gain me his KIND attention. Everybody was busy among themselves or were not disturbing us intentionally.

HE was looking at me should I add intimately. I just ran in the kitchen. Not exactly ran but straight away walked in the kitchen. I was carrying two plates and one big glass bowl. It was necessary to carry them carefully.

I don't want my mother running behind me with a broom. I am not kidding. I don't want to remember the past. it was very painful. Papa didn't even stopped her. He himself was scared and was protecting himself from my ma's broom.

Forget that incident. As I put the vessels in the sink and turned I was face-to-face with Mr. devil or Mr. cute. He leaned towards my ear and I was stunned. I was unable to move. I as a reflex closed my eyes but then I realized he was putting the dishes which he was carrying in the sink.

Did I mention my mother by mistake spilled water on the water and as I started to leave to maintain a gap with the cute devil I slipped.

I was there to give my first kiss to the floor a strong arm caught me which was of course owned my super hero. I apologize for my names but I can't help.

He behaves differently In different situations and I am forced to name him.

I looked towards him to find him already staring at me. we were just lost in our own world when I remember I am not going to fall for him. Not this easily! NAH!

I came back in my senses and tried to stand straight quickly in the action hitting my forehead with his.


He started moving away giving a massage to his forehead but I stopped him and started moving towards him and........

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