《Our Little Moon》Chapter 54 - Finally


"I have to go. Take care Bambina—- Hades as I said, drive safely and slowly." I remind him once again. Having mentioned that they are going to visit his friend or girlfriend, and I am not sure what's their relationship as Hades always keep this things from himself.

"Yeah yeah! and how many times you have to say this stuff Ares. Ofcourse I will be careful, she's also my sister." He huffed and I glared at him for talking back to me like that. I'm still his Capo and his big brother, though his reaction was understandble, still you can't blame me for being so worried freak about my sister's safety. She's a baby and can't defend herself and I will never forgive myself if something bad happen to her again. She changed my life, our life—- and I will do everything just to make her safe.

"I will send bodyguards and that's final." I said before I kiss my sister again and leave. I heard Hades murmuring something but I couldn't care less as I have no time to argue with him.

I need to go to my fiancè as we need to buy presents to eveyone specially to my sister.

"Capo—— Delilah, your boyfriend's here." Gerard hollered before he told me come inside and just walk to her room. I thank him as I headed towards her room and there she is, sitting on her bed with a smile.

"Hi." We both said to each other before she stood up and come to me. I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame as I kiss her lips passionately.

"Ready?" I asked, she nods her head before she grabs her bag and walk beside me towards my car.


"How is she?"

"She's sad, but I'm so glad that Hades made her eat today and I felt a bit jealous because those two has this siblings-connection that's really impressive." I told her smilingly while shaking my head. She teased me that I don't have to be jealous because Luna love us all equally.

"I know, I'm just shocked because I tried everything make her happy and eat, I asked her also to come with us, but to no avail. Then here comes the mighty Hades who just mentioned something about his girlfriend and suddenly, she perked up and eat all her food. I don't know what's running on here pretty little mind but one thing I'm sure is, she's kinda happy about Hades having a girlfriend."

"What can you expect—- Luna is quite a mature kid for her age. I think she's playing to be some kind of cupid." She said before letting out a soft giggles which cause me to smile more. I suddenly bring her hand to my lips and kiss it and never let go until we reached our destination.


After we're done shopping and picked the perfect gift for my sister, we decided to head back home as the weather became unbearable.

Once we entered the room, my phone rings and I expected that it will be Hades, but to my shockness, it's my Dad.

"Dad, I hope everything is fine." I said and wait for his reply and I really hope that his mission was fruitful.

"Yes son, everything is fine and how's Luna?" He asked and I can feel the mixed emotions through his voice.

"She's not—- how can I say this, I mean she's sad ofcourse because she thought something happen to you.... Dad when you will come back? I can't tolerate this specially if my sister's well being is at stake." And I told him what she was today, that she has no appetite to eat and so sad for him being absent for so many days, added that she's worried that he will not come back in Christmas.


"I am sorry. That's why I call because I want to talk to her."

"She's not at home, she's with Hades and visited someone. So when you will be back father?" I asked sternly.

"Now, and I need you to send me the private jet asap." He said and I could sense some excitement through his voice right now.

"Dad is there something I need to know?"

"Alright, I know it may sound absurd but I found—— I mean Diana, she's alive all along and I found her here in Italy." And to say it's unbelievable is an understatement of the year, because how does it happen? I was there and I checked her pulse that day and only fool can tell if she's not dead.

"How does it happen?" I asked as he starts narrating what happened during his haunt to this Martin. While listening, my mouth went ajar because it's truly unbelievable.

"I am so happy—- I can't believe that she's alive and I think this is the best give that I could give to my daughter." He said and the happiness on his voice is infathomable. And as his Son, I feel so elated for him bacause finally he can be with his true love.

"I am so happy for you Dad. And I will send the private plane as soon as possible. Send my regards to her and take care." After that, he cut the line and I smile at no where because I can't imagine how happy will be my sister this coming Christmas.

"Hey, why you're smiling like you have won a lottery?" Delilah asked with smile on her face.

"Come here tesoro and I will tell you the good news." I replied as she came forward and sit on my lap. My arms wrapped around her slim waist as I burried my face to her neck and inhaled her sweet scent.

"Well Dad didn't find only Martin in Italy, he also found Diana—- Luna's mother. She's alive all along." And I groan when she jolted out of my lap as something below my belt stirred.

"What did you just say?" She asked in wide eyes and I think that's the normal reaction for this kind of revelation.

"I said, Luna's mother—-Diana, she is alive and father found her in Italy and she's coming back with Dad to surprise Luna." And the way she smile at me is kind of turn on and I couldn't stop myself but lavish her lips again until it's swollen. She let me in and I can't control myself anymore.

"Ares—- I have to w-wrap all the gifts..." she muttered when I leave her lips to savour her neck. And her moaning didn't help to stop me from what I wanted to do to her right here right now.

"It can wait tesoro, just let me make love to you and I promise that I will help you." And that's enough for her to stay silent for a while as I take her to our bed.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I asked her once after she told me that she's going out with Lucy.

"I would love to Ares but Lucy needs my help." She said and gave me a quick kiss before rushing out of our room. I pout internally because I want her to come with me to pick up Dad, Diana, Diony and Lucas. I want myself to personally pick them at airport because I want to see her myself, if she's truly the woman that I saw dead lying on the floor that day.


After few minutes of being alone, I decided to take a hot shower to ready myself as I know that we have to arrange this big surprise to Luna without mistake.

Time passed...

As I headed to Eros room to check on her, I can hear from where I am the laughter and giggles of my sister and that immediately send bliss to my heart.

Standing outside the door, I decided to just make a slight opening to check what they are doing inside.

"Help me!" and I almost rushed to her when I heard her crying for help, but I was stopped abruptly when the stupid twin didn't hesitate to jump at Eros and swung the pillows directly to his face.

Luna dropped her head on the bed while laughing so hard and I can't control myself to smile because finally, my ears was blessed again whith her sweet giggles.

Though I am so pleased watching them, I have to interrupt now as I need to say goodbye to her before I go.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked nonchalantly as my eyes stare at my brothers who were stood frozen and then to my sister who all of the sudden stared at me with disappointment on her eyes.

"Are you leaving too?" She asked with hint of sadness. I cursed myself in an instant for adding pain to her already aching heart. Like I want to slap my face literally.

"Good morning Bambina. Did you sleep well?" I asked softly then kiss her forehead while on my knees.

"Good morning too Ari and yes I did." She replied while not breaking her eyes on me.

"Okay, Listen to me Bambina, alright? I mean I have to go out but just for few hours but I promise that I will come back." I explained and I hope that she can feel how sincere I am for what I just said.

"Will you be here when I open my gifts?" She asked and I mentally say 'awww' because of how cute she is and can't help but wrapped my arms around her.

"Ofcourse! And you will receive the best gift ever. I promise you that. No! I pinky promise you that!" I said as I stick out my pinky to her. And because we kissed our thumb, our forehead kissed too that brought laughter inside the room.

Soon, I think it's time to say goodbye so I look at the three idiots and told them sternly to look after her.

"Sir Yes Sir." They salute that earned some daggers from me. But smile appear immediately when I saw my sister laughing at them, maybe she found them more stupid than I do and that's okay with me.

"I'll go now. Bambina don't forget to eat your breakfast and if the boys irritate you, you can order Orion to bite them, okay?" I told her before giving her a knowing wink.

"Hey we never such a pain in butt on her." Eros grumbled and I rolled my eyes because I'm just joking. My sister knew that too as I saw her rolled her eyes at them.

"Son, where are you? We already arrived." My father said while I keep my eyes on the road. The traffic was so bad as accident occured on the main road heading to the airport. I really tried my best to be there as early as possible but sometimes unexpected happen and I can't do anything about it. I've been in traffic for two hours and I don't like it.

"Dad, just give me 20 and I will be there." I replied before cutting the line and pressed the gas.


"How's the flight?" I asked my father as soon as they out of the plane. Behind him, I could see a woman that looked exactly like Luna except the eyes. She's quite different than the woman I saw that day pale and no pulse.

"Hi, I'm Ares, his eldest son. I don't know if we met before aside from that day, but it's my pleasure to meet you again Aunt Diana." I greet and offered my hand for her to shake.

Her smile resembled my sister and she looked like a kind woman, and I know now why my birth mother feels so envious at her.

"I didn't get the chance to meet you when you were kid because of certain complications, but I want to thank you for taking care of my daughter. I owe you a lot and it's my pleasure to finally meet you, Ares." She said before giving me a warm embrace that embodied a mother-comfort that I never experienced since I was a kid.

"Thank you for coming back—- you never know how much happiness you gave to my father as well to my sister. Thank you." I whispered to her. When we pulled away, her eyes has tears already and I hope that it was tears of joy.

"I miss my daughter so much, everyday I prayed to see her again and I am so thankful for this day.... though I'm so nervous to face her because she might not forgive me for leaving her." And after that my father came to her rescue to help her calm down.

But knowing my sister, she will never do that. She's the most kindest kid I've ever known and so forgiving, and I'm sure that she will never think of that.

"Don't worry, Luna isn't like that. She's so forgiving and I am so happy that she has the heart of an angel and all thanks to you. Sometimes her maturity is so beyond that I thought of her as an adult in a body of a 6 year-old child." And that caused her to chuckle and forget her anxiety.

"You will be fine, so stop thinking negative and let's go." I told her before I greeted my brother—- Diony and his fiancè Lucas that just staring and listening to us. Thanking them for successfully following our father because if not—- not only my sister would be worried freak but me too.

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