《Our Little Moon》Chapter 53 - best gift


Waking up today is way different how I used to wake up before.

It's not about whose brother's bed I slept in, but it's the reality that my Daddy didn't come back yet and it's 24th of December.

It's Christmas Eve and the first Christmas that I'm gonna open my gifts on his presence. First Christmas that I'm gonna give many gifts to my brothers and friends and yet, he's not here.

Whatever work that he'd been to, I feel jealous just a bit because it took my Daddy's time from me. Thinking about the days he's not here, brought tears again to my eyes.

"Sorellina, why you're crying?" And I was snapped out of my thoughts as Rosy asked me if I was crying.

Yes I am, my eyes were teary but can you blame me?

"Am I not worthy of our Daddy's love?" I asked him and I know my voice was not cheerful the way before, and I can't help it because I'm so down right now.

"Oh my God Luna, ofcourse you're worthy! You're worthy of his love, my love, our love! Please don't think about that again." Rosy said and noticed how his blue-eyes became as mine, sad.

"Hard for me Rosy, but I will try." I muttered as he wrapped his arms around me and tell me that I'll be okay.

"Can I be your best brother today? Can I have the opportunity to make you happy?" Rosy asks while caressing my red cheeks. And I smile at him because I know that he's trying to put smile on my face. To make me feel good and I should be thankful for that, as I am lucky that he's so good to me even I affected him in some way.

"Yes Rosy. And please don't say that you're not my best brother because I love you the way I love the other.... And you will always be my lucky fish as you're the one who trained me to become a good swimmer. Anyway, what we will do today?" I ask and noticed how his eyes lit up, and I am not sure if it's because of my sweet words or because I talked too much.

"Can you stay like that? I mean talk to me as I enjoy more of my existence by just listening to your angelic voice." And I giggle when he compared my voice to an angel. And I'm wondering how could he say that, as if he actually talked to an angel.

"Are you laughing at me?"

"No?" I replied and all of the sudden my giggles erupted throughout his room because he's tickling me and I think I'm dying, he knows that it was my weakness.

"P-Please s-stop my tickle monster!" I begged as I can't take it anymore.

But he didn't stop and because we're enjoying our own world, I didn't notice that my twin brothers were here and gawking at us with amusement on their eyes.

Hady was smiling while Poly seems he wanted to jump right away at Rosy to save me.

"Help me!" I cried for them and that's their cue to come over and fight with Rosy using pillows. And soon, the room that was filled with sadness a while ago, was now filled with laughter and giggles.

"What's the meaning of this?" And my head turned at the door's direction and saw Ari standing there, in clothes that seems like he's going out.

"Are you leaving too?" I asked. And all their eyes turned to me. I know I becoming dramatic but why he needs to go when Daddy wasn't here too?


Ari said something under his breath, but I can't hear it.

Soon, he walks straight to me and crouched down so that we're on eye-level.

"Good morning Bambina. Did you sleep well?" He asked softly before he kissed my forehead.

He smells so good, like the smell after the rain and my garden too. Scent that identical with our Daddy.

"Good morning too Ari and yes I did."

"Okay, Listen to me Bambina, alright? I mean I have to go out but just for few hours but I promise that I will come back." He explained.

He knows that I'm not okay. I am not alright, about our father not being here, but I can feel that he's trying to show me that he's sincere to his words.

"Will you be here when I open my gifts?" I asked, and his eyes glint with happiness and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ofcourse! And you will receive the best gift ever. I promise you that. No! I pinky promise you that!" He corrected himself and lift up his pinky to lock with mine, as we kissed it at the same time. In process our forehead bumped to each other and I can't help but giggles, that even Rosy, Hady and Poly laughed with us too.

"Guys look after her, okay." Ari told them with stern voice.

"Sir Yes Sir." All of them salute and said in unison and I laugh so hard because they sound so funny. Even Ari laugh with me but glare at my brothers.

"I'll go now. Bambina don't forget to eat your breakfast and if the boys irritate you, you can order Orion to bite them, okay?" And after that my brothers grumbled at him saying that they never do that to me, and I rolled my eyes because Ari was just playing with them. And I knew it because he just wink at me before he disappeared from my sight, leaving me with my three brothers.

"Come on Selene time to eat."

"Come on Little one, time to freshen up."

"Come on Sorellina, time to brush your teeth."

They all said in unison. And my mouth went wide when they fight again with pillows.

Oh! poor pillows, they must be so exhausted right now.

"She's coming with me you idiot!" Rosy shout at them, while Poly shout the same.

"She's mine!" Hady snapped and I think that he's going to win because the two were heavily out of breath and I know that I have to intervene this time.

"That's very nice of you but can you please stop fighting? Christmas is coming and I don't want to lose any of my brothers. And there's no need to fight over me. I'll do my business by myself because I'm a big girl while we will eat all together, capiche?" and saw how their eyes beamed with amusement towards my sassiness.

"Yes Ma'am!" They all said in unison just like what they did to Ari and I think these three will be the death of me.

Soon, Orion came to me and that's my cue to go back to my own room to do what I need to do.

"How's the waffle my Signora?" Uncle Hugo asked me after I took a bite on it. Lucy and Jade were out to buy our food for the Christmas Eve, that's why Uncle Hugo was the one who served my breakfast.

"So scrumptious! Thank you so much Uncle Hugo." As I take another bite and some strawberries too. My brothers were overjoyed and the smile on their didn't falter because I ate more today.


"I think my tummy is going to explode." I blurted out.

They all look at me and then chuckles.

And I pout causing them to laugh more.

"No problem little one, just take a little rest and you'll be fine." Poly said as he munched his breakfast toast.

"Sorellina there's so much snow outside, so do you wanna build a snowman?" Rosy said in a sing-song manner, just like Anna of Frozen and I chuckle because he sounds so cute. I told him that I would love to go outside and they smile again, maybe it's because they thought that I'm getting back to my old self again, being their bubbly sister.

Hady and Poly announced that they are coming too and I'm so thrilled as I used to make a big snowman with my Mommy before.

And the thought of her again is breaking my heart and makes me blue, so I shook my head, trying to forget as I want to be happy today.

"Love why you're shaking your head?" Hady asked and I don't want to tell him but I know that he felt it, he knew if something is wrong.

"I just remember something but I'm okay." I said with a smile. The smile that trying to hide my pain.

"Can we go now?" I asked them when I noticed that they were done with their breakfast.

They didn't answer, instead they all stood up from their seat and tried to get me but Poly beat them. He scooped me up before we headed to my room as I need to wear warm clothes to protect myself from cold outside.

"Which one do you like the green or the black?" Poly asked, showing me the two coats.

"The black one."

"Nice choice." He said and helped me put it on.

"Ready baby?"

"Yes." I told him as we rushed out of my room and headed downstairs.

As we reached the living room, my eyes mesmerized by its beauty because our humongous Christmas tree was brighten up with lights and decorated with cute garlands, colorful xmas balls, candies and chocolates, and a lot more, but one thing is missing.

"Finally, you're here! Come, you should be the one to put this, on top of that." Rosy chirped and gave me the star that is so big than my hand.

And without a warning, my brother Hady lift me up and put me on his shoulder and I couldn't help but squealed because I feel so tall. My brothers cheered, and told me to put the star on top, which I did perfectly.

"Nice work my Love." Hady praised, before we headed to the main door. Poly open it without hesitation and our faces were whipped by the cold wind and I was fascinated because everything is white.

And I can't hold my excitement anymore and run towards the front porch and play with the snow. Single snowflake fell on top of my nose and I blew it away just like a camera shot rung to my ears. I check who was it and my eyes soften because it's Rosy.

"Beautiful." I heard him say before he coaxed me to build the snowman. Me and Rosy were so engrossed until something white hit Rosy's face and I burst into laughing because he was caught off-guard but it's just a seconds until he collected himself and hit Poly with big chunk of snow.

"Hey! It wasn't me!" Poly yelled as I heard Hady laughing so hard behind him and I took that opportunity and throw some snow on him.

But my bad because it never reach my target as the snowball just went to his legs.

I followed his eyes and I saw amusement dancing on it when he realized that it was me who did it. And I know exactly what it means the way he looked at me just now, like I'm his prey and I feel so scared and so I run to Rosy to hide myself.

"Help me. Hady's gonna eat me." I begged.

"Don't worry he can't do that as long as I'm here." Rosy boastfully said and ready himself to defend me against Hady. But before Hady could pounce at us, another snowball hit him and this time straight to his face.

I laugh really so hard that I double over while Hady chase his twin for what he did. Soon, we joined at their snowball fighting and forget about the snowman.

And I never expected that it would turned out this great, that I would have a great day with my brothers while waiting the christmas eve tonight.

I don't know what time is it but Hady called out that it's time to go inside. I don't want to but I have no choice because my stomach started to growl and feel sleepy too. Hence, I don't want to sleep. I want to stay awake and just play with my brothers.

"Sorellina, you have to eat and then take a nap. I promise we will not go and leave yoi. I will stay, we will stay until you wake up and be ready tonight. If you not take a nap, you'll be cranky tonight, do you like that?" Rosy asked and I shook my head because he's right.

"Okay, but I need cuddles." I said. Rosy didn't hesitate and lay beside me while grinning like a cat. He really like cuddles and I'm sure that the twins will feel jealous when they come here.

And speaking of angel, they did frown when he saw Rosy laying beside me. But it didn't stop them to come forward and lay to my bed too.

And not long after, our breath became steady and slow. Nobody speaks, and the only sounds that can be heard was our breathing until I don't know what happen as the color of black is all over my mind.

"Love, time to wake up....." I heard Hady whisper to my ear and I wrapped my short arm around his body because he's so warm and I love it so much. He chukled a bit before he kissed my hair and said that everyone is ready and I'm the only one missing. And my body jolted out because I forget that it's Christmas.

"Daddy?" I asked and hopeful that he came, and when I saw his face I know already the answer.

"Really? Where is he? I want to see him Hady." I said excitedly and about to jump out of my bed when his hands stopped me and cupped my face.

"No can do Love, you have to freshen up first and wear your beautiful dress because it's Christmas and you should be very pretty on the picture. Regina also came and she's excited to see you."

"Okay, just wait here." I told him as I hit my bathroom really fast.


"Baby you look so lovely."

"Love, you're so pretty on that dress."

"I think I'm looking to an angel right now."

Poly, Hady and Rosy commented in unison. And I truly believe that they are triplets because they always talk at same time.

"Thank you Bubbas." And after that we headed to our living room where it was completely different the way it was before, and I'm enamored because it's way beautiful than today morning.

"Come baby, they are waiting.." Poly whispered.

My heart was thumping like rain because of the excitement that was overwhelming.

As I stopped in front of everyone, my eyes fell on the person that I miss so much.

"Daddy!" I cried out his name and run to him as fast as I can.

"I missed you so much Daddy!" I mumbled while sobbing on his neck and I don't want to move because I'm so afraid that he's going to leave me again.

"I missed you more, so much baby. I am so sorry for leaving you for so long. Please forgive me." He muffled while caressing my back softly. My tears were not stopping to pour even I tried to. But through his calming voice, I collected myself again and able to look at him without tears.

"I love you Daddy—— Merry Christmas!" I greeted before I kiss his lips and then his nose. His eyes were glassy as he peppered me with lots of kisses before he greeted me back.

Everyone around us was so happy that they claps their hand and chant "merry Christmas."


Time quickly passed by, that after we enjoyed our delicious food, Daddy announce that it's time to open the xmas gifts.

My brothers lead the way as Ari open first his gifts and then Diony, twins, and then Eros. They were all happy and grateful to all the gifts that they received from me.

For Ari, I gave him a personalized Pen with his name engraved on it. For Diony a new Stethoscope for his studies. For Hady and Poly, they received from me a new limited edition smartwatch with their names engraved on it and they love it so much. While Eros was so surprised that I gave him a limited edition of Jordan Air shoes that only few was out. He was over the moon that he spun me around.

And ofcourse, I will never forget my presents to my Daddy, Gerard Lucas, Jade, Regina, Uncle Hugo and Lucy.

I have also gifts to my bestfriend——Isabelle and the twins—-Caden and Hayden, but I will give those to them on another day.

"Alright, now it's time for my daughter to open her gifts." Daddy announce again.

"This is for you Bambina." Ari said as he handed me a small red and green colored box. I hurriedly tore the wrapper and when I saw what inside, my eyes grew bigger because it's a golden locket.

When I open the locket, I can' help but cry because the pictures inside was me, my Mommy and Daddy. As I checked her photo, I recognized that it was her picture in her early 20's that she kept on her diary.

"Thank you Ari, I really love this gift." I told him before I gave his cheeks and chin a kiss. He then helped me put it on my neck before kissing the top of my head. Soon, it's Jade turn and I'm so happy when I saw her gift to me, it is a silver bracelet (pandora) with charms and my birthstone. I love it that's why I gave her a warm hug and kiss her cheeks too.

After her, Diony handed me his give and I was so shocked because it's flower seed that he bought from Italy—- the Middlemist Red Camellia , a rare kind and believed to be only two left in the world.

"Thank you so much for this Diony. I am so excited to plant this at my garden, thank you! thank you!." I blabber out as I kissed his cheeks and said how much I love him. I missed him so much and my heart just melted when I stare again at his beautiful blue-eyes.

"My turn." The twins said unison that brought laughter to everyone, again.

"I'm the oldest twin, so I should be the first, right Love?" Hady asked me and I don't know if it is fine to answer him without hurting Poly's heart.

"You just came first by only 3 minutes, 3.MINUTES!" He yelled at him and as I said, they gonna be the death of me. And I don't know if they are indeed 21 or 12 years old.

I saw how Daddy pinched his nose before he cut them off and told them to be more mature that they shouldn't put pressure on me. Which they did, as Hady let him go first.

"What inside?" I asked childishly when I realized that it's a big box. My hand didn't hesitate to tear the wrapper that revealed a kiddie bike.

I jumped happily because I really want to have one specially after Isabelle, Caden and Hayden got their own.

I quickly wrapped my tiny arms around Poly and told him how much I love him. He's very touched and showered me with kisses that was only stop when Hades give him a light smack.

"You idiot—- why did you give her a bike, she will get hurt with that!" Hades scolded and shooting him daggers. And I want to object that it's fine to get hurt sometimes, that it's part of growing up.

But you know Hady, he's very overprotective of me and I can't change that fact.

"Here you go my Love, hope you like it." Hades said after he calmed down and gave me a medium box that wrapped with my favorite color, green and blue. He asked me to tear the wrapper quickly and I do what he says.

"Wow! So pretttyyyy! Thank you so much Hady!" I squealed when I received a pink digital camera that exactly fits to my small hands.

"I'm happy that you like it." He said and I really do like it, no love it because I love to capture beautiful things.

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