《Our Little Moon》Chapter 52 - Regina Carmeli


"Ready to go?" Hades asked while looking at his sister, who looked so cute on her pink coat. She had black boots on, pink scarf and beanie that adds to her cuteness. She did smile at him and grabbed his hand that covered with knitted mittens.

"I'm so excited to meet her Hady, but are we not going to bring something?" And Hades chuckled because it never cross his mind and he finds it a nice idea.

"You're so smart and I think it's a good idea. But what do you think we should bring?" Luna then stared at him in disbelief.

She remember her mom told her that a boy should always bring flowers and chocolates when visiting a girl.

"Selene, don't look at me like that. I'll be honest with you, okay? I've never had a girl, I mean a friend girl or even a girlfriend and I have no idea what to bring even in a normal occasion. And what if, she doesn't like flowers or chocolates?" He blabber out that caused Luna to giggle but turned serious after she realized what he just said?

"So she would be your first girl friend? And who wouldn't like Flowers, Hady? And chocolates? All girls lovvveeee those." She blurted out. Hades rolled his eyes before he looked at her.

"Yes, she would be my first girlfriend, and I get it, okay! I'm naive for this stuff, by the way how did you know all of this? You're still a baby and boys are not allowed, remember?" He raised his brow as he asked her with stern voice.

"Ari said I can have boyfriends! like Caden and Hayden. And to answer your first question, my mommy told me about it. When a boy visits a girl, he should bring flowers and chocolates, because the scent of the flowers and the sweetness of chocolates makes the girl happy and contented." Luna told him, who looked at her in astonishment.

At that moment he wanted to say something but chose not to because he's afraid that she might give him another lecture.

Soon, the two get inside his car and drive to the nearest flower shop to buy those things, only for him to pause and rubbed the back of his neck because he has no idea which flowers and chocolate he's going to buy.

For the flowers there's a lot of variety to choose from while there is dark chocolate, white chocolate and the normal one.

"Love which flower do you think would be nice to get? As well as for the chocolate, because there's dark, white and the normal one." Hades said casually while Luna put her finger to her temple while thinking about his tiny predicament.

Hades tried not to smooch her because she looks so cute.

"Alright, I know now which flower to get. It's either Red roses or tulips. And for the chocolates, we can go for the normal one." And after that, Hades sighed in relief and thankful to his sister for being with him in this kind of situation. Soon, they've reached the shop and pulled up his car and hoping that those flowers and chocolates are available.

"Hi, do you have Red roses or tulips? And chocolates too, the normal one." Hades stated. The old lady that looked at him so intently, curled up her lips into smile.

"Yes we do have. But which one do you prefere? The roses or the tulips?" Hades don't know the answer but Luna was there again to save his ass.


"Hello Ma'am, can my brother have the Red Roses please? As he wanted to give it to his girlfriend." She said casually, and Hades' eyes widen in shocked and disbelief. The lady tried not to laugh because his face suddenly become the color of the tomato. Though it was the truth, he whispered to the old lady that she is indeed a dear friend but added that he really likes the girl.

The old lady smile at his honesty and because of that she gave him the fresh and beautiful arranged bouquet of red roses.

"Thanks, but what about the chocolate?" He asked and the old lady smile again and show to him the box of Ferrero Rocher chocolate. Hades choose the 42 pieces because he wanted her to have some fats on her body as she is so thin and tiny.

So after he paid the flowers and the chocolates, the siblings bid their goodbye to the lady and hit again the road towards Regina's apartment.

It didn't take long for Hades to be at Regina's place and Luna was so excited, you can see that through her eyes and Hades just shook his head in amusement, before he helped her getting out of the car.

Once she's out, she quickly jump at the mountain of snow while calling out Hades name. Hades was horrified but glad that she's fine when he saw her grinning face.

"Please be careful Selene, you almost gave me a heart attack." Hades told her in stern voice. Luna just smile at him.

"It's snowing Hady!" She squealed.

"I can see that."

"Where does she live?" Luna asked excitedly as she walked towards Hades.

"She lives right there." He pointed out to apartment near them.

"Let's go." As he grabbed her hand while holding the flowers and the chocolates with the other hand thought he's trying his best to not let any single petal to fall on the ground that caused Luna to giggle.

"I can help you know. I can carry the chocolates so that the roses won't damage." She suggested and because she seems right, Hades gave her the box of chocolate as they moved their legs towards her apartment.


"Hi Hades. Oh! you must be Luna. I'm Regina Carmeli, nice meeting you." Regina offered her hand for Luna to shake and then opened widely the door for them to come in. But before that, Hades showed her the flowers and the chocolates.

"This is for you and hope you like it, and this chocolates too."

Her face lit up once she saw the red roses.

"Thank you." And then sniffs its scent that brought smile to Hades and Luna.

They almost do the high-five but grateful that they didn't as it would be so awkward in front of her.

"But how did you know that my favorite flower is red roses?" Regina asked out of curiosity as she never mentioned telling that to him before.

"Well, a smart guess?" He answered even though it's all Luna's idea. Luna on the other hand was grinning like a cat, while staring at the two who didn't care that she's present at the moment. Regina rolled her eyes playfully before she guided them to her simple living room. She helped the little Luna in taking off her coat before she crouched down in front of her.

"Luna, can I offer you a hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows? And I have also chocolate chips cookies, would you like them too?" Regina asked softly. Luna gave her a sweet smile before she nods her head. She also switched on her television and turned to kids channel so that Luna could watch.


After that, her gaze turned to Hades who was enjoying sitting on the couch while staring at them.

"What about you Hades? Do you like hot chocolate and cookies too?" She asked innocently.

After their continuous talking over the phone or at her workplace, Hades and Regina really got along and she learned that he's a good guy and trustworthy.

"Yes." He smirked as if something improper thoughts running into his head. With that, Regina's face suddenly turned red, she's not sure if it's the embarassment or the gorgeousness of Hades that always cause her heart to thump abnormally.

And for that she quickly turned around and walk straight to her kitchen to prepare the hot chocolate and the cookies.

While doing it, she's still in trance. She still couldn't believe that he gave her flowers and chocolates. It keeps playing inside her head, why does he bothered to give her those? There was no occasion.

Looking back, no one ever did that to her. When she was 17, she left her home. Leaving her rich parents and her little brother behind. Now that she's 20, her focus was on her studies and her job only. She has no time for any relationship even fling. Right now she's taking up BS Biology as she dreamed to become a Pediatician someday.

"Hey, can I help you?" And Regina squeaked as she didn't expect Hades to follow her at the kitchen.

"You almost killed me!" She whined like a scaredy cat but Hades just laughed it off and finds her so cute.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you off."

"Okay but where's Luna?"

"She's watching cartoons, don't worry she's fine. Anyway can I help you with that?" He pointed to the steamy mugs on the tray. Regina nods her head as she carried the plate filled with choco cookies.

They got smile on their faces when their eyes fell on Luna who was so engrossed in front of the television. Her eyes fixed on the screen even they put down the food at the coffee table.

"Luna, this is for you and hope your like it."

Luna saw the hot chocolate with marshmallows and didn't hesitate to squeal in delight.

"Thank you. My mommy used to prepare like this for me, specially on cold days." She beamed, but suddenly looked away because of the thoughts of her mother.

Hades saw it and it's clear as day that she felt sad, thinking about her mother. He quickly run to her side to calm her down.

"It's okay my love, you'll be okay." He whispered to her ear while drawing circles at her back. It's breaking his heart too whenever she's sad and he will do everything to make her feel good.

Soon, Luna ragained herself and apologized to them. The two told her that there's nothing to sorry for as it's normal for a person to miss their loveones from time to time.

"It's okay not to be okay." Regina mumbled while looking at Luna. Because she was like her.... sometimes.

"Thank you Regina for these and they taste so delicious." She beamed before taking another bite at the cookies then drank the hot chocolate that leaves some stain on her upper lip that looked like a mustache. Hades pulled out his phone and takes photo of her while grinning and send to his brothers right away. Regina laughed at him and asked him to finish his food.

"Thank you Luna for coming here, I'm so happy that you visit me."

"Thank you also, Regie. Oh is it okay to call you that?" Luna asked, while Regina smile back at her as she liked the nickname, it reminds it of her little brother.

"And I really want to meet you because Hades told me that you're so nice and very pretty. And he's right, though." Luna told her casually.

But Hades almost spurted out his drinks because of Luna.

"I'm sorry Regina but my sister must be on high drugs or just joking, right Love." He asked her sister and hoping that she won't let him down again.

But it doesn't matter because Regina heard it as clear as day and Luna can't take back whatever she said.

Regina couldn't hold her giggles when she saw his red face. Luna saw it too and joined with her laughing. Soon, the apartment filled with their laughter that brought smile to Hades even it was because of him.

As time passed by, the three enjoy the moment by talking about the school, about their favorite color, food, until their topic went on how Regina living alone in a apartment.

Hades told Regina that she doesn't have to answer that if she felt uncomfortable.

"It's fine Hades. You're my friend and also Luna and I think you deserve to know.... Well to start, I left my home when I was 17 and reason is, my father wants me to marry off to a man that almost twice my age." Hades let out a low growl upon hearing that, but told her to ignore him and just continue.

"So after I found a small apartment because I need to save money for my college. I was lucky, because I met someone who helped me finds a job to earn money. But sometimes, people don't like you without any reason and the bad thing is, they will do everything to make you fall. And I was one of the unlucky ones. After I lost my old job, I sought my luck in this city until I was hired in a ba——, I mean in a store and then ta dah, here I am." She exclaimed and surreptitiously looked at Hades direction for almost slipping out in front of Luna.

"What are you taking at?" Hades asked all of the sudden. And Regina was grateful that he's not upset.

"BS in Biology—- I'm dreaming to become a pediatrician because I love kids and want to help them in the future." Regina answered him but her eyes were at Luna.

Hades was surprised and so was Luna.

"Ooh—-ah! My brother Diony is a future Doctor too. That's so great, right Hady?" Hades who looked surprised smile at his sister before his gaze turned to Regina.

"I didn't expect that, honestly. So you must be so smart." He stated. Regina just shrugged it off because she didn't like to sound arrogant. She's indeed a straight A student but it doesn't matter to her because it was still not enough for her father to become happy. Her face became gloomy because of that thought and Hades worriedly ask her what's the matter.

Luna thought that it's because of her family, for that she told her that she's not alone anymore.

"I will be your friend from now on, aside from Hades. I know you will not ask but if you need help, don't hesitate to tell me or Hades. Specially Hades because he likes you so much." She whispered the last sentence that was inaudible for Hades.

"What is it? Regina what did she tell you?" Hades asked nervously but Regina refused to answer him.

"I'm sorry Hade, but it's between me and her only. Snitches got stitches, remember?" Regina told him before they burst into laughing.

Hades felt so betrayed but what can he do?


So he just settled to listen to their conversation. That he found so interesting because he discovered more about Regina, about her likes and dislikes and other things and all thanks to Luna for being so smart.

And speaking of Luna, Hades phone suddenly rung out loud and when he saw who was on the screen, his eyes went wide.

Surprised to be specific, because it's his Dad—- Zeus.

"Hey Dad, how's everything." And upon hearing it, Luna's ears perked up and listen to his next words. Her eyes fixed to her brother because she wanted to know if her father is okay.

"Yes she's with me. Okay—-just a minute." And after that Hades gave his phone to Luna who happily accepted it and placed to her ears.

"Ciao figlia mia, come stai? Mi dispiace tanto se ti chiamo proprio ora. Per favore, non arrabbiarti con questo vecchio."

(Hello my daughter, how are you? I am so sorry if I call you just now. Please don't be angry at this old man.)

Zeus begged, his voice sounds so nervous because he missed to call her because of his mission.

"Sto bene papà. Va bene, sono solo preoccupato per te perché non hai chiamato e ho pensato che ti fosse successo qualcosa di brutto. Mi sei mancato così tanto papà, per favore torna da me."

(I am fine Daddy. It's okay, I'm just worried about you because you didn't call and I thought something bad happen to you. I missed you so much Daddy, please come back to me.)

Hades was speechless and silent while Regina had almost cried while listening to her conversation with her father. The way she said those words were like a bullet that shot through their heart.

"I promise baby that I will come back so soon. I will never break this promise because I missed you so so much mia figlia." Zues replied while trying to control himself to not tell the wonderful surprise that he has for her.

"Okay, I will wait for you Daddy. Please take care of yourself and don't let the bedbugs bite." Luna said humorously and from the other line you can hear how Zeus can't hold back his laughter because of daughter.

That even Hades and Regina laugh at her too. Luna on the other hand was silent because she doesn't want to end the call but she knew deep inside that she had to.

"Are you okay my Love?" Hades asked after the line was cut.

"Yes, I just missed him very very much." She muttered before sitting on his lap and pressed her head against his chest. Listening to his heartbeat gave her peace, help her to calm down and forget her sadness.

Hades made sure that she's fine and comfortable before he pressed his chin on top of her head while caressing her back and telling her that everything will be fine. That their father will come home very soon. Both Hades and Luna have no idea that their father found Diana, except Ares because Zeus needs a private plane for them to come back soon.

"I guess we had better get going." Hades stared at Regina before he looked down at his sister who started to doze off.

Regina agreed with him but feel sad because she wants them to stay for few hours more before going to her job.

"I'll come to pick you, okay?" Hades mumbled, afraid tha he might wake up Luna.

"Hades, I told you that there's no need to pick me everyday. I can go with taxi." Regina replied. She's grateful to Hades for coming to her after work, but she can't scratch out the possibility that she's becoming a burden to him.

"Alright." He answered but it's always like that. He always say "alright" but then his car would be seen at the parking lot in front of the Bar, waiting for her. And she can't do anything but get inside.

"See you." Hades told her and went to his car. He carefully placed down and buckled up his sister on her carseat while sleeping so piecefully. Hades can't stop himself but kissed her forehead before he goes to the driver's seat, switched on the engine and drove off towards their home.

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